After Becoming a Taoist

Chapter 846: Anonymous Argument

   Chapter 846 Anonymous Debate

  After Dou Mu Yuanjun left, Emperor Ziwei said again: "Although there are thousands of threads, but only one needle and one thread, you don't have to be impatient, just do the things in front of you."

   This is the call of the big leader.

  Li Dandao nodded to show his understanding.

"Such as today's opportunity for the collapse of the earth is imminent, but it is also from weak to prosperous, from prosperous to the extreme point of decline, the achievements of the past will not have the trend of today, and in the next thousand years, it will be difficult to have the present time, which is unprecedented in thousands of years. You need to take good control of the changing situation." Emperor Ziwei said again.

  Li Dandao pondered for a while, and felt that this was a statement of gold and jade, a summary made by seeing through time and space and the laws of history.

   "The two of them are still waiting for you, so I won't keep you. If there is something you think is right, just do it boldly without worrying too much, so that you can grow."

   After saying these words, Li Dandao felt confident, then walked out of Ziweixing Palace and saw Qihui and Zhang Zixiang drinking tea outside.

   A few star officials to accompany.

   "Hahaha, it seems that the emperor has given you a lot of advice." Zhang Zixiang smiled: "Go, follow the poor road to Dachitian."

  Li Dan naturally followed, and he had to go up a few gates of heaven when he went to Dachitian.

   The splendid scene of the Asgard that I have seen is both vast and luxurious than that of the mortal dynasty. Just touching it with your hands is only the transformation of the pure spirit, not the real thing.

  Since the gods are the gods transformed by the congenital Qing Ling Yuan Qi, then this Heavenly Palace is naturally also the residence of the congenital Qing Ling Yuan Qi.

  Li Dandao has been to Dachitian once, but he knows the way, Shangjing Palace, Zhongjing Palace, Xiajing Palace, Taiji Palace, Zixiao Palace, Taiqing Palace, Tusita Palace, and many moral palaces.

   In each palace, there are many successful practitioners of Taoism. Those who have ascended to the Heavenly Palace have high Taoist cultivators. If they fail to ascend to Daluotian, they will also listen to lectures here, so that they can continue to cultivate the Tao of Heaven and Immortals.

   "Haha, little friend, not long after, I saw you again." It was the high road Xu Lingqi that Li Dan met when he came to Da Chitian last time.

  Li Dandao once was in Qinghua Realm, and Dengzhen Pavilion of Taiyi Tianzun Dojo listened to his teachings, and also taught the way of tune-in and beasts, and learned the language of dragon and phoenix. He was regarded as a half teacher of Li Dandao.

   "It turned out to be Master Xu!" Li Dandao hurriedly saluted.

   "Don't be polite, thanks to the little friend's advancement step by step, the poor Daoist has also been exposed. After receiving a lecture from the Heavenly Venerate, he suddenly opened the golden lock, rescued the bitter spirit officer from the Qinghua Realm, and was promoted to the Taiji Palace as a judge." Xu Lingqi said.

   When Li Dandao first entered the Heavenly Palace, he was only an eighth-rank heaven and earth rank, and later he became a fifth-rank Heavenly Cao official. After doing the banquet of the Eight Immortals, he ordered the secret of heaven and got a third-rank heaven and earth career.

   can be regarded as riding a rocket.

   But the rank of heaven and earth is the rank of heaven and earth, the vocation is the vocation, and the rank of immortals is the rank of immortals. The three are similar, but very different.

   However, Li Dandao still wanted to congratulate Xu Lingqi for his high rise.

   When he arrived at the Yutai Golden Palace, he didn't see the two children at the time. When he thought about the two of them in the lower realm, he almost killed himself, saying that he wanted to help him catch foxes, but he was never seen again.

  There was no gold and silver fairy boy, but Li Dandao saw a green cow, half-drooping his eyes and looking at Li Dandao, there was also a ring on his nose.

   A Taixuan fairy child is taking care of him taking a bath and rubbing his back, which is very pleasant.

   "Go." Qi Huizi led Li Dandao into the palace gate.

   is very natural.

This made Li Dandao doubt whether Qihui was a human body of Laojun, or how could he put the emperor Xuanyuan who Laojun didn't want to become a king of heaven, and even rise to the top. Luo Xianjie.

   Entered, and saw a gossip furnace, several rows of gourd pill bottles, and an old Taoist sitting on a futon with white beard and white eyebrows.

   This old man is the old gentleman, very casual.

   The last time Li Dan saw him, he was still playing chess with Nanhua Zhenren (Chapter 398).

  Li Dan Dao saw the fire of Chinese martial arts in the elixir furnace, ping ping pong pong, not like he was refining pills, but rather like refining weapons.

   "Do you want to practice in my furnace?"

  The old gentleman is kind and kind, and he has no pretence. Instead, he made fun of him: "It is not bad to make a diamond, and it will be perfect."

   "It's just that King Kong is not bad, but where in the world are there perfect people?"

   Laojun stood up: "Oh? You brat, don't you believe in the old way?"

  Li Dan hurriedly said that he did not dare.

   "How do you master the Tao of Taixuan Talismans?"

   "It's already seven or eight points clear." Li Dan replied.

   "What about the way of the nine-turn golden elixir?"

   "It's still being polished." Li Dan replied one by one.

   Laojun smiled and said: "I should teach you, in fact, I have taught you. If your kid walks alone, it is actually enough to prove the gods, but if you want to combine the three teachings, it is not enough."

After listening to Li Dandao, he knew that Lao Jun had something to teach him: "At the beginning, your old man taught Confucius and Zhou Li, and after you left Hangu Pass in the west, you met with Sakyamuni again. I want to come here and how to deal with the three religions, how many are there? I have seen and heard, and please ask the old gentleman to give me a clear method."

   "When Confucius was alive, he didn't know he was a Confucian. It was only after his death that his disciples became Confucian."

   "Confucius himself did not do anything. He wanted to pass down the ancient learning, continue it, and teach it to more people."

   "Like the Book of Changes of Zhou, Xi painted gossip, King Wen wrote hexagrams, Duke Zhou wrote lines, and Confucius compiled them together and wrote the book "Book of Changes"."

  Li Dandao heard it and suddenly became enlightened: "When Tao is lost, virtue is lost; when virtue is lost, benevolence is followed; when benevolence is lost, righteousness is followed; when righteousness is lost, ritual is followed."

   "So Confucius himself is a Taoist, but his disciples are still self-styled and consider themselves Confucian?"

   "Before the masters, there was no Taoism and no Confucianism, but before Confucius, you could see the sages of the ancient times, and before the old Taoism, you can also see the immortals of the ancient times." The old gentleman guided.

  Li Dan Road already has a general direction.

   "What about the Buddhists?"

   "Sakyamuni became a Buddha when he was alive." Li Dandao said, "Otherwise, there would be no Buddha bone relics."

"Hahaha, Sakyamuni claimed to be a fully enlightened one, and from the very beginning, what he established was not Buddhism, but Buddhism, and it was opposed to Brahman." Laojun said: "Its nature is rather similar to Mohism. "

  Li Dandao listened to Laojun and felt that the original teachings of Buddhism were similar to those of Mohism, and he was a little surprised.

   But think about it, when there were hundreds of schools of thought, Confucianism and Taoism were not prominent schools, but Yang Zhu’s study and Mohism’s study were two prominent schools.

   Laojun said: "After the death of Sakyamuni, his disciples had their own differences, and they respected the scriptures differently, so they divided them differently, and gradually went astray."

   When Li Dan heard this, he sighed and said, "So the disciple must be neither Confucian, nor Taoist, nor Buddha, in order to reach the state of the unity of the three religions?"

   Laojun said: "If you have everything, naturally nothing is like it."

   Laojun talks about the most classic of Laozi's five thousand words, and it is also the opening chapter.

   "nameless, famous" debate.

  Li Dan said that if he wanted to reach the realm of "unknown", he was the "sage" that Zhuangzi said.

   This nameless is not without a name, or without fame.

   is the nameless of "The Great Way is nameless", "The Way is not the Hengdao".

   (end of this chapter)

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