After Becoming a Taoist

Chapter 720: Six Qi disorder causes disease

  Chapter 720 Disturbance of the Six Qi Causes Disease

   "Let's find the barefoot doctor." Chao Yuanfang also felt something was wrong.

  The two entered the village and saw that there was water in the fields, but the crops were half dead.

   Several peasants were on the farmland, frowning.

  Li Dandao took a look at it with a few breaths, and there was a trace of withered yellow qi lingering on the fields.

   This is "Qiu Qi?" Li Dan asked, how could it be so abnormal?

   Now is the "April Day in the World", when it's summer, how can there be "Autumn Qi?"

   One is the rising of Yang Qi and the other is the rising of Yin Qi. Although they are both a bit chilly, the state of the human body is completely different.

   The yang energy of the human body diverges in spring and converges in autumn.

  If it is disordered, it will cause illness to enter the body.

   In these years, natural and man-made disasters, the surrounding area of ​​Chang'an is considered good.

   The worst is Henan.

  Li Dandao asked the farmer where the doctor in the village was.

   then followed Chao Yuanfang.

   is a small temple at the head of the village. The temple is not dedicated to the righteous god, but inside is a sculpture like a twenty-eight girl.

   The barefoot doctor here was originally the **** of the temple, and later joined the Xiehe.

   At this time, two people were sitting in the temple, their faces were yellow and their lips were bloodless.

  Chao Yuanfang glanced at it and said, "Why does it look like typhoid fever?"

  Li Dandao smelled a sour smell: "We'll make a conclusion later."

   Walking into the temple, a one-eyed old woman was boiling medicine. There was a patch on her body, and a patch was missing. Her hair was still tied into the little girl's head, and she seemed to be crazy.

   is the news reported by this goddess.

  When Li Dandao first started to create Xiehe, he absorbed a group of nearby gods and goddesses, and passed on some medical knowledge with the method taught in his dreams.

   This goddess joined Xiehe at that time and became a witch doctor and goddess. Because the success rate of treatment is higher than before, but his status in the village has gradually improved.

   And the young goddess in the temple came to bow down and worship Li Dandao with sincerity and fear.

This girl was originally the daughter of a Sinicized Xianbei aristocrat. She died under age and was not married, so she could not be buried in a coffin. She could only wrap it in a straw mat. The family cremated the bones, put them in a jar, and put them in the temple. , enshrined tablets.

   Originally, there was no statue of a god, but later in the turbulent times, there was no need to go beyond it, so there was a statue in his lifetime.

   gradually became a "spiritual ghost". Since there are "spiritual ghosts" in the temple, they are not evil ghosts. Naturally, there are witches and gods who serve here and live on incense and money.

   It is like the tomb of Li Xiaoxiao at the end of the Sui Dynasty. It is unusual to be able to enter the coffin, but to be buried thickly.

   This girl is not a goddess, so she is naturally afraid of Li Dandao, but Li Dandao has no intention of cleaning her up.

  This girl and goddess, ordinary people can't see it, so they have to watch carefully.

   "Two immortals!" The one-eyed witch could naturally sense the unusualness of Li Dandao and Chao Yuanfang.

  Li Dandao smelled the medicine and knew what medicine was prescribed.

   "We are the people from Chang'an headquarters, but you reported a suspected plague?" Chao Yuanfang asked.

The witch was very happy when she heard that the headquarters was coming. How could the Xiehe Society and the Medical Alliance Society be called the Second Doctor Society and joined the Imperial Physician's Office together. They are half a barefoot doctor, and they don't feel inferior anymore. .

"In the past few days, there are indeed many people who are sick in the village. At first, they have nasal discharge and cough. After three or four days, they become dizzy and dizzy. Some have back pains, and even kidney pains. The decoction, which worked at first, seemed to get better, but then started to relapse."

   "These two are already the most serious. They are exhausted, don't want to eat, don't want to drink... They don't have high fever, just low fever, but they don't go away."

  Li Dandao asked, "Has Xiaoqinglong soup been served yet?"

   "It's useless, but Mahuang Tang is still useful." Li Dandao's Xiehe Medical Society has already spread some of the experience.

   "Are there any blisters or pimples?" Chao Yuanfang asked again.

   "No, the two immortals should see it for themselves."

  Chao Yuanfang nodded and went directly to investigate the two most serious patients.

   His hands and feet were already cold, and his pulse was weak and fast and thin.

   But when he touched his forehead, it was low fever again.

  I asked them to open their mouths and look at the tongue coating, but they seemed to have no self-consciousness, their teeth were stiff, and they couldn’t open them.

   And Li Dandao asked the one-eyed woman: "There is obviously no drought in the village, why are the seedlings withered and yellow, do you know the reason?"

   The one-eyed woman shook her head: "But I don't know, is it related to this plague?"

  Li Dandao turned and asked the girl god: "Do you know what's going on?"

Although the    girl is not a true god, but there is no shrine **** in this village, Li Dandao can only ask her.

  The girl said: "This immortal, what happened to the concubine is really unclear. I can only sense that around the Cold Food Festival, these fields have begun to go wrong, and there are signs of spreading."

  Li Dan got a certain time, and he invited the wandering gods day and night.

  The God of Day and Night was originally enjoying the incense in the Chenghuang Temple, but he was suddenly photographed. He was going to scold his mother, but when he saw Li Dandao, he was very attentive.

  When Li Dandao was in charge of the Jingyang County City God, they also met Li Dandao.

   What's more, Li Dandao built the ghost town of Yama, and also fought with Manjusri Bodhisattva and Avalokitesvara in white. These little gods have the ability to monitor the Quartet, and it is unclear where they can be.

   "I've waited to see Li Tiancao."

Li Dan said: "For example, in the spring of this evening, between spring and summer, it is not surprising that there is a plague. There is always a way to cure it. The seedlings clearly haven't grown up yet, so why did they turn yellow?"

   "Returning to Tiancao, this is because of the rebellion of the solar term, but the Qingming solar term is "frost falling". These days and nights, there is frost everywhere, but I don't know why.

   "Reversing the solar term?" Li Dandao thought of the Demon King of Liu Qi at a thought, and he had killed a Demon King of "Han Qi" before.

   If the "Demon King of Coolness" is lurking here, it would make sense. After all, the autumn wind is bleak and coolness is practiced.

  Among the fields, some "Qiu Qi" can be matched.

  Li Dandao got a job title of "Tai Xuan You Chang Si Ming Tian Jun" in the East China Sea.

   is for the purpose of heaven, and Li Dandao didn't find anything unusual, but now there are some signs.

   can not be ignored.

   Six qi disease, spring plague is not terrible, the terrible thing is that the farmland is not harvested. At that time, people really wanted to eat people.

  Unfortunately, the God of Day and Night does not know why the solar terms are reversed.

  Li Dan said that he can only cure the disease and save the life first, and then investigate the matter in order to correct the solar terms.

   "Come and have a look." Chao Yuanfang said: "I look a little strange, their symptoms are a bit like spleen and kidney yang deficiency."

  Li Dandao took his pulse, sensed the Qi in his body, and said, "Not only that, but there is also an evil qi that takes advantage of the mind and blocks the mind's orifices. You must open your mind first, otherwise, you will not know if you ask three questions."

   (end of this chapter)

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