After Becoming a Taoist

Chapter 818: Demon blocking the way

  Chapter 818 Demons are blocking the way

   A thief, called Shen Wei, was not ashamed, but saw a family of several people, two old people, two young people, and a four- or five-year-old child.

   One of the young men's hats is missing, revealing the "baldness" above.

  Shen Wei is about to go out and follow these mandrill theories.

   But see Li Rongdao: "The mandrill is very revengeful, and is used to being a robber, and his character is also extremely rogue. Although this hat has the ability to hide the figure, it is made of the scalp that is attached to the head."

   "And the mandrill can be transformed into a human form, which is also an illusion of wearing a human skeleton on the head. Look at it."

   When a real fire burns away, the red hat turns into a scalp felt.

   Bloody horror.

   Then Li Rong opened Shen Wei's "dharma eyes" again, and it turned out to be a group of animals with mottled faces, like monkeys, with skulls on their heads, and their bodies crooked in human clothes, looking eerie.

   "If you have the guts to steal, why don't you have the guts to admit it?"

   That family of mandrills was still scolding, and at the same time secretly observing these young Taoists, what was the bottom line, and there was an occasional glimmer of light in their eyes.

   "Young son, you stole our stuff, why didn't anyone say it?"

  Shen Wei threw his scalp out: "Who cares about your stuff."

   "We found out, so embarrassed?"

   "This matter has caused trouble to the government, and you have committed the crime of theft." The old mandrill drank.

   "That's it!"

   Li Rong asked: "I don't know how you want to solve it?"

   "Hand over the thief and let us deal with it!" The old mandrill said, "Since you don't know how to discipline, let us discipline you."

   Shen Wei's eyes narrowed: "Okay, I would like to see how you discipline?"

   However, he drew his sword and dispatched, the light of the sword was three feet cold, and he stabbed straight forward, even with a single step, he shot the old mandrill to death.

   turned into its original form, a red-butt mandrill.

  The mountain **** burst into flames one after another: "You dare to kill my grandfather! Is it bad for you to bully my minions?"

   is very fast, and even has the power to tear apart wolves, tigers and leopards.

   "My sword is not always bad!" After Shen Wei's sacrificed and refined Feijian drank blood, it became fierce.

   What's more, Shen Wei has learned the art of "slaying demons", and he is extremely restrained against demons. A mortal sword cannot hurt a mandrill with copper skin and iron bones, but this sword is like killing a pig and a dog.

   Soon only a small mandrill was left.

  Shen Wei stopped the sword and said, "I don't kill children. You are still young and have never hurt anyone. Leave."

  Xiao Shanji just saw that a family of five was killed and he was the only one left, and his courage was broken, so he wanted to flee.

   However, Li Rong punched out a talisman and burned the fleeing mandrill into ashes.

   "Senior brother, you." Shen Wei was speechless for a moment.

"If you keep breaking it, you will suffer from it. You kill the whole family and let it go. You are not afraid of revenge, but you are only afraid that the mountain people will suffer. Look at the clothes on their bodies and the clothes on their heads. A skeleton knows its temperament."

   "If you fight a snake, you won't die, and you will have endless troubles." Li Rong said: "This is also an experience, let's go quickly!"

   Now gather the souls of a few mandrills, and in the future you can make them into soldiers and horses.

   However, killing the mandrill is murderous, and the qi of the whole group is destroyed, which is not considered harmonious.

   Trouble keeps coming.

   A few people walked forward, and suddenly they saw an inn. The inn was very simple, and there was only one word for "wine" as a flag.

   But one of them saw an old man and a young and handsome girl selling wine there.

   Seeing Li Rong and others who were on their way, he called out, "Several Taoists, why don't you stop and rest."

   An inn appeared in the wilderness, and it was on the outskirts of Shiwanda Mountain.

  Li Rong didn't intend to ignore it.

   "Several Taoist priests, the water and wine we have here are all vintage wines. Why don't you drink two glasses to strengthen your courage?"

   "A cultivator, don't drink alcohol." But seeing a disciple who hadn't figured out the situation, he replied.

   Li Rong said straightly: "I will suffer."

Sure enough, the old man said, "It's fine if you don't drink alcohol, but my daughter is twenty-eight years old and young. It's not good to follow the old man. I will spend the rest of my life in the mountains and forests. I also ask the Taoist priest to do well and take her out. ."

   Shen Wei leaned close to Li Rong, his hand was already on the sword: "Senior brother, what kind of monster is this?"

   "It's not a monster, it's a ghost." Li Rong said: "It's not a ghost from the bones, or an old charm in the mountains."

   "It was greed just now, but now it's sex." Shen Wei realized something: "Should I kill them with a sword?"

   "To draw a sword is to be famous, but to draw a sword without a name means no way." Li Rong said: "Since he took the initiative to provoke us, let's explore the details."

   then said: "I'm afraid it won't work, we have to go deeper into the mountains and can't take your daughter out."

   "I can't go! I can't go!" The old man was startled: "If you go further inside, it will be the mountain spider's territory!"

   Rumor has it that Sword Saint Feimin was walking in the mountains and encountered a mountain spider that wanted to eat him.

The    mountain spider's silk is as tight and sturdy as a piece of cloth.

  When the mountain spider was about to touch Pei Min, he bent the bow and shot the spider back.

  This mountain spider is as big as a wheel, and if you count its slender legs, it looks like a big grinding wheel.

   Pei Min cut the spider silk and put it away. If a subordinate soldier is injured in a battle, cut it to the size and paste it, and the blood will stop immediately.

   The demon who can retreat in the hands of Sword Saint Pei Min can be regarded as a big demon. This old man is trying to scare Li Rong and others away.

   And the little girl whispered: "That mountain spider can eat a cow at a meal, and only when it is full can it pass by his site, and there are many small spiders on his site."

   "I know a way around there, but please let me follow you."

   "The slave family is the daughter of the Jiang family in Lingnan. Because she was kidnapped by the mandrill and raped on the mountain, she was humiliated and committed suicide by hanging herself. The slave family's skeleton is still under that old tree."

  The old man said, "I am that old tree."

   Shen Wei looked at Li Rong, but saw that he did not show any sympathy, but he was also unsure whether the two people were telling the truth or not.

   "I also asked a few Taoist priests to take pity on the little girl and move the little girl's bones out so that she could be reincarnated."

   But he threw himself directly into the arms of a Taoist who showed sympathy.

   Wherever he thought about the side of the Taoist body, he fluttered.

   I saw the man said: "Selling grievances is outdated. Our Xuanzhen Taoist Bai Yuan Xianweng has already explained all kinds of demon routines."

   But she saw that the girl had long and sharp fingernails, and her jet-black hair turned into black hair and spread all over her body.

   That old man is a yellow-faced old ghost, and the so-called restaurant is nothing but a fantasy magic trick built by mud, stone and branches.

   "Earth goat ghost, female corpse demon."

   "One likes to use mud and stones to replace people's hearts and livers, and the other likes to eat people's hearts and livers to maintain the image of a living person." Li Rong said, "How about the changes, how can the wisdom of demons be compared to people?"

   "Shen Wei, come on!"

   (end of this chapter)

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