After upgrading his combat skills, Mo Ci did not stop and immediately sat down...

Julie and Du Ziteng were standing beside Mo Ci at this time, watching him absorb [S-level combat skills: Heaven's Grace Rain]...

And Mo Ci was sitting on the ground, closing his eyes, and absorbing all the spiritual energy with his back to the two of them!

"Beep beep!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully learning [S-level combat skill: Heaven's Grace Rain (1/100 level, entry level)]"

Mo Ci opened the panel and slowly opened his eyes...

[S-level combat skill: Heaven's Grace Rain (1/100 level, entry level)]:

Control the poisonous crows in his body, gather in the sky, form a storm cloud, and continuously give birth to a rain full of toxins!


Mo Ci slowly stood up, turned around and said to the two:

"I have learned Assistant Teng's signature S-level combat skill... Can I put it into practice now?"

Julie smiled faintly and said:

"Of course, the many kinds of beasts in this [Beast Test Field] are all prepared by me for you and your senior brother!"

"Their mission is to die at your hands!"

"Pah pah!"

After that, Julie clapped her hands...

The door on the opposite side opened again!

From the pitch-black gate, there were waves of extremely frantic footsteps again, just like thunderclaps!

Mo Ci frowned and squinted his eyes to look into the beast passage...

In this extremely dark cave, a dense mass of blood-red eyes suddenly lit up, which was very scary!

Judging from the number, there must be at least hundreds of beasts!

Mo Ci's hands instantly permeated with the dark and sticky [Corrosive Bacteria Tide], ready to go...

And Julie and Du Ziteng beside him were still very relaxed.

It was as if they didn't take this dense herd of beasts seriously at all...

As the beasts ran out of the dark passage one by one and were exposed to the sun, Mo Ci's nervous expression instantly dissipated.

Because, these hundreds of dense beasts...

are all thorn pigs!

Looking at the cute and elastic buttocks of the thorn pigs, who kept making "humming and humming", Mo Ci frowned and said secretly:

"Old... Teacher, why are there only thorn pigs?"

In response, Julie just waved her hand and said:

"It's normal... The thorn pig is the cheapest beast, and it reproduces very quickly. It is often used in experiments."

"But if you want to fight those large beasts... it's not impossible!"

After saying that, Julie's sweet face suddenly showed a wicked smile, which made Mo Ci shudder!

Mo Ci hurriedly avoided his sight and waved his hand:

"It's okay! The thorn pig is fine... It's fine!"

After saying that, Mo Ci urged the blood and qi in his body, and burst out waves of sharp aura fluctuations!

He frowned and glared, muttering:

"Heaven sends out the rain of mercy...!"

Mo Ci opened his hands, and dense [Little Blue Crows] flew out of his dark hands instantly, gathering and approaching the sky above the beast testing ground!

A black rain cloud with a hint of murderous intent hovered over the testing ground...

A huge shadow instantly covered the herd of thorny pigs on the ground!

Currently, Mo Ci has 799 cards of blood and can summon 799 [Little Blue Crows].

Although the synthetic rain cloud is not as big as Du Ziteng's rain cloud that covers the entire testing ground, it is enough to deal with those opponents in the [Martial Arts Competition]!

Du Ziteng put his hands behind his back and looked at the black rain cloud in the sky. He thought to himself:

"This kid's rain cloud is pretty good... I shouldn't be able to make such a big rain cloud when I was at level zero."

Mo Ci looked at the herd of thorny pigs in the distance, who didn't sense the danger at all, and thought to himself:

"If the [Corrosive Bacteria] is equipped with [Ferocious Beast Characteristics: Breath Holding], this [Heavenly Grace Rain] will be like a plague rain, infecting all creatures caught in the rain..."

"This is much faster than using [Little Blue Crow] to infect the beasts one by one... This cloud rain can also be hidden in the clouds, unexpectedly!"

Mo Ci thought for a while, and then his mind moved!

The black and blue poisonous rain cloud composed of [Little Blue Crow] above his head

, dripping black water slowly.






Instantly, a drizzle of rain fell from the sky!

Mo Ci was standing under the rain cloud. He stretched out his palm to catch a few drops of dark and sticky rain...

The moment this drop of rain touched Mo Ci, it quickly melted into him.

The thorny pigs in the distance did not show any abnormality when they first came into contact with the rain.

But only a moment later, they seemed to have sensed something and began to stir frantically, desperately ramming the door that had just been closed!


In the blink of an eye, more than half of the thorny pigs had fallen!

Mo Ci looked at the thorny pigs with blue eyes, frowned and said lightly:

"This [Heavenly Grace Rain] is really abnormal..."

"If this fighting skill is released in the [Martial Arts Competition], it can almost cover the entire venue..."

After saying that, Mo Ci immediately retracted the rain cloud.

The rain cloud transformed back into [Little Blue Crow], and was madly swooping down towards Mo Ci's body and crashing into his body.

The sky cleared up instantly...

Julie walked up, patted Mo Ci on the back and said:

"Not bad... Just practice hard next time!"

Du Ziteng walked up with his hands behind his back and said:

"Mo Ci, remember to absorb the S-level combat ball I gave you before. It contains S-level body combat skills..."

Mo Ci looked at the ring, remembered the S-level combat skills he took away from [Guanyin Forest], and said:

"I will definitely remember it!"

Julie nodded and changed the subject He said calmly:

"However... there are still 6 days until the end of the [Martial Arts Competition] trials. Try to continue refining the remaining five levels of blood essence of [Thousand-foot Demon Centipede] during these few days!"

"If it takes three days to refine one level of blood essence... then it will take you at least two weeks to refine it!"

"Don't worry about the combat skills. In November and December, I promise that you will practice all combat skills to [Great Success]!"

After saying that, a dark light flashed in Julie's eyes.

Mo Ci's mouth trembled, and he was sweating profusely and said:

"Two months again?! Could it be..."

"Teacher, you don't want me to fight the spirit doll for two consecutive months... This will kill me, right?!"

Julie heard this and laughed sweetly:

"Oh~ Don't worry... I won't do that."

"The goal of [confinement training] is just to make your training method get a big improvement in a short period of time..."

"In the next two months, you will prepare for the competition with your senior brother... Go to my field to train!"

Mo Ci frowned, looked at Julie and asked doubtfully:

"In the field?"

"Training field... or what field?"

Du Ziteng and Mo Ci both fell into deep thought. Neither of them knew Julie's background, nor did they know what "field" she had.

But the two vaguely remembered that Li Yuanfu mentioned during the argument with Julie that Julie was a [breeder]...

Julie smiled evilly and said lightly:

"Of course it's my [Ferocious Beast Ranch]!"

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