The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

September 1, 7 am, Martial Arts Academy.

In the dormitory No. 314 in the luxury residential area, there were bursts of fragrant and rich spiritual energy.

At this moment, Mo Ci was sitting cross-legged in the practice room with his bare chest.

His whole body was glowing with a faint red light, and he used 10 spiritual incense sticks at the same time. The spiritual energy surrounded him and was very rich.

These spiritual energies were absorbed slowly and smoothly by him, and finally all turned into qi and blood value.

"Beep beep!"

"The blood value has increased from 333 cards to 346 cards!"

"This time, [Blood Synthesis Bacteria] brings a total of 9 blood values ​​to the host! Among them, 3 cards are idle benefits!"

"[Concentration Heart Technique] brings a total of 4 blood to the host, and the proficiency of [Concentration Heart Technique] has reached the sixth level!"

Even a few hours before the opening ceremony, Mo Ci was still practicing.


Mo Ci slowly opened his eyes.

He supported himself on the ground with one hand and stood up lightly.

As soon as his tense body moved, his muscles and tendons made a clanging sound, which was very pleasant to his ears.

Ding Dong!

The doorbell rang, and the housekeeper Ah Fu went to open the door. Several familiar voices came from outside the door.

As soon as Mo Ci heard it, he knew it was Zhong Lingling, Liu Chi, Lin Mutong and the other three.

"Mo Ci, the [Opening Ceremony] is about to begin, let's go in~"

"Oh my god! Why is there a spirit doll here?!"

"Where's Mo Ci..."


Just then, Mo Ci walked out of the training room with his shirt and feet bare.

His firm and perfect body was immediately exposed to the three people.

Zhong Lingling and Lin Mutong blushed.

The two hurriedly covered their faces with their hands, but they left a little gap to secretly watch Mo Ci who was putting on his clothes, drooling...

Liu Chi's eyes suddenly widened, he hurried over and poked Mo Ci's chest muscles, and shouted in shock:

"Wow?! I haven't seen you for a month, your muscles are well trained!"

"But if you compare with me... it's still a little worse!"

After saying that, Liu Chi hurriedly posed a biceps pose, and then a crab pose, blocking Zhong Lingling and Lin Mutong...

The two were speechless for a moment.

Zhong Lingling and Lin Mutong were very shocked by Mo Ci's changes, especially Lin Mutong, who hadn't seen Mo Ci for two months.

He didn't even know that he had long hair.

But the most surprised person was Liu Chi,

After two months of not seeing him, he was no longer the yellow-haired boy.

No one knew what mentor Alfs did to Liu Chi to turn him into a dark-skinned macho man.

"Your arms are almost bigger than my head, who can compare with you..."

Mo Ci said speechlessly.

He wore a pure white uniform on his upper body and black trousers on his lower body, which looked more formal.

He looked at the three people on the side. Liu Chi was dressed similarly to Mo Ci, and his clothes were about to burst.

Zhong Lingling and Lin Mutong were dressed similarly.

The upper body was also a pure white uniform, which was a bit tight, revealing their upright chests, and they also tied a playful little tie, which looked very tempting...

Although the two wore black and white plaid pleated skirts on their lower body, the difference was that Zhong Lingling wore a pair of black stockings, while Lin Mutong did not.

"Not bad, each has its own charm." Mo Ci secretly praised in his heart.

Zhong Lingling walked towards Mo Ci, tugged at his sleeve and said:

"Okay, hurry up and attend the [Opening Ceremony], or you'll be late..."

"Okay, okay..."

After the three pushed Mo Ci out of the door, they took the unmanned bus and headed for their destination [Building A1 - Conference Room]...

The lights were bright in the conference room of Building A1.

The big screen displayed the red characters of [Opening Ceremony of Class 2218 of Wudou Academy].

Those who entered here for the first time couldn't help but sigh at its large scale, which could accommodate nearly 1,000 people for a meeting.

At this moment, almost all the seats were occupied.

The first few rows were almost all tutors, and the ones behind were special recruits, then teachers of ordinary classes, and then students...

And the podium was filled with reporters.

What they wanted to take pictures of was nothing more than Mo Ci.

Lu Sanping sat in the middle, looking at the reporters next to the podium, and looking at Deng Feng next to him.


"Deng Feng... How much do you think Mo Ci will improve after two months of special training?"

"Well... he should be able to increase his Qi and blood to 300 calories."

Deng Feng has been busy during the two months of summer vacation and has no chance to talk to Mo Ci.

If he had the chance, he would not talk to him because he did not want to put too much pressure on Mo Ci.

Lu Sanping sighed, as if he remembered something.

The vicissitudes of life said in a low voice:

"These reporters are holding guns and cannons... If Mo Ci's training progress is a little slower, he will be miserable."

"If he is more humble and not so arrogant, he will not have to bear such great pressure..."

The students behind him suddenly became restless!

"Hey! The special students are here!"

With a cry of surprise, a group of students turned back to look at the special students at the entrance.

After they looked at each person in detail, they did not find Mo Ci.

"Where are they?"

"Where is Mo Ci?"

"I don't know."


[Martial Arts Academy] protects students' privacy very well. Not to mention paparazzi, unidentified dogs passing by the security office will be kicked.

So most people in the outside world don't know that Mo Ci has grown long hair.

So the outside world is looking forward to what changes Mo Ci can bring in the two months of summer vacation.

Deng Feng walked to the front of the stage, picked up the microphone and said:

"All special recruits, find the seats of your respective instructors and sit behind them."

Hearing this, Mo Ci glanced at the seats in front of him,

and immediately found Julie, who was wearing a black uniform, tilting her head and waving her hand, smiling...

After Mo Ci sat down, Julie turned her head and asked:

"Why did you take so long?"

"Just now... I was practicing..."

Julie widened her eyes and said in surprise:

"All have to go through [Opening Ceremony], you still dare to practice? Aren't you afraid of being late? "

Mo Ci scratched his head and said with a grin:

"I got up in the middle of the night to practice... I calculated the time and arrived just in time."

Juli frowned slightly and teased:

"The teacher couldn't accompany you a few days ago. Have you made any progress in your practice?"

Hearing this, Mo Ci smiled and pretended to be mysterious:

"We'll know after the data is tested!"

After that, Mo Ci looked around, trying to find Tengzi's figure.

Finally, he was seen alone in a corner. His expression was extremely depressed, and there was no student behind him.


"Hey, hey, hey..."

There was a sudden noise from the microphone, and everyone immediately fell silent. After Deng Feng picked up the microphone and tested it several times, he said:

"Dear leaders and guests, dear teachers and students, good morning!"

After a while, there was thunderous applause.

Hearing this classic opening speech, Liu Chi leaned forward and smiled at his mentor Alfs:

"Teacher, this opening speech is too classic, right?! You won't nag for hours again..."

Hearing this, the blond Alfs with two thick mustaches turned his head lightly,

raised his big fist full of blue veins and said:

"NO! NO! NO!"

"Liu Chi, haven't you heard it before? The opening ceremony of our [Martial Arts Academy]... is the wildest!"


Bang————! ! !

Suddenly, a gunshot was heard on the stage, which scared Liu Chi.

Deng Feng suddenly changed his demeanor, holding a spiritual gun with smoke still in his hand, and suddenly shouted:

"You come to the martial arts school, and only do three things!"

"Become stronger! Become stronger!... Or become fucking stronger!!!"

The students in the audience shouted in anger:

"Become stronger! Become stronger! Become stronger!"

Bang————! ! !

Another gunshot was heard on the stage, and Deng Feng shouted again:

"Let's not waste any more time, and start showing the results of the special recruits' two-month special training in our [Martial Arts School]!"

The doctrine of martial arts is that strength comes first!

This wild opening ceremony abandoned the boring nonsense and directly let the public see the progress of the [special recruits] in two months.

For those martial artists who work hard and try their best to make themselves stronger, it is the best enrollment brochure!

Liu Chi noticed that the ceiling above the podium was full of bullet holes.

He whispered, "It's really... it's really wild..."

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