Kraikana Island.

At this moment.

When the ghost princess Perona saw the face of the mysterious man in front of her, she trembled in the air. Her pretty face was instantly replaced by fear!

"Luo...Rock, are you the King of Hell, Rock, with a bounty of 3.6 billion berries! ?"

"The man who helped the Whitebeard Pirates destroy the Navy Headquarters!?"

Perona's voice trembled, and she no longer had the composure she had when she talked to Zoro.

There was no other way.

According to the events published in the previous two issues of Big News, the young man in front of her was extremely powerful!

Facing such a person, even if Perona was very confident in her fruit ability, she had to be cautious.

After all, she knew clearly that in the face of absolute strength, she was not even qualified to take action.

If Rock really came with bad intentions, she could not act rashly unless there was an excellent opportunity.

"Ah, you are the Princess Mononoke Perona, right? Nice to meet you. I am Rock."

"Hey, Zoro, what are you mumbling about with your butt sticking up on the ground?!"

Rock ignored Perona's thoughts.

It's just a ghost. Which soul dares to act rashly in front of the god of death!?

However, Perona's fruit ability is indeed interesting. It can make Zoro lie on the ground and repent so cowardly. It's quite powerful.

"Well...What does it have to do with you, damn guy, you are having fun in Marinford!"

At this time, the effect of the negative ghost gradually dissipated, and Zoro struggled to sit up, looking at Rock with a rather"unfriendly" look.

As the de facto second-in-command of the Straw Hat Pirates, Zoro really hoped that it was him who made a scene with Luffy in the Marine Headquarters.

But he also knew that his strength was far from Rock's.

Even his swordsmanship was no exception.

Even Hawkeye was very sure of Rock's swordsmanship.

So even though his injuries were not healed, he was practicing very hard these days.

In a word, he, Zoro, could accept that Rock was stronger than him, but he could not accept that his swordsmanship was not as good as Rock's!

"Marinford? That's history."

"Zoro, how is your training here? Why don't you come with me? After all, Hawkeye's swordsmanship is just average~"

Rock looked at the wounded Zoro and said with a smile, while looking deeper into the island.

As the host, Hawkeye must have known what happened here.

In this case, Rock was naturally happy to take the initiative.

It is not a simple matter to recruit Hawkeye.

Buzz -

Sure enough.

Before Rock finished speaking.

A powerful green slash suddenly burst out from the depths of the island, slashing towards Rock's position at a high speed!

"Oops, get out of Rock's way!"

Zoro's expression suddenly turned cold when he saw the terrifying slash.

This slash alone was a level that he couldn't achieve even if he tried his best!

And this might just be Hawkeye's ordinary serious slash!

Is this the true level of the world's number one swordsman?!

"Mihawk, don't be so angry, we are all friends."

Facing Hawkeye's powerful slash.

Rock was not panicked at all.

The power of this slash was more powerful than the one Hawkeye slashed at Whitebeard during the war at the top.

And Rock smelled a strong fighting spirit.

It seems that his provocation is very effective.

Boom - finally.

The slash from the world's number one swordsman hit Rock fiercely, but after a burst of sound, the latter was still unscathed.

Even the corner of his clothes was not dirty.

This scene made Zoro frown.

Damn it, the slash just now was enough to take half of his life.

But Rock didn't even move!?

Damn it!

""Hmph, who cares if you're the King of Hell? Just try the power of the Negative Ghost. Ha ha ha ha ~"

Just as Rock was waiting for Hawkeye to show up, several Negative Ghosts suddenly emerged from the ground and passed through Rock's body one by one at a very fast speed.

Seeing Rock being hit, the Ghost Princess Perona was immediately overjoyed.

She didn't want to provoke Rock at first, but who asked Hawkeye to do it?

Now that she lives in Hawkeye's house, she has to show her loyalty to the latter.


Rock's relationship with the Lost Idiot seems to be good, so even if she fails, there shouldn't be any big danger.

Of course, none of this matters now, because she succeeded!!

No matter who it is, except that weird long nose, no one can resist the power of her Negative Soul!

"Hahaha, Rock didn't expect you to be tricked, didn't you? See if you dare to mock me again!"

Seeing Rock being pierced through by several negative ghosts, Zoro couldn't help but laugh.

He couldn't wait to see Rock lying on the ground and repenting.

However, the scene that Zoro and Perona expected did not appear.

In fact, the style of the painting gradually deviated from their imagination.

"Tsk, it's quite comfortable."

After being pierced by negative souls continuously, Rock didn't feel any discomfort, and even felt the comfort of a breeze.

But now is not the time to enjoy it.

As a blood-red light flashed in Rock's eyes, the faces of those negative ghosts suddenly became distorted, from funny to fearful.

Then, all the negative ghosts left Rock's body, floated in front of Rock one by one, and then they all prostrated on the ground.

At this moment, it seemed that the emotions of the negative ghosts were fed back to the ghost princess Perona.

Her expression also became fearful like a ghost, and then she knelt down on the ground in front of Rock with a plop, her body trembling!

"Hey, bitch, what are you doing? Are you crazy?"

Zoro looked at Perona in confusion.

Crazy, this woman and those ghosts are crazy!——

"Draculas·D·"Rock, this is my territory after all, aren't you going too far?"

At the same time, the world's number one swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk, finally appeared, with the black knife behind him shining coldly.

"Don't get me wrong, we should be friends, right? Mihawk?"

Rock smiled and looked at Hawkeye.

The ghost princess Perona also returned to normal at this moment, looking at Rock with extreme fear.

But Rock ignored Perona.

After what happened just now, Rock's understanding of the power of the Death Fruit has deepened, thanks to Perona.

Just at that moment, if he wanted to kill Perona, he didn't even need to do it himself, the latter would take the initiative to commit suicide.

All those who have the power of the soul fruit will be in the abyss in front of the god of death.

"Rock, don't blame me for not reminding you, I have very few friends, because their swords are not recognized by me!"

Hawkeye looked at Rock with his sharp yellow eyes, and then he slowly drew out the black sword behind him.

The world's number one swordsman, full of fighting spirit.


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