As the words of the Four Emperors Whitebeard spread throughout Marinford, everyone present felt the sadness of this legendary figure. At the same time, even the navy had a touch of respect for Whitebeard in their hearts.

Only the Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku had a slightly bitter expression.

As Whitebeard's old rival, Sengoku knew Whitebeard very well.

This was indeed the style of the pirate Whitebeard.

But at the same time, he smelled something wrong.

Whitebeard wanted to die here, I'm afraid he had some other purpose!

Could it be that this guy wanted to imitate Roger! ?

"Senior Whitebeard, if there is no ship for you in the new era, then let’s build one!"

"Moreover, the new era that is coming will be completely different from what you predicted. You should continue to live and see the excitement of the new era!"

Rock dissuaded Whitebeard.

At the same time,

Fire Fist Ace, who was very excited because of the discovery of Sabo's existence, also brought Luffy and Sabo here quickly.

During this period, Admiral Aokiji wanted to stop him, but was stopped by Phoenix Marco!

"Dad, what nonsense are you talking about? Let us do the job of covering the rear!"

Fire Fist Ace saw the hideous wound on Whitebeard's body, and tears kept rolling in his eyes.

"Ace! Now is not the time for you to mess around."

"Compared to Rock, you are too impulsive. Go away, I am not negotiating with you!"

The Four Emperors Whitebeard was obviously very happy to see Ace, but he also had a bit of regret.

Ace's strengths are also his weaknesses. If he doesn't correct them, he will die sooner or later.

"Senior Whitebeard, it's too early to cover the retreat. Let's not talk about the three admirals of the navy for now. Now we have a new enemy."

After interrupting the conversation between Whitebeard and Ace,

Rock sneered and looked at the port of Marinford, the group of people who had just landed.

That is, the Blackbeard Pirates!

What a coincidence.

I thought I wouldn't run into them, but I didn't expect that I couldn't avoid them in the end.

However, this is the bad luck of the Blackbeard Pirates. Rock naturally has no good feelings for the ambitious Blackbeard Marshall Teach, but he hates him very much.

Especially when he thinks that this guy may attack the Empress in the future, Rock hates him extremely.

Therefore, since he has the opportunity this time, he will naturally not let Blackbeard go easily!

"Teach! ?"

Soon, following Rock's gaze,

Whitebeard and Ace also discovered Blackbeard's presence, and their expressions suddenly became gloomy.

At this point, everyone knows that the culprit who provoked this war is Blackbeard Marshall Teach.

The Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy Headquarters suffered heavy losses, but Blackbeard took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and brought out several vicious pirates from Impel Down.

In Ace's eyes, Blackbeard has become the person he hates the most, no one else.

Whitebeard's emotions are more complicated, after all, Blackbeard was once one of his beloved"sons".

But no matter what, Blackbeard is now the biggest shame of the Whitebeard Pirates!

"Phoenix Marco, protect your father and retreat slowly!"

"Luffy, Ace, Sabo, how about coming with me to deal with the Blackbeard Pirates! ?" Rock didn't think for too long and made a decision immediately.

According to the time calculation, since Blackbeard has appeared, the other Four Emperors Red-haired Shanks should also land in Marineford soon.

And Rock doesn't want to make enemies with the powerful Red-haired Shanks now.

Therefore, he needs to get rid of Blackbeard and his gang before selling face to eliminate future troubles!

As for the navy, as long as Whitebeard and others can hold on until Red-haired Shanks lands, they will naturally have a great chance to escape unscathed.

"Rock, don't be impulsive, just go!"

"No matter what the purpose of your attack just now is, it will completely anger the World Government. Perhaps the real guardian of the Celestial Dragons is already on his way to Marinford."

Seeing that Rock was going to take Ace and others to attack Blackbeard and his gang,

Whitebeard immediately stopped them.

We can't delay any longer, otherwise, with his current status, he might not even be qualified to cover everyone's retreat!

"Don't worry, Senior Whitebeard, I know what's going on!"

Faced with Whitebeard's reminder,

Rock said he didn't need to worry.

In fact, he could get the latest information from the World Government from the Palace of Charlulia at all times.

Originally, the Five Elders did want to ask for permission to dispatch the Knights of God.

But because the Knights of God had a heavy responsibility and were currently dealing with important matters, the Five Elders gave up the plan after learning that the Palace of Charlulia was fine.

They only sent a few powerful CP0s to Marinford for the Palace of Charlulia to dispatch.

Because of this, Rock was not in a hurry.

""Rock, you are indeed very strong, but it must be me who kills Teach!"

Soon, as Rock took action,

Ace and Sabo also followed quickly with Luffy, but even if they tried their best to catch up, they could only linger far behind Rock.

Moreover, Rock deliberately suppressed his speed to a very slow level.

This made Ace, the Fire Fist with a bounty of 500 million berries, feel very uncomfortable.

From childhood to adulthood, he had hardly seen anyone stronger than him among his peers.

But Rock really shocked him.

He was obviously younger than him, but he already had such a powerful strength!

He took seriously the record of Rock's amazing performance in the Marinford battlefield, and admitted that his strength was indeed inferior to Rock's.

But admitting is admitting.

He Portgas·D·Ace, I will never be discouraged!

"Ah, Ace! Rock! I know that Blackbeard too, and I must be the one who killed him in the end!"

Just when Ace was unilaterally competing with Rock,

Luffy suddenly got involved, but as expected, he got a cold stare.

""Hahaha, Luffy, don't mess around in front of Ace and Mr. Rock, and remember to stay by my side during the battle!"

Sabo had recovered his memory at this time, and he looked at Luffy with a doting expression.

At the same time, on the other side, when Blackbeard saw Ace leading his men rushing over, he was almost crazy with joy.

He was originally complaining about the navy's uselessness, and that they had not been able to completely injure Whitebeard and others, making it difficult for him to easily open up the situation.

Now look what happened.

Ace actually came to my door again.

What a good captain!

With Ace in hand, his chances of getting the Tremor-Tremor Fruit will be greatly increased!

After all, Ace is the son that his father cares about the most!

"Hahahaha, Ace, I didn't expect you are not dead yet?"

"Eh? Straw Hat Luffy, the other two look a bit unfamiliar, Ace, are you just going to die with these three guys!? Hahahahahaha!"

Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach laughed wildly.

Obviously, he didn't take Rock and others who were attacking him seriously.

Until, a thunder resounded through the sky!............

PS:Yesterday, the assessment was done very late, and I didn't have time to ask for leave from the bosses. Today, I moved my luggage during the day and typed at night.

I won't say anything more. The holiday has come, and I must pay back the updates I owe!

If nothing unexpected happens, I will guarantee three updates during the update period!

The data has dropped sharply, everyone continue to support me, and Xiaohuo will sort out the plot carefully. I have been too busy these days and my mind is a bit confused~

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