Marine Headquarters, Marinford!

Just as Admiral Akainu was pressing forward, trying to get rid of Rock, a huge threat, as soon as possible!

Suddenly, a strange force appeared on the battlefield.

This mysterious team was very powerful and caused considerable damage to the Navy in a very short time.

The leader of this team, dressed in black with a top hat, was holding a steel pipe and killing everyone!


Rock was also quite surprised to see the person coming.

Why would the Revolutionary Army appear in Marinford at this time!?

To help Luffy?!

Could it be that Monkey D. Dragon is here too!?

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Rock's mind, but looking at the Revolutionary Army team led by Sabo, it seemed that they were not here entirely to help Luffy.

He quickly thought of a possibility.

It seemed that Robin had some special meaning to the Revolutionary Army, and Luffy and other members of the Revolutionary Army such as the Monstrum King Ivankov were also in Marinford.

As the leader of the Revolutionary Army, it was reasonable for Monkey D. Dragon to send Sabo to lead the team to Marinford.

I just don't know if the leader of the Revolutionary Army is hiding in the dark at this time.

"The Revolutionary Army?! Damn it, why are the Revolutionary Army here to join in the fun at this time!"

At this time,

Admiral Akainu also discovered the presence of Sabo and others, and his expression immediately became gloomy.

The situation had finally improved.

But the Revolutionary Army came to make trouble again. Did these hateful criminals treat the Navy Headquarters as an amusement park!?

"Those who do evil will eventually perish. Sooner or later, you will pay the price for your actions, Akainu!"

Facing the meteor volcano that kept falling in the small area,

Rock sneered and dodged calmly, and in turn angered Akainu.

Now Alice's life or death is uncertain.

He is naturally angry.

But for a strong man of Akainu's level, just being angry is useless.

After all, he just ate the two god-level fruits and couldn't directly suppress the navy admiral.

So after calming down a little, he was already planning to deal with Akainu.

"Humph, you better take care of yourself first, Rock!"

Admiral Akainu sneered.

He was indeed surprised by Rock's skyrocketing strength.

But at the same time, he was also extremely confident in his own strength.

Now that Rock has fallen into the trap, don't think about getting out easily.

After all.

Even if Rock's mysterious thunder ability is indeed terrifying, his magma is not a vegetarian!

"It's almost time, Admiral Akainu!"

Just when Admiral Akainu thought he was suppressing Rock, suddenly, an extremely gorgeous azure arc burst out from his body.

Although he had not suffered any substantial damage for the time being, Akainu was still shocked!

Oops, he was careless!

As expected, the arc that suddenly erupted from Akainu's body expanded again, and the color changed from azure blue to blood red!

At this moment,

Admiral Akainu was completely panicked.

Because he actually felt that his soul was being burned!?

The pain was like a thousand ants biting his heart!

What was going on?

Akainu, who was always known for his cruelty, finally panicked at this time.

With his rich combat experience, he immediately began to transform his whole body into magma elements, wanting to get rid of the current troublesome situation.

Only However, how could Rock, who had waited for a long time, let Akainu escape easily

? It is the right thing to do to beat the drowning dog!

Boom - almost at the same time,

Rock's fist wrapped with a wisp of domineering aura directly hit the body of the Navy Admiral Akainu.

This punch alone made Akainu spit out a mouthful of blood, and the elementalization of his whole body was also interrupted.

This is not over yet.

Then Rock's fist wrapped with extremely strong armed aura hit Akainu's chest again!

This opportunity was created by Rock's new move 'Death God Thunder Seed', which was created by simply fusing the abilities of 'Death God' and 'Thunder God'. The main point is to catch the opponent by surprise.

Now that the other party has given him so much face and let him get the chance, Rock will naturally not let him have an easy time.

Alice's Life and Death Uncertain.

Although Akainu cannot be killed now, he can still be beaten up!

Bang bang bang bang bang - iron fists wrapped in domineering power continuously hit the face of Admiral Akainu.

With his soul"torn", Akainu is currently in a very passive situation, and his entire face has been beaten into a pig's head by Rock!

In desperation.

Akainu can only take the initiative to cancel the magma barrier that blocked the surroundings.

In order to block Rock's retreat, the magma barrier took a lot of his effort.

However, in order to get rid of the current predicament, he can only cancel the magma barrier first!

At the same time.

What Rock is waiting for is that Akainu can't bear it anymore and actively cancels the magma barrier.

Ninety million volts·One sword style·Thunder dragon swallows red dog!

Rumble- at this moment.

When the magma barrier disappears in the battlefield of Marinford. On the field.

Everyone's attention was drawn to it again.

Just when the navy thought that Akainu had successfully dealt with Rock.

The scenes that happened next shocked everyone present!

There was a thunder that resounded through the sky.


A terrifying thunder dragon composed of billions of electric arcs flew into the sky with the embarrassed navy admiral Akainu!

At this moment.

Even the senior navy generals such as the Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku were so surprised that their jaws almost dropped to the ground!

What's going on! ?

Akainu was defeated by Rock! ?

How is it possible?!

Boom - under the gaze of the entire Marinford.

When Akainu was blasted into the sky by the thunder dragon, Rock's figure instantly appeared above Akainu, followed by another terrifying slash that chopped Akainu's body.

‘Poor Admiral Akainu was chopped down and smashed into the ice below!

"Humph, you got it easy!"

After beating Akainu up,

Rock sneered and stopped chasing him.

It's not that he was kindhearted and didn't want to take advantage of him.

But Akainu has now realized that if he doesn't climb out of the ice, he is most likely planning something sinister.

It was not easy to beat Akainu like this this time.

After all, the admiral is the top power in this sea. It is not that easy to injure or even kill him.

In addition, there is no need to fight with Akainu endlessly in the current situation.

However, he has left a 'Death God Thunder Seed' in Akainu's body.

The next time they meet, he will definitely let Akainu leave a better place than this time. Memory!

Swish -

Rock didn't stay in the air for too long. He was worried about Alice's situation, so he immediately flashed to the location of Momosagi and Alice.

At this time, because Rock"crushed" the Navy Admiral Akainu in public, the amazing effect began to expand.

With the Four Emperors Whitebeard finally stepping onto the battlefield in person.

The morale of the navy was on the verge of collapse!

Such a situation, from the Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku to the ordinary navy, could not have imagined it.

Because of this.

Rock's name was also thoroughly engraved in their hearts.

Everyone knew.

After the war.

Draculas·D·Rock's name will resound throughout the entire ocean!

. . . . . . .

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