At this moment, when the blood-red slashing light dissipated in the sky, everyone present was shocked.

Even Kizaru, the admiral of the navy, Zephyr, the former admiral of the navy, or Momotobu, the former admiral candidate of the navy, could not hide the shock in their eyes.

Therefore, just based on the extraordinary momentum displayed by Rock just now, he has surpassed the admiral of the navy!

You know, the admiral of the navy is known to symbolize the strongest combat power of the navy.

And now, Draculas, who is under 18 years old·D·Rock actually has the momentum to surpass the admiral of the navy!

How terrifying!

"Hahahaha, you really are worthy of being my most proud disciple!"

"Borsalino, you rely too much on the devil fruit. Look at Rock now. Even if you have the fastest ability in the world, you may not be Rock's opponent!! ?"

After recovering from his shock, the former admiral Zephyr couldn't help laughing.

As a teacher who has trained countless newcomers, he is undoubtedly ecstatic to be able to train a disciple like Rock.

After all, his most proud disciple has now reached the top of the sea!

And Rock is still so young.

In time, the admiral of the navy will probably be trampled under his feet!

""Oh~ It's really scary, but Mr. Zefa, it seems I only need to deal with you~"

Facing Zefa's teasing.

Kizaru's expression did not change.

Is Rock strong?

Of course he is strong, and to a very scary degree. It's not an exaggeration at all.

He has never even heard of a monster like Rock who grows so fast.

But what does this have to do with him, Kizaru. Anyway, it's not him who will deal with Rock next!

Sure enough. As soon as the voice of Admiral Kizaru fell.

There was a huge movement on the sea in the distance.

An object like a fireball was rushing towards Rock at high speed, and the sea water below it was evaporating continuously!

"Yo~ The good show has finally begun~"

Kizaru saw this scene on the sea from afar and immediately curled his lips.

Akainu is here, it's time to work!

Swoosh - immediately.

While Akainu attacked Rock,

Kizaru also attacked the former admiral Zephyr. A beam of light shot over and pierced the battleship under Zephyr's feet.

Boom - at the same time. Another admiral of the navy, Akainu, finally arrived at the battlefield, and his powerful magma fist was thrown at Rock, but the latter blocked it with a knife.

"It's only been a few days since I last saw you, but you've become stronger again"

"I really can't leave you alone, Rock!"

Admiral Akainu stepped back a dozen steps to stabilize his body. From where he stood, a huge amount of magma generated by his arms poured into the sea and turned into hard rock.

After a while, a rock battlefield with a radius of more than a kilometer was formed.

"Akainu, are you planning to sacrifice those ordinary marines?!"

At this time, Rock ignored Akainu's threat.

In fact, with his current strength, even if Akainu went completely crazy, there would be no unpredictable risks.

"In order to eliminate a dangerous person like you, appropriate sacrifice is worth it, everything is for justice!"

Akainu looked in the direction that Rock pointed, and he did see the changes in the eyes of those navy soldiers. They seemed to be very angry about his decision just now.

But he has his own code of conduct, just as he said.

In order to resolve the crisis, appropriate sacrifice is necessary!

But Akainu obviously ignored the feelings of those marines again. As soon as

Akainu said this.

The marines who almost died tragically under the meteor volcano just now were completely dim in their eyes and filled with anger in their hearts.

Even Momotosagi and Zefa's subordinates felt that Akainu's words were too much.

Only the marines who arrived at the battlefield right after Akainu were relatively calm.

They were not the first to be sacrificed, and as Akainu's direct line, they also agreed with absolute justice.

"Hahahaha, it's all for justice!"

After hearing Akainu's answer,

Rock couldn't help laughing.

Very good, very good.

Akainu should be credited for the successful establishment of the new navy!

"Marines over there, isn't Akainu's act of sacrificing you exactly the same as the Marine Headquarters' act of sacrificing you to please the Celestial Dragons?!"

Seeing that the Marines were already very dissatisfied with Akainu,

Rock naturally would not give up this great opportunity.

He immediately secretly activated his Observation Haki extension ability, Voice of the Heart, and began a speech that touched people's hearts.

"Marines, what kind of justice do you believe in? Do you want to be a running dog of the Celestial Dragons or a tool of the World Government?"

"Even so, do we still need to be prepared to be sacrificed at any time?"

"Is the corrupt navy really worthy of your loyalty? Even the famous Zephyr has become a victim!"

"The veterans who have trained countless backbones will become victims and not even get a bit of respect."

"What reason does such a navy have to exist? Justice was not smeared by me, Rock, but trampled by the Navy Headquarters!"

"Marines with a sense of justice, come on, join me and Teacher Zefa in building a new navy, and you will all become heroes in building a new order!"

"In addition, I, Rock, guarantee that all companions who leave the Navy and join us will receive double the salary!"...

As Rock's voice went straight into people's hearts, the marines originally led by Kizaru obviously had other ideas.

Before Rock could finish speaking,

Akainu obviously realized that something was wrong and immediately dodged and rushed towards Rock.

At this time, Akainu was frightened.

Fortunately, there were not many marines here.

Otherwise, Rock's remarks, coupled with Zephyr's support, would the foundation of the navy be dug up! ?


"Are you nervous? Admiral Akainu, but it seems to be too late!"

Seeing Akainu rushing to attack,

Rock smiled coldly and easily dealt with Akainu's attack in the thunderous vibration.

Although Akainu realized the seriousness of the matter, it was too late.

Rock's conversation just now had already been passed on to someone.���The video of the Den Den Mushi set up by the big boss of the world of news was transmitted to naval bases all over the world.

Even the situation that Akainu planned to sacrifice a large number of marines was not missed.

""Oops! Damn Rock!!!"

At this time, Akainu also found something wrong.

He looked around carefully and found that there were many video Den Den Mushi on the distant island and in the surrounding area.

At this moment, Akainu's heart instantly fell to the bottom.

Because he found that it was not Rock who fell into the trap!

It was Akainu and the Navy Headquarters!!!

"Borsalino, don't hold back, kill Zephyr-sensei now, immediately, right now!" Akainu reacted quickly and shouted to Kizaru, he didn't lose! He hasn't lost yet! There's still room for everything!


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