The door opened and the door opened.


The receptionist at the training tower smiled sweetly when she heard the door open.

"Student, is there anything I can help you with?"

She looked up at the person who came in.

A handsome boy with a bun walked in and was looking at the interior of the training tower.

The receptionist recognized that this person was Mo Ci, who was in the limelight.

Her beautiful eyes lit up and she said sweetly, "Student Mo Ci! Your mentor Julie is waiting for you in the lounge!"

Mo Ci looked at the receptionist on the side, nodded and thanked her,

then followed her instructions and came to the lounge on the first floor.

This rest area is very spacious, and the sunlight outside shines into the room through the French windows, which makes it very comfortable.

It is full of men and women,

all warriors who come here to train combat skills.

In their spare time, they will also catch up on TV series, and pick up the combat skills encyclopedia and the illustrations of fierce beasts to make up for their knowledge points.

Mo Ci stood at the door and recognized Julie at a glance.

Julie was wearing a simple white T-shirt, carrying a bag, drinking coffee, looking at something outside the window, and thinking about something.

Mo Ci walked up directly, sat directly opposite Julie and said:

"Teacher, how come you came earlier than me?"

Upon hearing this, Julie immediately turned her head and saw that the person coming was Mo Ci, and smiled happily:

"Because I know you will come early~"

"How do you feel about going to the [Guanyin Forest Wilderness Area] for training? How is your [Corrosive Bacteria Tide] performance?"

Upon hearing this, Mo Ci began to recall those six days.

Every morning when he got up, he went out with Lao Gao and Jiang Qipeng to look for the traces of [Dazzling Trematode].

In the end, they didn't find the trematode, but they made a lot of money.

Unfortunately, when they found the dazzling trematode, Lao Gao died.

Mo Ci said indifferently:

"This Guanyin Forest Trial is okay."

"The main thing is that I gained a lot of knowledge about the characteristics of the life of fierce beasts... As for the battle, these fierce beasts are not enough for my [Corrosive Bacteria] to kill."

What Mo Ci said was true.

In these six days, he never encountered any danger. He killed the fierce beasts one by one and killed them in groups.

In these six days, Mo Ci didn't even use physical skills.

As long as he could get close to the fierce beast and gently inject the [Corrosive Bacteria Tide] into the other party's body, he could kill the enemy immediately.

"Sure enough, entrusting you with the essence of the [Thousand-foot Devil Centipede] is the best choice I have ever made!"

"The characteristics of his [Venom] are a perfect match for your corrosive bacteria!"

After saying that, Julie covered her mouth and laughed happily.

She liked this gifted student more and more.

Julie changed the subject and said solemnly:

"But... Mo Ci, you can't abuse your superpowers too much. Do you know why I asked you to come here?"

Mo Ci said without thinking:

"This is a training tower. Of course, you come here to exchange combat skills and practice combat skills and physical skills..."

Juli nodded, then stood up and took Mo Ci straight to the elevator...

After pressing the second-to-last high-rise building, Julie continued:

"There are so many warriors on Blue Star. If there are fierce beasts or warriors who are immune to your [Corrosion Bacteria], how should you deal with it?"

"In a coincidence, if you meet a warrior who is stronger than you in physical skills and immune to your [Corrosion Bacteria] in the [Martial Arts Competition]..."

"What will happen if you only rely on superpowers to fight?"

Hearing this, Mo Ci fell into thought.

He naturally understood what Julie meant, which was to let him not rely too much on the power of [Corrosion Bacteria] and develop in a balanced way.

Mo Ci nodded heavily and promised:

"I understand the teacher's good intentions, I will definitely practice physical skills and combat skills well!"


"We have arrived at the A-level combat skills area of ​​[Cultivation Tower]!"

The announcement sounded that the two had arrived,

The elevator door slowly opened.

An old man wearing a pure black Tang suit and reading glasses was waiting in front of the elevator door.

After seeing Julie, he bent down slightly.

He said respectfully:

"Teacher Julie, you are here... I guess this is your student Mo Ci?"

This person is the manager of [Cultivation Tower], Old Wu.

He has been working in [Cultivation Tower] for more than 30 years, and all matters big and small in [Cultivation Tower] have passed his eyes.


Julie said to Mo Ci:

"Come to the [Practice Tower], if you don't understand anything, you can ask Lao Wu..."

"Okay, teacher."

Mo Ci nodded to Lao Wu, and then followed Julie to go deeper.

Mo Ci looked around. After all, it was his first time to come to this A-level combat area, and he felt fresh.

This [A-level combat area] was filled with pure white commodity display cabinets made of [anti-theft glass] and [anti-theft metal].

Each display cabinet was divided into different types according to the combat ball placed.

There are 5 major types:

[Offensive combat skills], [Defensive combat skills], [Assisted combat skills], [Body skills] and [Weapon mind skills].

Mo Ci's A-level Nether Sky Claw is an offensive combat skill, while the [S-level Miasma Shadow Step] given by Du Ziteng is a body skill.

The weapon-based combat skills are the most special combat skills.

[Weapon-based combat skills] are different from the other four active combat skills. It is more like a passive skill.

As your practice deepens, it will greatly change your weapon attack methods and routines, so that your every move will reflect the characteristics of the mental skills you have learned.

Julie took Mo Ci to the [Weapon-based combat skills area].

After passing through the display cabinets of [Spear-based combat skills], [Sword-based combat skills], [Knife-based combat skills], etc., they finally stopped in front of the [Claw-based combat skills] display cabinet.

Julie pointed to the display cabinet and said slowly:

"Mo Ci, you haven't learned [mental skills], right?"

"Your fists and claws are very messy, and you are attacking by instinct!"

Hearing this, Mo Ci frowned.

He whispered:

"That's true..."

"In high school, the school asked martial arts students to choose weapons and corresponding mental methods, but I was kicked out of the martial arts class before I had time to learn, so I am not proficient in weapons..."

In high school, Mo Ci took medicine every day to practice and find ways to increase his blood value.

Before he had time to learn [mental method type combat skills], he was kicked out of the martial arts class.

In the martial arts exam, he fought entirely by feeling.

But even if Mo Ci had not learned [weapon mental method], his physical skills could suppress a group of peers. This is his fighting talent.

Julie felt even more distressed for Mo Ci.

She continued:

"Zhong Lingling, she learned the S-level fist and kick skills in high school - [Wanmie Fighting Skills], and practiced it to perfection. Now she is on par with you."

"However, if you learn [Weapon Skills], you can completely crush her in physical skills."

"That's why I brought you to the [Training Tower]."

Hearing this, Mo Ci's eyes unconsciously glanced at the dazzling array of combat balls in the display cabinet.

Every combat ball here is extremely rare.

Although these combat balls are very rare, the Martial Arts Academy still keeps the price very low. If they are sold in places like [Wardfa], they may be several cents more expensive...

Mo Ci looked at the price tags of these combat balls and began to think...

A-level [Hundred Crack Claws], 100 points to unlock, (3.25 points/100,000 Dragon Country Coins)

A-level [Dragon Wolf Palm Method], 100 points to unlock, (3.25 points/100,000 Dragon Country Coins)

A-level [Cherry Claws], 90 points to unlock, (3.25 points/100,000 Dragon Country Coins)

A Level [Night Claws Heart Method], unlocked with 80 points, (3.25 points/100,000 Dragon Country Currency)


Mo Ci turned his head and asked Julie:

"Teacher, the school gave me the opportunity to choose 5 A-level combat balls and 5 S-level combat balls at will..."

"You brought me to the A-level combat area, do you want me to learn all A-level combat skills?"

Hearing this, Julie just said indifferently:

"No, no, no..."

"You can still learn S-level combat skills now... That is my weapon heart method - [Thousand Spider Hand Heart Method]!"

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