After Becoming a Taoist

Chapter 820: Kamisei Rokko Prayer Secret

  Chapter 820 The Secret Law of the Supreme Qing Sixjia Prayer

   Let’s talk about the five evil spirits.

  These five evil spirits are different types of Taoism, and there are many versions.

   In other words, a few demons and ghosts want to practice with incense, so they put on the names of "Five Links" and "Five Displays".

  So the people can't tell the difference, but they also worship it.

   It can be said that the Wutong Gods in every place are different, but without exception, they are all aliens and they are notorious evil gods.

   But even so, his temperament can also be figured out clearly. Furthermore, the five powers of God can make people rich, but they can also make people destitute, such a capricious, narrow-minded, and stingy spirit.

   The more people believe in him, they pay homage to him, they don't dare to disobey him in the slightest, they can only follow their temperament.

   There are even small businessmen who specially marry several wives and concubines for their pleasure in order to worship the evil **** of Wutong, and even enjoy themselves with them.

  The origin of Wutongshen is very early, but there are records from the Tang Dynasty.

   Zheng Yu's "Da Wei Xu You Shi Ming" wrote: Niu Afang, ghosts and five links, special attention to arrest, see the west and east.

  Liu Zongyuan's "Longcheng Lu" said: There was a ghost in Liuzhou, named Wutong. Yu Shidao, do not believe. Occasionally one day, the trunks change their clothes, and they are all ashes. . It is for Wenjiao to complain to the emperor, the emperor sincerely asks my heart, so that the dragon city will be free from demons and evil spirits.

   These five-connected evil gods in Lingnan are naturally the earliest group, not the extremely powerful five-connected evil gods in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

   At this time, although it has a little magic power, it is only limited to Lingnan, and it is not a type that spreads to the whole country.

  It was originally the mandrill of five scholars who came down the mountain, the so-called "ghost in the mountain, mandrill wood charm, Tugong Shibo et al."

  Because he loves to play tricks on people, he often picks up people's belongings, only to be found after three or four days, so he is feared and enshrined.

   At the beginning, there was a belief in incense, and he had the ability to become a "god".

   But it neither teaches nor binds. Not distinguish between good and evil.

   As long as he is enshrined, it will be extremely effective, even if it hurts people's lives, it will be extremely effective.

   After harming people in this way, they tasted the taste of blood sacrifices. Blood sacrifices are like drugs to demons. In the beginning, only small sacrifices are enough. In the end, cattle, sheep and pigs are not satisfied, and even boys and girls are normal.

   However, these five powers and gods do not pay attention to everything, so there is a "mason manager" as their director.

   In fact, there are five gods, and there are six evil gods.

   Guan Yu took Zhou Cang and Guan Ping, and 5,000 soldiers and horses. They rushed from Yinming to the nearby "Wuxiangong".

   The Wuxiangong Temple was erected in the midst of the bustling city, and local officials did not destroy it for fear of provoking civil unrest.

  The big business owners are those with vested interests, but they are extremely protective.

  The Netherland Guan Yu set out, and there were also Taoists in the Yang World.

   It was Feng Subo of Maoshan. I saw him and his two juniors and nephews, and quickly came to the Wuxian Temple in the bustling city of the mortal world.

   In Wuxian Temple, some people brought live chickens and worshipped them. Afterwards, there were temple sacrifices, taking knives, killing the chickens, and bleeding into the "sacrificial basin".

The people kowtowed and made a wish: "The neighbor next door planted a plum tree in front of my house eight years ago, and we ate it together when it was cooked. Now that he is dead, his son said that he would build a yard and use the plum tree as a tree. boundary."

   "His family is plotting against me, and I don't want him any better. I ask Master Wuxian to be merciful, and let his family see blood when the yard was built, and the plum tree was bitten to death by bugs."

   "If it works, the believers will donate 8,000 to the master."

   He kowtowed a few more times, and the karmic karma suddenly increased, turning into a deadly vengeance. At the same time, a black air was attached to this person.

   After making a wish, this man was about to leave the temple, but he was stopped by a group of people.

   "Your calamity is here!"

   "Go go go!" The man felt unlucky.

   "If you want people not to know, you have to do nothing for yourself. You rely on the height of the almond tree to sneak up on people's yards, and now you are cursed to harm people. I'm afraid that if people don't harm them first, you will have an accident yourself!"

   "What nonsense are you talking about!" The man panicked and was about to break free and escape.

  Feng Subo just warned: "Don't be obsessed with it, otherwise it will only damage the yin and morals, ruin the family fortune, and the rewards of good and evil will go hand in hand."

   "Fuck you!" The man finally stopped living.

  Feng Subo shook his head: "No help, no help."

   looked at the temple again, and saw that it was not as bright as an ordinary temple, but very dark.

   The stench is even more frowned upon.

   At the same time, there is an evil enchantment in the temple, which is a place of "evil".

   As long as you step into it, you will be marked, and even if you don’t worship at the beginning, you will be slowly dragged into it later.

   belongs to a "mud pond". If you want to get out of the mud without being stained, you have to have some skills to make these five gods jealous.

   "Uncle, what should I do?" asked the two juniors.

  Feng Subo said: "When I look at this temple, the spiritual light is filthy, all kinds of evil spirits are interspersed in it, the demonic atmosphere is thick, the demonic intention is publicized, and the five poisons are complete. It is basically an evil god."

   "But at this time, the entrance to the temple is broken. I am afraid that the believers will react violently. We will come back later."

   said again: "Xuanzhen Dao's Fengdu soldiers and horses have already set their sights on this place, and we have to prepare well, we can't let the evil spirits escape easily."

   "Master, what are we going to prepare?"

   "Draw a few more talismans, don't let these evil gods run away, smash his dojo, and kill him on the spot."

He touched his own heart again: "Master said that I need to destroy the demons and break my heart barrier to become an earth immortal. Qinglian Zhenren has raised half of my heart, and I can't forget this kindness, not to mention the half of my heart that he lost. I also found it, and asked me to cultivate the way of "two hearts", put that heart in a thousand-year-old wood, use it to parasitize the primordial fetus, turn it into a wood primordial spirit, and also obtain a very long lifespan. ."

   "Now to help Xuan Zhenguan, I have also made an external contribution. I think it is only one step away."

  Feng Subo's eyes were firm, he stamped his Nine Old Immortals, and covered a few more talismans, and invited the altar gods to worship and train soldiers and horses.

   Waiting for the night, every door is closed

   A demonic wind swirled, and the evil spirits were released from the temple to fulfill their wishes among the people who came to make wishes during the day.

   But he heard an extremely domineering divine incantation: "Kuigang Kuigang is enshrining Jiuqi Jun and descended to the Sixth Heavenly Book, I hold the Sixth God Seal, and invite: "Jiazi God, the word is Qinggong, the name is Yuande. Jiaxu God, courtesy name Lin Qi, has a well-deserved name. Jiashen God, word balance, name abbreviated. ... Ding Youshen, named Wenqing, styled Renxiu. Ding Weishen, the name Shengtong, the word benevolence. The **** Ding Si, whose name is Mingyu, whose characters are benevolent and respectful, and who are six Ding and six Jia, stand in front of the altar, with my friends. As soon as I heard the call, I immediately came on the cloud, and I descended to help me use the magic power. Hastily as a law. "

   This is Mao Shandao's "Shangqing Liujia Prayer Secret Law", which can summon Liuding Liujia Dharma protector.

   Sure enough, the **** Dingjia, six men and six women, surrounded the temple.

  Feng Subo kicked open the door and pinched the Northern Emperor's God Transformation Art.

   shouted: "Lei Bu's work, idle miscellaneous, etc., irrelevant, etc., don't run away, pending inspection, lewd gods and evil ghosts, if you don't obey the law, you will be punished by three!"

   (end of this chapter)

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