The sky was dark, and the sky was dark.

Su Hong felt dizzy when he passed through the space vortex.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a huge ruined city.

All the buildings he saw were completely different from modern ones.

All the buildings in this secret realm were made of huge stones of different colors, and they were full of traces of simplicity and time.

The ground was overgrown with weeds and moss covered the buildings.

From time to time, the roar of ferocious beasts could be heard from afar.

"Ancient architectural style."

Su Hong looked around and made sure he was safe, then turned on the smart bracelet and took a look.

The bracelet has two functions.

One is the ranking list, where the names of the 100 martial arts students are listed, and the points of each person are displayed at the end.

However, when they just entered, everyone was 0.

The other function is a dark map.

"If you find the map fragments, it should be lit up."

Thinking of this, Su Hong picked up the Star Bamboo Spear and quickly followed the roar of the beast.

Not long after.

Two huge beasts fighting came into view.

One is a huge black bear, which is as tall as four or five floors when standing up.

The other is a white tiger crawling on the ground, with a muscle on its body, and a radius of about half a meter.

"Both are the first stage of the third stage!"

Feeling the breath, Su Hong was slightly startled.

They are the third stage when they meet?

You know, most of the martial arts students this time are only second-level warriors.

"If it's just an accident, it's normal, but if all the beasts in the secret realm are this strong, then it's forcing people to form a team."

Su Hong sighed. Grandmaster Lin, who was in charge of the martial arts exam, was really evil.

Under the rule that students can rob each other, the mental consumption of being vigilant between teams is probably more than killing beasts.


At this time, two third-level beasts found Su Hong and roared to drive him away.

When they found that Su Hong not only did not leave, but also walked forward with a gun, the black bear and the white tiger were immediately angry.

They didn't even fight, and rushed towards Su Hong directly, obviously wanting to get rid of him first.

The white tiger beast was extremely fast. In just two breaths, it crossed a distance of 100 meters and appeared in front of Su Hong.

Accompanied by a tiger roar, the huge tiger paw slapped Su Hong.

A strong palm wind instantly blew Su Hong's clothes up.

"Come on!"

Su Hong first stretched out his hand and clenched it towards the black bear in the distance. The huge fire cage instantly trapped it, and the black bear immediately struggled furiously.

Taking advantage of this time, Su Hong urged the Bone Dark Cold Fist, and with a blazing white flame, he faced the tiger's palm!


A loud noise.

The huge white tiger flew backwards in an instant, smashing a stone house in the distance on the spot, and was buried in the boulders.

Seeing this scene, the struggling black bear was obviously stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting that the human in front of him, who was like a bug, was so powerful.


Seeing Su Hong rushing towards him with a gun, the black bear screamed in shock and anger and wanted to escape, but no matter how he struggled, he could not break free from the damn fire cage.


The star bamboo spear with thunder cut through the sky, instantly pierced through the black bear's fat chest and pierced his heart.

The black bear's struggling movement stagnated, and it fell to the ground with dim eyes, and its huge body splashed with dust.


Not far away, the white tiger who had just jumped out of the boulder saw this scene and was shocked!


Seeing Su Hong looking at it, the white tiger tensed up and turned around and ran away without hesitation.

"So fast?"

Su Hong's eyes lit up, this speed was almost 80% of his full-speed running.

The white tiger ran away, but it didn't run for long before it felt a sudden sag on its back.

The white tiger was about to raise its tail and whip it.

"Behave yourself!"

Before it could raise its tail, Su Hong, who appeared on its back, punched it hard.

The running white tiger suddenly fell to the ground, and its huge body dragged dozens of meters on the ground before it barely stopped.

There was a burning pain all over its body, and a ferocious killing intent appeared in the white tiger's eyes!

But when a cold spear was pressed against its neck.

The white tiger shuddered, its eyes suddenly became extremely clear, and it turned its head towards Su Hong and howled docilely.

"You are smart."

Su Hong was happy and patted the tiger's head.

"As long as you listen, I won't kill you."

The white tiger seemed to understand and nodded repeatedly.

Immediately, under Su Hong's command, it carried Su Hong and turned to run towards the dead black bear.

Su Hong watched the scenery on both sides recede rapidly in his sight, but he did not feel any shaking while sitting on the back of the white tiger, and he could not help but marvel.

Soon he came to the side of the black bear, Su Hong jumped off the tiger's back, and warned the white tiger not to try to escape.

"Ah~" The white tiger sat down obediently, as docile as a domestic cat.

Seeing Su Hong turn around and dissect the black bear's body, the white tiger's eyes quietly fell on Su Hong's back, the tiger's eyes blinked smartly, and glanced behind him again.

It took a silent step to the side stealthily, but suddenly thought of the speed of the terrifying upright ape in front of it just now, and then thought of the miserable state of the black bear, and the white tiger silently retracted its extended claws.

"Found it!"

Su Hong found a small silver-white ball from the black bear's body.

Just when he took it out, the smart bracelet on Su Hong's hand made a ding sound.

A small area on the dark map lit up.

At the same time, the silver-white ball shattered, and it was obvious that it could only be used once.

"Hey, so lucky?"

Su Hong's eyes lit up when he saw a red dot on the map. This should be the area where the elite monsters are located, right?

"Come here, do you know where this is?" Su Hong waved his hand.

"Ah~" The white tiger poked its head over and looked at the red dot on the map curiously. It shuddered all over and fear was clearly revealed in the tiger's eyes.

"So scared? It seems that my guess is right. This red dot must represent the location of the elite monsters."

Su Hong was surprised and immediately asked the white tiger to take him there.

However, the white tiger howled and retreated, looking extremely scared.

Su Hong was speechless. Such a big guy was so scared?

"Are you going or not?"

"Ah~" The white tiger shook its head frantically and retreated quietly, but when it saw Su Hong holding the Star Bamboo Spear, the retreating white tiger immediately sat on the ground obediently, with tears on its face.

If it went, it would die, and if it didn't go, it would die immediately. What could it do!

"Let's go."

Su Hong jumped onto the tiger's back and patted the furry tiger's head.

The white tiger turned its head and looked at Su Hong pitifully, making its last struggle.

Su Hong raised his gun expressionlessly: "Either go, or I will kill you now."

Seeing that being cute was useless, the white tiger's pitiful expression suddenly withdrew, and the speed of changing his face was ridiculously fast.

Then he turned his head with a snort and ran towards the direction of the red dot with a dejected look.

Between the two choices of going and dying, or dying now, the white tiger chose the latter from the heart.

"There's quite a lot of drama." Su Hong curled his lips. The aggrieved look of the white tiger made him look like a villain who forced a good woman into prostitution.

However, seeing the white tiger at the beginning of the third stage with a look of fear on his face, Su Hong gradually became wary of the elite monster.

While heading to the location of the red dot, Su Hong opened the smart bracelet and checked how many points he got by killing the black bear.

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