After Becoming a Taoist

Chapter 768: conflict

   Chapter 768 Conflict

   Let’s say that there was a huge band of bandits on the Poyang Lake at first, but because of Luo Hong’s uprising, they went with them a lot.

   But there are still a lot of thieves and bandits in Poyang Lake, and they are even in the company of demons, and they are quite magical.

   Let me say that there is a one-eyed Taoist among them, who is known as a master of finding dragons and acupoints, and can see that there are large tombs in Poyang.

   So he explained this to Luo Hong, and Luo Hong took him down and asked him to stay in Poyang.

   As for why this man was able to discover the tomb? But one day, the one-eyed Taoist practiced his feng shui technique, so he watched the fog in the big lake, and the result was that the bottom of the lake was faintly revealing the treasure light.

  Listen carefully, in addition to the sound of water and waves in the water, there are actually many vocal sounds, which seem to be chimes or ancient.

  The one-eyed Taoist knew that this was the funerary object that had become a climate, turned into a ghost, and was gathering under the lake.

   And there are dragon veins under Poyang Lake, and there may even be an emperor buried in it, which is very likely to give birth to magic tools. Even if there are no magic tools, it is gold and silver antiques.

   And this one-eyed Taoist has been in this lake for several months, and naturally he has discovered a pattern. When the treasure light appears at the bottom of the lake, it must be a cloudless night, and there must be stars.

   After counting the time, the one-eyed Taoist went into the water with a water drop.

  A rope is tied around his waist, and two thieves are on the other end of the rope. If something goes wrong, they will be pulled up.

   It’s just that the one-eyed Taoist doesn’t know, and someone has already been eyeing him.

   That little Prince Zhang, although he was apprenticed by the Great Sage King Bodhisattva of Buddhism, he learned the magic of Taoism.

In particular, the method of restraining the gods of the Zhang family in Longhu Mountain is even more remarkable. The four body altars correspond to the four elephants. Therefore, there are four gods to help out, and these four gods each lead 1,200 people. King Kong Buddha Soldier.

  This Vajra Buddha Soldier is recruited by the method of Taoism, and refined by the method of Buddhism, just like the stream of immovable diamonds.

   Therefore, Prince Zhang can be regarded as the right-hand man of the Great Sage Kingdom, and many things are done by this Prince Zhang on behalf of his teacher.

   The one-eyed Taoist went down, and the little prince Zhang also sent a divine general to follow him.

   This **** will hold a blue-and-white snake in his hand, which can exert great power in water.

   It's just that they didn't see it, and a **** shadow followed.

   By the Poyang Lake, Li Dandao, Wan Zhen, and Hu Huichao were already watching from an octagonal pavilion.

   "This pavilion originally suppressed a turtle spirit." Wan Zhen said: "But after the merits were perfected, and he knew how to repent, he made him the water **** of the Qinghe River."

  Li Dandao thought this pavilion was not bad, so he asked, "Does this pavilion have a name?"

  Hu Huichao said: "The pavilion's name is Gan Yu."

   "Good name." Li Dandao said, "Now there is a severe drought in the north, and a sweet rain is needed. It seems that we have a good sign."

  Wan Zhen also nodded: "Exactly."

   At this time, over Poyang Lake, the stars are like buckets, falling on the lake, Lingling is clear and spiritual, which has inspired many little monsters in the lake to breathe the inspiration of heaven and earth.

  The lake is foggy and suffocating, Li Dan walks on the waves, a step is a few miles.

  Hu Huichao, Wan Zhen, one holding a whisk and the other carrying a magic sword.

   On the island in the heart of the lake, a monk opened his eyes. The monk looked young, wearing a crown of five Buddhas and sitting cross-legged under a reed shed.

   There is a flying dragon stick standing beside him. The flying dragon on the stick is like a serpent with two wings, but his body is golden and his eyes are red, with a sense of spirituality. "

   Sensing that someone was coming, the monk frowned: "Shouldn't Hu Huichao and Wan Zhen of Xishan learn the art of autopsy in the cave?"

   A few days ago, Bodhisattva King Bodhisattva of the Great Sage Kingdom flowed an excellent technique of dissolving corpses into immortals to the vicinity of Xishan, confirming that Hu Huichao was enlightening.

   At the last step, Hu Huichao also asked for references.

Although the method of    autopsy is inferior, but if there is no complete certainty, and the meritorious deeds are not enough to survive the doom with confidence, this point can be considered.

   This was originally a conspiracy, and Hu Huichao couldn't make it, so naturally it was the best.

   But Li Dandao came to Poyang, which became the biggest variable.

  There are Sun Zhenren, and even Qihuizi Zhuyu are in the money, what is the method of autopsy.

   At this time, Prince Zhang also came to his side: "Master, they have found the portal to the underground palace, but the portal is sealed and they are exploring the cave."

   "There has been a turbulent change in this matter." The Great Sage King Bodhisattva said: "Just stare over there, don't worry about the poor monk."

   Little Prince Zhang was shocked: "What's going on?"

   "You can't handle it." The Great Sage Kingdom Master Wang Bodhisattva said: "Don't keep it here, you have a special status, keep it here, I'm afraid it will attract people from Longhu Mountain."

   Prince Zhang had to leave.

   "Don't worry, it's okay for the teacher." The Great Sage King Bodhisattva said coldly.

   However, he still held the Flying Dragon Staff in his hand.

   And an extremely vicious black ape floated up and down in the water, his eyes were green and his fangs were turned out. It was the fierce **** of the Huai River, and the jellyfish goddess Wuzhiqi.

  This water ape looks a bit like the giant, but with a gold hoop on its head, it was tamed.

   There is also one on Li Dan Road, but the Huai River water ape has been refined into one.

   This water ape is holding a big copper stick in his hand, looking extremely simple, and I don't know if it is its original weapon.

   At this time, Li Dandao, Hu Huichao, and Wan Zhen had arrived at the island in the heart of the lake.

   "Why is this eminent monk coming to the forbidden place of the dragon lock demon in Xishan Town?"

   "Why didn't we even know about it, is the eminent monk going to build a temple here?"

   "This place is not good, this place will be flooded again after a while, and the temple will not last long."

   The three of them soon arrived at the island in the heart of the lake.

   And the Great Holy Kingdom Teacher Wang Bodhisattva said "Amitabha Buddha", and the words were blocked.

  Li Dandao vaguely sensed the power of Sakyamuni's hyoid relic.

   A lotus flower blooms in the mouth.

   The sound of Amitabha seems to have the power to make people take refuge.

   But the three of them are not bad in their practice. Although each practice method is different, they are all dedicated to the pursuit of the Dao.

   "Monk, you have crossed the border." Li Dandao said, "And do you really think we don't understand what you did?"

   "What is the donor doing?" The Great Sage King Bodhisattva was still pretending to be confused.

   "Pin Dao's trip is the treasure of Dayu in your hands, the Jiujiang Water Vessel Map."

   "It turned out to be a band of robbers, benefactor, but the sin of robbers will go to hell."

"This picture is originally a treasure of my Taoist family. Dayu is the great emperor of my Taoist family, and he is not a Bodhisattva of your Buddhism. The crime of this robber is your own responsibility." Wan Zhen had already drawn out his magic sword. .

  Hu Huichao said: "Besides, what are you going to do, do you really think we don't know?"

   "The ancient prime minister Liu Yunie suppressed Poyang for many years without incident. My patriarch left a seal, how can you destroy it!"

   (end of this chapter)

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