The two of them were very happy.

"I'm going to Mowu."

Chen Lin and Wang Yang had just met Chen Tianyan, and they hadn't even talked about the treatment yet, when they heard this sentence.

Wang Yang almost laughed out loud on the spot.

Chen Lin's face was dark.

"Your brother and sister are both in Diwu, why do you want to go to Mowu?"

Today's experience made Chen Lin feel extremely absurd.

"It's because they are all in Diwu, if I go, what's the point?"

Chen Tianyan stood with his hands behind his back, his face full of pride.

"I just want to go to Mowu, and in the future in the Wuda League, I will knock them all to the ground and let them know who the first genius of the Chen family is!"

Chen Lin was dumbfounded. She would never have thought that it would be such a reason.

Brothers are kind and younger brothers are filial.


After spending a day at home with uncle, aunt, younger brother and sister.

The next day.

Xingcheng High-speed Railway Station.

Su Hong, Wang Tiantuo and the other two stood at the entrance with their luggage, waved goodbye to the family members who came to see them off, and then boarded the high-speed rail to the Magic City.

Watching their backs as they boarded the high-speed rail.

At this moment, whether it was Wang Ni, the heads of the Xiao and Lin families, or Su Guoming and Chen Lan, they all felt mixed emotions for a while.

There was indescribable relief, but also full of worries.


In this era, although high-speed rail is very convenient, it will pass through the wild and occasionally encounter attacks by ferocious beasts.

However, over the years, the high-speed rail tracks between cities have been guarded by special warriors at a certain distance, and basically no unexpected situations will occur.

But this is only based on the province.

When provinces communicate with each other, due to the long distance, the cost of establishing warriors to guard is too high.

Moreover, for this reason, when geniuses go to Wuda every year, there will occasionally be a surprise attack by the Ten Thousand Races Demon Cult.

Therefore, every time the high-speed rail goes to other provinces, there will be a special warrior to take charge, often a master.

And during this critical period when geniuses go to Wuda, the number of masters in charge is much larger than in normal times.

"Master Qin, Master Wang, Master Lin..."

As soon as he stepped onto the high-speed rail, Su Hong saw eight figures sitting not far away.

Eight masters!

Among them are familiar faces such as Qin Tianlie, Wang Qingshan and Lin Beixing.

There are also some unfamiliar faces, who are looking Su Hong up and down at this time.

"Fuck, eight masters in charge?"

Wang Tiantuo and the other three were shocked. They remembered that at this time in previous years, there were only three or four masters in charge.

This time, it doubled.

Facing a large number of his own masters, Su Hong was not afraid of the scene at all, and greeted them neither servile nor arrogant.

After the two sides exchanged greetings for a while, Qin Tianlie smiled and waved his hand, asking Su Hong and others to be more natural and just pretend that they did not exist.


After sitting down, Su Hong and Wang Tiantuo looked through the window and looked at the scenery outside with curiosity.

This was the first time they had left Jiangnan Province since they grew up.

After passing through a tunnel and leaving Jiangnan Province completely.

Su Hong saw that the scenery outside had obviously changed.

Abandoned city ruins, like a prehistoric forest.

From his perspective, those ferocious beasts were scattered in it like ants, everywhere.

Compared with this scene, all the ferocious beasts Su Hong had seen before were nothing compared to this.

After just a few seconds of observation, Su Hong saw at least a dozen powerful beasts of level five or six, looking at the high-speed rail with fierce eyes.

At this moment, the eight powerful blood burst out suddenly, and the pressure of the master was released unscrupulously.

Suddenly, the beasts that were ready to move were all startled and quickly fled away.

"No wonder the master is needed to take charge, otherwise, these beasts will definitely pounce and tear the high-speed rail into pieces."

Su Hong sighed in his heart.

In this era, airplanes are extremely rare, because there are also beasts in the sky, and flying beasts are much more difficult to deal with than land beasts.

Therefore, travel often relies on high-speed rail.

"Sure enough, Su Hong, you also chose Mowu."

At this time, Chen Su and the other two and Chen Tianyan came over.

"Are you also going to Mowu?" Su Hong was a little surprised.

"I said, I must suppress you." Chen Tianyan said coolly.

After a pause, he said calmly: "I have made great progress recently, it won't take long for me to surpass you!"

"King of Force, that's enough."

"Didn't you just say that I increased my Qi and Blood by 20 points? Is this a huge increase?"

Since they had a brief experience of teaming up with Chen Tianyan during the martial arts exam, Chen, Su and the other two have become immune to Chen Tianyan, who would show off whenever he got the chance.

Even though he was being discredited, Chen Tianyan remained calm: "Stupid! I just said 20 points of Qi and Blood, do you really think I only increased it by that much?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

"That's amazing! You're the best, okay?"


Chen, Su and the other two said a few perfunctory words in silence.

Since they were all going to the same destination, they just sat together and chatted.


At nightfall.

With a notice that they were about to arrive in the Magic City.

Su Hong and the others who were practicing immediately opened their eyes and looked out the window.

Even though they were still a few kilometers away, Su Hong could see from a distance that a prosperous city was coming into view.

The bright lights and neon lights are in sharp contrast to the ferocious beasts lurking in the darkness outside.

"Tsk tsk, I thought Yuhang City was very prosperous, but I didn't expect it to be much inferior to this Demon City."

"No matter how prosperous it is, we come to Wuda to practice, not to play."

"That's right, we can't be affected by these external things."


As everyone talked, the high-speed rail soon entered the city station.

At this point, Su Hong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that the traitors who are chasing me, and the gang of demon cultists, also learned about the news that the eight masters are in charge and dared not move."

A journey of a hundred miles begins with a single step. With the promise of the principal of the Demon City, Su Hong knew that as long as he entered the Demon City, it would be basically difficult for these people to kill him.

Therefore, if he really wanted to kill him, this section of the high-speed rail to the Demon City was the last chance.

Obviously, the deterrent power of the eight masters was so strong that the other party chose to give up.

"Grow up as fast as possible, and then find out who was chasing me before..."

Su Hong's eyes flashed with a cold light. He was not a good man. As long as he was strong enough, he would definitely retaliate against those who chased him.


Walked off the high-speed train and entered the platform.

Su Hong and his group saw at first glance that there were several people holding huge pick-up signs in the crowd.

There was a line of big words written on it.

[New students of magic and martial arts come here to report]

Whether they were leaving the station or picking up people, the eyes of all the people passing by looked very strange.

Because the words were written crookedly, it was really ugly!

"Damn... next time I have a mission to pick up new students, as long as Senior Bai takes the lead, I won't come no matter how many points you give me..."

"Damn, I'm so embarrassed. These people don't think I wrote this!"

"Senior Bai is outrageous. I asked him to customize a pick-up sign, but he refused. It obviously doesn't cost much, but he insisted on writing it by hand!"

"He didn't even want me to pay, and he asked why he wasted so much time on such a small matter. Damn, I shouldn't have listened to him."

"If I couldn't beat him..."

The faces of several magic and martial arts students were flushed by the strange looks around them.

They looked at the white-haired young man standing not far in front of them, with a look of anger on their faces.

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