After Becoming a Taoist

Chapter 831: Destiny Pass

   Chapter 831 Fate Pass

   The Demon King Chiyou was injured by the hole, and the Great Demon King of Lushan who was captured immediately regained his sovereignty.

   The essence of the Great Demon King of Lushan is "God", but he is just a Demon God.

   "Kangtong Questions and Answers" has a cloud: "What are demons, ghosts, aliens and demons?

   Answer: Human beings are fakes as demons, things are spirits as spirits, and human souls remain as ghosts. Heaven and earth are obedient, and suddenly there are very strange things, the gods are evil, the people are crazy, and they are heretical. "

The    Demon God is the **** of madness in the human heart, born out of the desires of all living beings.

   But although Chi You was injured, it was not fatal, and he broke through alive.

   The entire body of the Great Demon King of Lushan underwent great changes.

  A Chiyou head regenerated from the chest of the Great Demon King of Lushan.

   And four fleshy wings are born on the back.

   "Four evil signs?" Li Dandao opened his hand and took back the magic sword that pierced Chiyou.

   The Three-Five Slaying Evil Hero Sword, which was stained with Chiyou's devilish soul, had some runes on it, and some of the ferocity that originally belonged to Chiyou's devilish soldier was revealed.

  Li Dandao used the Taixuan Dao method to capture the breath of the demon soul in his hands, and used the technique of "impeaching the gods and banning demons" to impeach Chiyou's demon soul.

   "The great demons of the three worlds have all surrendered, and all the evil ways of the ten directions have taken refuge. Earth-shattering! The gods abdicate, and the gods hide..."

   This curse really banned Chiyou Demon Soul, but a roar was heard.

   However, the Demon King of the Six Curses and the Great Demon of the Seventy-two Earth Demons increased their efforts to ban Li Dandao. The Demon Lord of the Six Curses turned into the original Demon King's Dharma body, and the Great Demon of the Seventy-two Earth Demons performed the Demon Realm.

   Just two Sakyamuni golden body relics melted into Nirvana, and the Great Nirvana Dharma has improved Li Dandao's Buddhist practice by more than one level.

  Li Dandao was originally the "Venerable Qinglong" in the door of the Buddha. Later, under the guidance of the Supreme, he comprehended the Dharma of the Mahayana and the sages of the outsiders. With twelve karma, he realized the perfection and opened up the pratyeka Buddhism of the outsiders.

   Later, he realized the fellow practitioners of the three religions, and received advice from Qihuizi, the head of Louguan, before he ascended.

   Understand the difficulty of blooming with three pedicles.

   Enlightenment gives birth to two, and two to three.

   The three teachings are tactile, but they can have the same root, but not the same branch, and not the same leaf.

  Therefore, Li Dandao just used "one qi to transform three clears", and the primordial spirit is divided into four.

  The melting of the two relics has driven some of the primordial spirit of Sakyamuni and the true meaning of Buddhism.

   But Li Dandao did not use it directly for himself, but the lotus seed used the power of the Buddha's Nirvana to complete his own upgrade.

   And those things that do not belong to Li Dan's way are all classified as "foreign ways", the foreign minister.

   was excreted by Li Dandao.

   These things are strongly rooted in Sakyamuni's fundamental nature and personal, extremely domineering, and cannot be absorbed by Li Dan's Daoxin Lake lotus seeds.

   This even carries the thought power that wants to be reborn in Nirvana on Li Dandao.

   It’s just that the Taixuan Zhenfu was steadily suppressed, and Li Dandao himself was already in the realm of the sun god, and he respected “I”, so why should he respect him Shakyamuni?

   These are inconsistent and inconsistent with Li Dandao's own "one qi".

   But also extremely strong, turned into a relic.

   This relic went straight to the primordial spirit of the little novice in Li Dandao.

   The young novice Yuanshen accepted it, and immediately felt extremely solemn and solemn.

   One pointed to the sky and the other to the ground, and said, "On the sky and the ground, I am the only one."

   Afterwards, in the image of a novice, he also transformed into a golden Buddha, sitting on the original golden lotus platform of Li Dandao.

  Foguang Rui Ai, Li Dan immediately realized a Buddhist supernatural power.

   Destiny Link.

   or a little fate pass.

  Mortal people sometimes forget everything that happened yesterday.

  Those who remember well may remember what happened a few months ago, or even a few years ago.

   and realized that Fate Tong not only remembers the things of this life and this world, but also the dusty past events of many eons, as clear as yesterday.

   Not only do you know your own past, but you can also know the fate of all sentient beings in the past.

   This is the twelve karma clear.

   But why add a "small", because this magical power is not a real "fate", and there is a chance of error.

   is similar to the method of deduction and calculation, but it is only understood, and it is mysterious and mysterious, which cannot be described in words.

   Or even if you say it, you can't see it or hear it.

   Li Dandao's Yuanshen smiled and said, "Venerable Qinglong, I will ask you to take care of Buddhism, and I will concentrate on cultivating Confucianism and Taoism."

   "Namo Vajra Wisdom Vehicle Brave Great Effort Void Treasure Bodhisattva, Mokosa!"

   "Namo Vajra Wisdom Vehicle Braveness Great Effort Advance Void Treasure Buddha, Mokosa!"

   In the halo behind the head of Venerable Qinglong, there are people from heaven and people who came from the void and settled in the halo behind his head.

   And the Buddha's light attacked these demons, and quickly transformed many demon souls into heaven and human beings.

   Venerable Qinglong held a golden lantern and flew straight into the sky.

At the same time, he made a great vow: "When I become a Buddha, all demon kings and hungry ghosts will never fall into evil realms again, gain immeasurable light, see immeasurable joy, immeasurable wisdom, all kinds of perfection of sentient beings, without the censure of the five poisons and eight sufferings... "

   After this great vow is sent out, the core of the Lushan Dharma Realm, the history book of the years, will record a picture of the Buddha teaching the Dharma.

   changed the progress of this book.

   After thinking about it, every 800 years will be a cycle. At this moment, there will be an eminent monk who will save the world and become a Buddha.

   On the other side, Qinglian Yuanshen, that is, the Taoist Yuanshen, dealt with the Six-Qi Demon King, the Six-Qi Demon King was originally transformed by the natural six-Qi of heaven and earth.

   Later, he was a ghost from the Six Heavens. He was ordered by Zhang Tianshi to be the six devil kings of Fengdu. After the chaos in the underworld, he ran out with Chiyou.

  Li Dandao had killed several demon kings before and forged a few Origin Qi.

   But these demon kings can't be killed, they will be reborn in another place, but their power will become weaker and weaker.

  Li Dan said that Qinglian Yuanshen wanted to kill him a few more times.

   The high-quality Qi of the source, after being purified, is designated as "God", which is responsible for Yin, Yang, Wind, Rain, Darkness, and Brightness.

   As the follower of his "Tai Xuan Si Ming You Chang Tian Jun".

  Whenever things are impermanent, most of them are disorder of the six qi, and if the six qi of the sky are disordered, there will be natural disasters.

  The disorder of the six qi is harmful to the earth.

  The disorder of the six qi causes disease.

   Become an immortal, but also "the debate of the six qi."

   In addition to the superior source qi, other sources can also imitate the instruments of Taishang Laojun to refine a few magic weapons for transcending calamities.

  For example, with a diamond peck, you can refine it with the six qi, and then you can reclaim everything and swallow everything.

   When the Demon King of Liuqi saw the Qinglian Zhenren who was holding the Taixuan Zhentao, he was noisy: "Xiao Niu's nose, so it's mysterious, I will practice you to death today and become the foundation of our brothers."

As the Confucian Yuanshen of Li Dandao, the scholar Yuanshen manifested by the white lotus is extremely solemn, masculine, without any weak appearance, a bit of grandeur and eternal life. Twelve Earth Demons.

   Just at this moment, a pure Yang sword came: "I'm coming too."

   Another voice also sounded: "Little Lizi, why are you so powerful?"

   (end of this chapter)

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