After Agreeing To Get Engaged with the Sick Man

Chapter 366: Take you to a funeral together

  Chapter 366 Take you to a funeral

  "Steve, don't touch her!! Bastard, you dare to touch her, I won't let you go!!!"

   The stubborn and stubborn light in his eyes, at this moment, is also extinguished a little bit because he can't protect the person who cares.

  The boy who was tied to the iron frame had red eyes, and he shook the iron chain tied to his body creaked.

  Ning watched this scene with a long-term expression of indifference, but his hands hidden in his sleeves were tightly clenched, and his nails were deeply embedded in his palms, but he didn't notice it.

Pullman, who was crawling at his feet, closed his eyes, turned his head and did not dare to look, tears falling from his eye sockets.

  Courage is very precious and rare. He muster it up once, but he can't afford it a second time.

  However, the mutation happened at this moment.

  The weak and poor girl who had been looking down her eyes all the time, suddenly violent at the moment when the soldering iron in Steve's hand was stretched out.

  She stood up abruptly, hugged Steve's neck with her hands, opened her mouth and bit on it hard.

  A large piece of skin with flesh and blood was torn off by Jiang Xiaoguo.

  Steve was in pain and was about to reach out to Jiang Xiaoguo’s hair.

  Jiang Xiaoguo saw that his hand was relaxed, grabbed the soldering iron in Steve's hand, and poke it hard.

  Along with the sizzle of scorching flesh, Steve let out a scream and kicked it out.

  Jiang Xiaoguo's small body was kicked out a few meters away, turning several somersaults and stopping.

  But her face still covered with blood showed a wild smile.

  The hall is silent.

  Even the security guard who was about to drag people up the stairs stopped and watched the scene in shock and trepidation.

  Ning Changyuan and Pullman stood up suddenly, the blood on their faces almost faded.

   "Crazy!" Flor let out a cry of exclamation, with obvious amazement in his eyes, "Jiang Xiaoguo, are you crazy? Do you know the consequences of attacking Steve?"

  Jiang Xiaoguo laughed loudly: "I care about the consequences of his mother, even if the old lady is going to die, she will take you to the funeral together!"

"you are too naive!"

  It turned out to be Ning Changyuan who spoke this time.

  He stared at this crazy girl, with admiration in his eyes, but more of pity, "You don't even know what kind of punishment you will suffer if you attack the law enforcement in Class F!"

  There is no sight, no hearing, and no five senses. All that is left is boundless darkness and scruples.

   and from time to time electric shocks.

  No matter how strong-willed people are, they will go crazy in such a small dark room.

  In the end, you even hope that the time for the electric shock will come soon.

  Because that at least you still know that you are alive.

  Steve pulled out the soldering iron from his body and stood up. There was blood on his neck, and a big hole was pricked by the soldering iron on his shoulder.

But there was no pain on his face. Instead, he grinned more and more excitedly: "Okay, very good! I haven't met anyone who can hurt me for a long time. Jiang Xiaoguo...Haha, Jiang Xiaoguo, Dongfang People really surprised me, each one is so interesting, making me even more want to destroy it by myself."

  While speaking, Steve had already pressed the button on the watch in his hand and operated it on the light curtain.

   Soon, Jiang Xiaoguo let out a groan and fell to the ground convulsively.

  "Little Fruit! Little Fruit!!!"

  Leng Ziang finally broke free of the iron chain. He ignored the wound on his hand and rushed to Jiang Xiaoguo a few steps.

  As soon as he was about to touch him, he felt an electric current penetrated his body, causing him to let out a painful grunt.

  Steve watched this scene with interest, and said to Flor on the side: "Go, lock that girl in the little black room, and grind her claws first."

   "Yes." Flor glanced at Jiang Xiaoguo, licked her lips, showing a greedy and eager expression, "Mr. Steve, before entering the little black room, can we first..."

  Steve thought for a moment, then chuckled: "Do whatever you want! But don't damage this beautiful skin, I want to burn my work on it."

   "Of course! Of course!" After hearing the words, Flor and several security guards were ecstatic and rushed towards Jiang Xiaoguo.

  This oriental girl, they have been coveting it for a long time.

  It was just because Steve wanted to use Jiang Xiaoguo as a bargaining chip to torture Leng Ziang, so he could not start.

   But now, Steve's interest has obviously shifted to Jiang Xiaoguo.

  So, the more abuse Jiang Xiaoguo receives, the more excited Steve will be.

  "Go away!!" Leng Ziang opened his hands to block Jiang Xiaoguo, barely attacking several people in Flor.

  But he was already wounded all over, and Flor still had electric batons on them. How could he be their opponent?

  Not long after, Leng Ziang fell to the ground, dying.

  He stretched out his scarred hand, trying to grab Flor's pants to prevent him from approaching Jiang Xiaoguo, but was kicked away.

  "Don't touch her, I beg you not to touch dare to touch her, I won't let you go!!!"

Flor raised his shoes in leather shoes, kicked Leng Ziang’s face, and smiled grinningly: “Dare to be arrogant with me when you die. In your face, **** your girl! Hahahaha..."

  Flor laughed and kicked Leng Ziang away, walked a few steps in front of Jiang Xiaoguo, and pulled him up.

  Jiang Xiaoguo wanted to resist, but the sequelae of the electric shock made her not even have the strength to stand.

   Seeing Flor's ugly face, tearing off her clothes with a grinning smile, Jiang Xiaoguo's heart was filled with endless pain and sadness.

  She should not make her own claim to upgrade from Guangyu College in Hong Kong City to the headquarters.

  At that time, Jiang Xiaoguo met the netizen Leng Ziang on the Internet, and Jiang Xiaoguo always missed a trick when the two of you came and went.

  Because of his eagerness to win, and because he hoped that he would be able to help Xia Shengge after graduation, Jiang Xiaoguo secretly participated in the enrollment assessment of the headquarter of Guangyu College.

  She thought she could become stronger and could beat Leng Ziang.

  Who knew that this kind of **** was waiting for her, and it even hurt Leng Ziang.

Jiang Xiaoguo has always been a stubborn temper who would never look back even after hitting the south wall. At this time, watching Leng Ziang, who fell on the ground with bruises and bruises, but desperately tried to get up, she shed tears of regret.

  Here, she can’t even choose to die!

  Flor grabbed her face and looked at her tearful face. He couldn't help laughing, and bit her with a stinky mouth.

  However, before Flor met Jiang Xiaoguo, suddenly a black shadow flew over like an arrow.

  Only hear a pop.

  Flore's head was smashed upright.

  He let out a scream, subconsciously let go of Jiang Xiaoguo, and covered his head.

  Blood slowly flowed from between his fingers.

  "Who!! Who dares to attack Laozi!!!"

  (End of this chapter)

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