At this moment.

Facing the Rain Shiryu who came to intercept him.

Rock sneered, and put himself in the position of a"weak" in his words.

After all, Shiryu looked confident.

If you don't cooperate, wouldn't his confidence be in vain! ?


When the surrounding navy and pirates heard Rock's words, everyone reacted with a lump in their throats.

Brother, we can't play like this.

You killed the Navy Admiral Kizaru in half a war with one sword, and beat another Navy Admiral Akainu into a pig's head. You even fought against the Four Emperors Whitebeard and almost split the sky.

Now facing the Rain Shiryu, you say you are afraid?!

Do you really think no one has downloaded the anti-fraud app! ?

"Rock, stop pretending, I know you have become stronger!"

"Come on, let me see your current strength!!"

Although the navy and pirates around him looked upset, as if they were complaining about Rock's lack of martial ethics.

But in fact, Xilu of Rain was not careless at all.

After all, the strength shown by Rock did not allow him to be careless.

He just treated Rock as an opponent of the same level as himself.

Of course, this was also what he thought was the limit.

Only a few days had passed, and it was extremely unusual for Rock's strength to be close to or even equal to his. He couldn't really become stronger than him, right!?

After all, he was also a famous swordsman on this sea.

"Unfortunately, this sea is going to lose another powerful swordsman."

Just as the battle between Rock and Rain Shiryu was about to break out, the world's number one swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk, who was hiding in the crowd, suddenly sighed in a low voice.

In the eyes of this world's number one swordsman, if Rain Shiryu regarded Rock as an opponent who was several times stronger than himself, and fought to the death with all his strength from the beginning, there might be a chance of survival.

Unfortunately, Rain Shiryu obviously underestimated Rock.

This great swordsman who relied on the famous sword Thunderstorm not only could not gain any advantage in front of Rock, but would be completely suppressed!

Sure enough.

Just as Hawkeye Mihawk expected.

From the moment Rock showed his true strength,

Rain Shiryu knew that he had lost!

Whether in swordsmanship or in any other aspect, he was defeated by Rock. Steady control.

It was not until this moment that Shiliu realized how ridiculous his perception was.

Unfortunately, everything was irreversible.

When the current of up to 90 million volts, accompanied by the pressure of the Eye of Death, penetrated the body of Shiliu of Rain.

The former deputy warden of the Impel Down City, the great swordsman Shiliu of Rain, completely lost the ability to resist.

From the beginning of the battle between the two to the time when his head rolled to the ground, less than 30 seconds had passed!

He didn't even leave a last word!

And at this moment!

As Rock killed Shiliu of Rain in an instant.

The whole of Marinford was shocked!

Compared with Badgers, Shiliu of Rain was much more famous and powerful.

Therefore, when Shiliu of Rain was also killed by Rock, everyone present truly felt the powerful strength of Rock!

"You are worthy of being the man who can make me fall in love!"

On the edge of the battlefield.

The world's most beautiful Pirate Queen was almost fascinated by Rock. She made a heart ♥ gesture in the air and publicly expressed her love to Rock.

This scene was also seen by Nami and Robin.

They were naturally surprised and delighted by Rock's powerful strength.

But somehow, after seeing the Pirate Queen publicly express her love for Rock, they all had some calculations in their hearts.


In addition to the shock of the crowd, there were two people who hated Rock very much.

One of them was naturally the admiral of the navy, Akainu.

He now wished he could help Blackbeard Marshall d'Teach to get rid of Rock.

In his opinion, even if Blackbeard Marshall d'Teach was hateful, he was far inferior to Rock.

What Rock did today could be called the greatest shame in the history of the navy!

However, even if he could ignore the face of the navy and join forces with the pirates in the navy headquarters to kill Rock, he couldn't do it.

Because just now he received an order from Marshal Sengoku, or more precisely, from the Five Elders of the World Government.

He was asked to search for the traces of Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia Palace immediately, and to protect the latter before the arrival of the CP0 masters.

That's why Akainu hated him!

He knew that it would be almost impossible to keep Rock in this way.

Damn it, I don't know what the World Government thinks!

Shouldn't Xia Lulia Palace hate Rock very much? . . .

In addition to Akainu

, the other person who hated Rock very much was undoubtedly Blackbeard Marshall Teach.

He never expected that even Rain Shiryu was killed instantly.

It is no exaggeration to say that when he saw this scene, he almost had a cardiac arrest, and was counterattacked by Fire Fist Ace!

The current situation is very critical!

In addition to Rock, a guy with terrifying strength,

Fire Fist Ace is not a good guy either, and what surprised Blackbeard Marshall Teach even more was that it was not only Rock and Ace.

The young man wearing a top hat was also very powerful, not much worse than Ace.

Even Straw Hat Luffy's strength has become stronger.

This hit Blackbeard Marshall Teach hard.

Originally, he thought that he was about to usher in a great era belonging to the Blackbeard Pirates.

But now, why can't he even deal with a few young kids!

Could it be that his era has not yet arrived and has been skipped! ?

"I can not be reconciled!!!"

"You guys stop the others, as long as we can catch Ace, we have a chance to turn the tables!"

Seeing the pirate group he had worked so hard to build quickly fall apart under the attack led by Rock.

But Blackbeard Marshall Teach still did not give up.

He thought that as long as he could capture a suitable hostage, he could use it as a threat and have a chance to turn the tables!


His idea was good, but during his"fantasy".

Blackbeard Pirates crew members Otokoshi Van Oka, Devil Sheriff Lafitte and Death God Poison Q were killed instantly by Rock one after another.

"Just based on you, are you worthy of being called the god of death! ?"

When Rock easily killed the god of death, Poison Q, with the undead in his hand, he looked at the latter's body and smiled coldly. A piece of trash with a bounty of more than 70 million berries is worthy of being called the god of death!?

At the same time.

As Rock successively killed five main cadres of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Even the three brothers, Fire Fist Ace, Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo, and Straw Hat Luffy, were a little dizzy. They were obviously of similar age, why could Rock stand out?!

But even if they were dissatisfied, they had no choice.

Because even with the pride of Fire Fist Ace, he had to admit that Rock's strength was far superior to his!

"Hahahaha, don't be happy too soon, Ace, have you seen daddy's physical condition?"

"Dad won't live long."

"And it’s all because of you, Ace, you thief, hahahaha!"


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