After Agreeing To Get Engaged with the Sick Man

Chapter 220: I found you (seeking a monthly pass)

  Chapter 220 I found you (seeking monthly ticket)

"But some people will definitely take care of it. Our country's police uncle is very good, willing to listen to every criminal's heart and criminal motives, and will give you a chance to atone. So if you really want to confide in your pity and suffering If you are treated unfairly, I suggest you wait a while for the police to come, and then talk to them."

  The trembling girls who were still angry just now couldn't help but burst out laughing when they heard this.

  The hatred that was originally entangled in the heart, but I don’t know why it has disappeared a lot.

  It may be because the girl’s voice is so nice.

  It may also be because of her careless and overwhelming attitude towards these traffickers, which made them finally feel the sense of security that they have been missing for a long time.

  The face of the old woman and the old man holding the child changed drastically.

  They fiercely pushed the knife in their hands against the child's fragile neck.

   "I don't care what you say! Anyway, I will never let my son die, nor will he be caught by the police!"

  "Hurry up and let go of my son, or we will kill these kids!!"

  The traffickers who were **** in a group called out loudly: “Parents, please help us! We don’t want to die!”

  The old man burst into tears, "Son, don't be afraid, dad/mother will definitely save you!!"

  Sometimes there is a child's crying and a woman's cursing.

  Let the scene become a mess.

  Xia Shengge pinched a few stones in his hand, and tossed it up and down, with his brows slightly raised.

  In her previous life, the accuracy of [Flying Stone] had reached 100%.

  But this life has not been reborn for a long time, and I have never exercised.

  Have just thrown eight stones, and can only hit four at most.

  It was successful before because more villagers were victimized than human traffickers.

  She fishes in troubled waters, assists from it, and the difficulty is relatively small.

   But now, a few children are in the hands of the old beasts, and once she shoots, she must hit all of them.

  Otherwise, some of these children may become victims.

  Xia Shengge is not sure of this.

  No one noticed. Boss Qi, who was in a coma before, didn’t know when he would wake up.

   was cautiously crawling towards one of the pistols that had been lost, arch by arch.

  His eyes towards Xia Shengge were full of spiteful killing intent.

  The atmosphere is on the verge of noisy.

Boss Qi finally grabbed a gun and raised it to face Xia Shengge, with a crazy expression on his face.

   Pull the trigger suddenly.

  However, there was a clicking sound.

   turned out to be an empty gun!

  But this voice has already alarmed the "Cuihua" standing aside, she yelled, "Old Qi, he got the gun, be careful!!"

  Boss Qi's complexion changed a lot, and he had to pull the trigger in his hand one after another.

  But at this moment, a rumbling voice came from the sky.

  The squally wind curled, rustling the jungle in the night, and aroused countless birds and beasts.

  Everyone subconsciously looks up to the sky.

Boss Qi also subconsciously paused when he pulled the trigger and looked up.

   Then, he saw a man in a camouflage uniform holding a sniper rifle aiming at him at the gate opened by the helicopter.

  The red light swayed slightly on his forehead.

  Boss Qi’s pupils suddenly shrank, and panic occupied all his expressions.

"no, do not want……"

   Before he could make a sound, the bullet had penetrated his shoulder and pinned him to the ground.

  Then the second gunshot, the third and the fourth.

  Every time there was a sound, the villagers who held their children with knives would scream and fall down.

  In just a few seconds, the overall situation has been settled.

  Xia Shengge's hands slowly dropped, and the stones pinched in his hands also fell to the ground.

  She raised her head in a daze, looking at the falling ladder on the plane.

  Looking at the man who fell in front of her without even stepping on the ladder.

  Xia Shengge moved her lips, and it took a long time to find her voice, "Nine...Master..."

  The voice disappeared into the man's trembling and hot embrace.

  Hugging her hands tightly as if she wanted to rub her into the blood.

  Bones were strangled with pain.

  But in such pain, Xia Shengge felt that it was only at this moment that he had broken free from the emptiness and fear of the previous life.

  She was dull for a long time before reaching out and hugging Lu Jiucheng tightly.

   There was a low whimper like a cub in his mouth.

  She is still alive.

  She was not divided by Qi Ming.

  She did not fall into that **** in Derain.

  The Jiuye in front of her is real, the beating of her heart is real, and the warm embrace is real.

   Great, really... Great.

  Lu Jiucheng listened to the girl's cry, only to feel as if someone was scraping his flesh and heart with thorns.

  Distress rushed up along with the violence.

  Almost everyone who made the pressure around him low wanted to run away.

  Lu Jiucheng said: "Who hurt you?! Or everyone here?"

  The villagers of Pingmo Village on the side were almost frightened when they came into contact with Lu Jiucheng’s sight.

  Xia Shengge was taken aback, stopped crying, and raised his head.

  Her crying eyes are red, her nose is also red, and her watery eyes are like a frightened deer, unspeakably pitiful and cute.

  Lu Jiucheng only felt that the pressure in his heart could not be restrained, and it was almost overflowing.

  The scarlet stained the corners of his eyes, making him uncontrollably want to tear all the living people he saw in front of him.

  Especially those traffickers who were **** with cowhide ropes, were even more frightened.

  They don’t know who the man in front of them is?

  When they were stared at by those eyes, they actually felt that their souls seemed to be pinched.

  The next moment, this man like Shura will send them all into the **** where they cannot survive.

   But obviously they didn’t do anything to that little girl!

  The villagers of Pingmo Village were almost crying.

  The little girl was so cruel that she single-handedly overturned all the traffickers in their village. What can they do?

  Even the ordinary villagers who did not help the abuser could not help shivering.

   kept crying in her heart: "Bodhisattva, don't cry, don't pretend to be pitiful, please explain the truth and save us!"

  "Hello, are you Miss Xia Shengge?"

  At this moment, a clear voice sounded, breaking the almost suffocating atmosphere.

  Xia Shengge wiped her tears and turned to look around, only to realize that the talking was a policeman in camouflage uniforms.

  She immediately stiffened and nodded and said, "I am!"

  The memory of escaping from Delan in her previous life always makes her feel inexplicable awe and guilty conscience towards the police.

The police showed her a kind and grateful smile: "Thanks to Miss Xia for your help and guidance, we captured this multinational human trafficker group and rescued so many hostages. I represent our Public Security Bureau and Yundu, People in City S, I would like to express my most sincere thanks to you!"

  (End of this chapter)

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