After Becoming a Taoist

Chapter 689: Big Dipper Array

   Chapter 689 The Big Dipper Formation

   The next part is similar to the addition of the yellow robe. The heroes of Wagangzhai, such as Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde and others, began to exhort them.

  Li Dandao remained motionless, watching the play there.

Sure enough, after three persuasion and three remarks, Li Shimin had no choice but to show his kindness: "I am protecting myself this time, the royal father is afraid of my high power, and the brothers are afraid of my military power, but I can't let go of my military power. It's life-threatening."

   Then began to negotiate how to act.

   "Xuanwumen guard Zhonglang General Chang He received the favor of this king in the seventh year of Wude, and gave dozens of golden knives and dozens of gold collars to be the secret son of the king."

  Li Shimin arranged it early: "I don't want to bring more people on this matter, but only bring nine close friends and hide them in the Xuanwu Gate."

   "Others, etc., get my tiger talisman and arrows, and secretly control the Taiji Palace tonight."

   "As for the prince..." Li Shimin said: "At the time, the father and the emperor gave the prince, the prince, and Yuanji the right to cast money furnaces. Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji sent people to buy a carload of money to buy Jingde."

   Yuchi Jingde said with a smile: "Every time I get a reward, I will distribute the money to my subordinates who are born and die together, and use this to win over people's hearts for His Highness, not someone who is greedy for money."

   "Me too." Cheng Yaojin said, "I'm not bad for money!"

   "And the prince treated this king like this, but this king had to guard against it, so he bought Wang Ye,"

  Wang Xuan is the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Palace, and he is the subordinate who is responsible for arranging the prince's daily schedule.

  Wang Xuan has a low official rank and a small salary, and is a man who is short of money. However, the prince was not sympathetic.

  Because Wang Xuan is responsible for arranging Li Jiancheng's daily itinerary, he can get in touch with the core secrets of Li Jiancheng Group, which is worth buying, so Li Shimin will give him gold and silver jewelry after a while.

   But it is really useful, Li Shimin can even directly launch a mutiny in the East Palace.

  Other people were shocked. Sure enough, the big event was a secret plan. When Wang Ye and Chang He were bought, no one knew except for King Qin himself.

   One is the gateway to the palace, one is to master the daily schedule of the prince…

   Then it can be said that Li Shimin, the king of Qin, had a plan.

   "As for the the time, Concubine Yin De and Zhang Jieyu wanted me to break Wang Shichong, Dou Jiande's gold and silver treasures, and the treasures of the former Sui Dynasty, but they were rejected by me, so they held a grudge against me..."

  Li Dandao thought that these two people had a bad reputation in history. They had an affair with Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji, and they were chaotic in the harem...

   However, Li Shimin himself has a bad reputation, so he took all the concubines of the prince and Li Yuanji for his own use...

   And there are people in Li Jiancheng’s harem, and there are people in Li Shimin’s natural harem.

   Therefore, there is a whole set of methods to contain the Emperor Wude and even the public opinion in the harem.

  The yin and private battles in the harem are no worse than the previous dynasty. Concubine Yin De and Zhang Jieyu are favored, and naturally some people want to put them to death. Every time Princess Changsun enters the palace, she brings a lot of gold and silver jewelry naturally to make things happen today.

   "Everything is in place, only destiny and luck are left, Taoism has magical powers..." Li Shimin said, "Maybe divination, ask ghosts and gods?" He looked at Yuan Tiangang and the others.

  Yuan Tiangang said: "There is no problem with luck and luck, and ghosts and gods may not dare to judge, but there is only one thing, that is Buddhism."

   "Your Highness, Buddhists don't have to worry!" At this time, a Taoist in the dark said, "My teacher Qihui is teaching real people. I entered the palace tonight, and then I gathered my disciples to attack the major Buddhist temples tonight!"

   "Where's the ancestral temple?" Li Shimin asked again: Has the ancestor ever expressed something?

  Li Dandao said: "The ancestors will only protect the heirs of the Tang Dynasty, and the prince has no ancestral shadow to protect him at this moment."

"it is good!"

   At this moment, a thunderbolt fell from the blue sky, and lightning cut through the night sky.

   "According to orders!"

   "Wait!" Li Dandao said, "Just now, His Highness asked Pindao what supernatural powers, and Pindao only said the technique of slaughtering dragons, not the technique of Beidou's fate."

   "What do you want?"

  Li Dandao opened his mouth and said, "Poor Dao can set up the Great Array of the Big Dipper, inject the emperor's life into His Highness, and inject the life of the stars of the Beidou Nine Stars into everyone!"

  Li Shimin just wanted to take nine people with him.

   It is Yuchi Jingde, Zhang Gongjin, Gongsun Wuda, Du Junchuo, Zheng Rentai, Hou Junji, Liu Shili, Dugu Yanyun, Li Mengchang, these nine people.

   "Okay! If this happens, this hall will reward you!" Li Shimin's eyes lit up.

  Li Dandao immediately put down the altar and borrowed the black dragon flag of Qin Shihuang from Li Shimin as the altar cloth.

   Then, together with Li Chunfeng, Yuan Tiangang, Cui Yu, Yuan Shoucheng, and five others, they made a magic weapon.

   "In this matter, the weather, the right place, and the people are as indispensable."

  Li Dandao opened his mouth and said, "Cui Dajing, you will turn to the death book of Prince Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji later. I will use Beidou as the pen to write for them."

"it is good!"

  Li Dan said again: "My death is not to kill him immediately, but to deceive his destiny. I hope His Royal Highness King Qin will cut the mess quickly!"

  Li Shimin heard that Li Dandao had the ability to inject death, and he was very afraid at the moment.

   Looking at the life and death book in Cui Dajing's hand, he said, "Maybe I will see the number of the king's lifespan?"

   Cui Yu shook his head: "There is a cloud of fog, and it is difficult to reveal the secret."

  In history, there was a coup in June of the ninth year of Wude, and now it is only September of the eighth year of Wude…

  Li Dandao didn't know whether the prince still had a chance.

  After the altar was opened, Li Dandao painted "Zi Wei Taboo" and used Li Shimin's luck as an assistant to paint a talisman with divine nature.

  Then borrowed the power of Emperor Ziwei to burn the talisman water for Li Shimin to drink.

   Then the other nine people were taken by Li Dandao in turn to draw the talisman of Taixuan Beidou's life, and burn it to make talisman water for him to drink.

   brought in ten oil lamps, lit them by the fire of their lives, and set up the Big Dipper Ziwei Great Array.

   At the same time, Li Chunfeng, Yuan Tiangang, and Yuan Shoucheng made joint shots, pulling the sky and changing the ventilation rate.

   Now, the Big Dipper stars are shining brightly.

  Li Dan stepped on the gang and kicked the leader, with the sword of heaven in his hand pointing at the stars.

  The real qi is running, causing the hair to be disheveled, like a devil.

   The Great Demon of Fengdu looms behind him...

   Immediately, the yin and the wind became evil, and the ghosts cried.

   And a divine will fell on Li Dandao's head like a knife, wanting to reduce his lifespan tenfold.

   But Li Dandao had just grafted karma with a talisman. These reduced lifespan and destiny were distributed to Li Shimin and his ten generals. As for the backlash, Li Dandao did not care.

   "Beidou No. 1 Yangming Greedy Wolf Taixingjun!"

   "The Second Big Dipper ** Jumen Yuanxingjun!"

   "The third real person of the Big Dipper, Lu Cun Zhenxingjun!"

   "The Fourth Mysterious Song of the Big Dipper, Mr. Niu Xing!"

   "The Fifth Big Dipper Danyuan Lianzhen Gangxingjun!"

   "Beidou Sixth North Pole Martial Artist Ji Xingjun!"

   "On the seventh day of the Beidou, Guan Pojun Guan Xingjun!"

   "The 8th hole of the Big Dipper, Mingwai Fuxing-kun!"

   "The Ninth Hidden Light of the Big Dipper, Neibi Xingjun!"

  Li Dan pointed his sword at the Nine Stars of the Big Dipper, then led down the stars, and then pointed at the nine people.

   Star life into the body!

   Immediately, the nine people became more powerful and consciously transformed and sublimated.

   And Li Dan shouted loudly: ""Kui", "Ghost Hook", "Gui Luo", "Ghost Xing", "魓", "Gui Fu" and "魒", the emperor hurried like a law. "

  The nine people suddenly became like stars in the world.

   Cui Yu quickly opened the book of life and death.

   Turn to Li Jiancheng's page.

   "Tian Si wins the fortune, subtract the calculation and divide the year!" Li Dan shouted loudly!

   Immediately, the fate of the Nine Stars changed! Corresponds to the Heavenly Dome Big Dipper.

   And the Big Dipper moved slightly.

   He dropped a jade pen and drew it on the book of life and death.

   Beichen is a vertical image, and the stars are arching it. To be the cardinal of creation, to be the master of man and god. Xuanwei three worlds, ruling all spirits. In the period of judging the good and evil in the world, the Siyin Mansion is the purpose of right and wrong. The five elements are shared, and the seven political affairs are the same. It has the power to return to death and inject life, and it has the power to eliminate disasters.

  It is used by ordinary people to prolong their vitality, but Li Dandao used it to die.

   And that Prince Li Jiancheng didn't know why, feeling worried about gain and loss, inexplicable heart palpitations.

  As a person of Cao Zhiwei Zheng, he naturally discovered that the stars of the Big Dipper fell from the sky, bringing down disasters.

   "Not good!" At the moment, the primordial spirit is out of the body, so he resists.

   However, Li Dandao had already finished his practice, and Cui Yu turned to Li Yuanji again.

  Li Dandao did the same.

   The life and death of the two are rewritten.

  Li Dandao still did not receive any success, and began to change the foundation for Lingpo.

   This is a matter of the way, but it is much simpler than just changing the life and death of the prince.

   and the practice is completed.

   The nine people were dizzy for a while, and for some reason, they felt that something was missing.

   However, Li Shimin felt an unparalleled power to bless him.

   "Good! It's really amazing!"

  Li Dandao injected the Heavenly Punishment Sword into the power of the Big Dipper, and then shook his hand, turning the power of the stars into three arrows, which contained both the power of death and the calamity of swordsmen.

  Li Dandao took out two of the arrows and handed them to Li Shimin: "These three arrows can kill a dragon, but His Highness should only need two arrows."

  Li Shimin looked at the remaining arrow and asked, "Why leave one arrow behind?"

  Li Dandao opened his mouth: "It's better not to take that step, Your Highness. This arrow is of its own use. Rest assured, Your Highness, it will not be used on Your Highness."

   said to Li Shimin again: "When shooting this arrow, you should recite: If you are guilty of sin, there is no prayer! You must die! All spells to avoid arrows will inevitably fail."

   "There is nothing to pray for if you are guilty of sin..." Li Shimin nodded and accepted the two arrows.

   Li Dan said to Yuan Tiangang, and Li Chunfeng nodded: "You come to suppress the secret, your Highness will act, and we will also do it."

  Yuan Shoucheng looked at the arrow and said, "Are you going to attack Jinghe Longjun?"

  Li Dandao shook his head: "It's the prince's bodyguard, the Great Weed King Kong. I have seen the prince's bandits before, not to mention, there is also the Buddhist Manjusri Bodhisattva."

  "We have to work with Qihuizi to subdue Buddhism. To prevent them from making trouble"

   "Okay!" Yuan Shoucheng nodded: "Then Jinghe Longjun can't run away, let him live for a few more days."

  Li Dan said: "He is the Great Dragon God of Siyu, the official is of the fourth rank. I still can't kill him. We can only do it when he is convicted in the sky."

   said again: "I just established a ghost country, I calculated Li Jiancheng, but I have to pay for the cause and effect, so I plan to gather his soul, inject the emperor's life into it, and re-plan to deal with the matter of Li and Tang of the Wu Dynasty."

   (end of this chapter)

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