After Becoming a Taoist

Chapter 851: arctic shape

   Chapter 851 The North Pole Refinement

  The catfish dragon broke out, and a large water dragon flew out from the three rivers.

  Thanks to the natural wooden dragon holding it high, countless vines spread out and turned into a big net, blocking the water flow and protecting Li Rong and others.

   And the moon-watching eel was swindled to death by the Danhuo Tianlei, but Liu Changsheng brought his sword into the battle, and asked Ruiming and others to help Qinggeng.

   Liu Changsheng also learned the art of slaying demons, but apart from this art of slaying demons, Liu Changsheng's inner alchemy way is not bad, and even the art of talisman has not fallen.

   I saw the long sword in Liu Changsheng's hand, with the appearance of the Big Dipper.

Liu Changsheng bit his finger, painted it on the sword, and recited a spell in his mouth: "Xuantian in the north, the **** of Yaoyao. Hundreds of thousands of changes, Xuanwu spirit is true. Soaring to the ground, driving thunder and clouds... Capture the evil spirit, destroy it. Slaying demons. Eliminating evil and helping righteousness, Dao Qi is always perfect. Urgency is like the decree of God at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty."

   The sword in his hand turned into a black light, heading straight for the moon-watching eel.

   And within the Moon Moon Eel, a Primordial Spirit escaped with the Primordial Dan Inner Pearl, but he did not dare to dormant any more, and even escaped from the fleshly body.

However, I saw that black light turned into a black dragon. The black dragon had long teeth and dancing claws, tore the soul of the moon eel, held Yuan Dan in his mouth, and flicked his tail again. The body of the moon eel turned into three segments, and soon The feces rotted, turned into corpse water, and exuded a stench.

   And the black dragon transformed by the sword returned to the scabbard, and a Jiaozhu Yuandan fell into Liu Changsheng's hands.

   "This Jiaozhu contains Taiyin, there is no pure Yang, but there are some moon phases, which can be used as a Taiyin Pearl."

   On the other hand, Li Rong and the others learned the method of subduing the moon eel just now, trapping the snake dragon in the array, but the snake dragon is much more cunning, not as good as the moon eel.

   However, Li Rong and others did not want to kill the snake and dragon, but to create opportunities for Qinggeng.

   Sure enough, the snake dragon guarded Li Rong and the others, but he lost his mind. In the sky, Qing Geng swooped down.

The snake dragon sensed the crisis and wanted to shoot up and bite Qinggeng, but it sensed the murderous intentions of Ruiming and others, and when it was ejected, it would inevitably expose seven inches, so he simply coiled up and put his head under it, preferring to be injured instead of Expose weaknesses.

   Qing Geng wanted to peck his head, but he couldn't see it. If he went down, he might be bitten instead.

   However, his head was shrunk, and other long-range attacks came one after another.

   Qing Geng then did not hesitate, like a falling star.

   Where did he know that suddenly, a big mouth appeared from the center of the snake plate, which was bigger than Qing Geng's entire body.

   "The Art of Swallowing Elephants!" Yaohua was surprised.

   Qing Geng had already landed and was swallowed whole.

  This snake and dragon itself is highly poisonous, but Qinggeng Rui Bird, which detoxifies and expels plague, is not afraid of poison.

   "Qing Geng is a spiritual bird raised by Master, and he is an immortal officer. She should not die in Shekou."

   This boxing was originally called Toad Boxing by Li Dandao, but the disciples thought it was unpleasant, so they privately called it Phoenix Boxing.

   This is a set of life skills that can be used in actual combat, imitating the true shape of the phoenix.

   Now the envoys are even more punchy.

  The snake dragon regretted it after swallowing the green plough, and only felt unbearable stomach cramps, as if he had eaten a poison to break the gut.

   Still have to hold back the strangeness and deal with the many juniors of Xuanzhen Dao.

   Seeing that the two brothers were dead and sleepy, Catfish Long ignored it and spat out a mouthful of blood on the Shui Lingzhu, but he saw that the three rivers were flowing backwards, the flood was raging to the sky, and the Tianhe River was about to fall.

  Xie Natural regretted that he had been comprehending the Dao of Nature all the time. He didn't learn the magical powers.

   However, at this moment, a sword came from the west, and a cold air that froze the world froze the entire Three Tiger Leaping Gorge.

  The water of the three rivers turned into a lump of ice, and the catfish dragon showed fear, but it also turned into an ice sculpture.

   The demons who were about to move around had sensed this destructive cold, and they didn't dare to show their heads.

   But he saw a barefoot boy landed on the ice, holding a water spirit bead in his left hand and a sword order in his right hand.

   It's just that the Water Spirit Orb becomes an "Ice Spirit Orb" when he plays with it.

  The ice and snow were chilling, the trees withered, and the wooden dragon of Xie Zhan died soon.

   "The congenital **** of ice and snow."

   Xie Zhan, as the spiritual root of Ganoderma lucidum, naturally recognizes the footsteps of children in the snow-capped mountains.

   was surprised.

  Xueshan boy turned Xuanbing into a mirror, and wanted to reveal Li Dandao's appearance inside. Ask Xie if he recognizes it.

  Unfortunately, Li Dandao has reached the realm of Yangshen, and it does not appear in the mirror.

   Snow Mountain Boy was curious when Li Dandao sensed that someone was projecting his image.

   After the induction of fate, he knew that the snow mountain boy had freed the old lama soldiers of the snow mountain, and was looking for himself to obtain the true meaning of the Buddhadharma.

   will be transformed into the mirror, but Li Dandao's face appears on the mirror of the snow mountain boy Xuanbing.

   "Master!" Liu Changsheng and others did not freeze to death through the internal fire, and the snow mountain boy was taught by the old lama and did not like killing.

   Even that catfish dragon was only frozen, not killed by freezing.

   "It turned out to be your head." Snow Mountain Boy said.

   "I'm looking for him."

  Li Dandao asked in the mirror, "What is your fellow Daoist looking for?"

   "Some things didn't work out."

   "Hahaha, it's the old lama soldier."

   "Yes, he said that as long as he devotes himself to practice, one day he will achieve the right fruit, but he did not achieve the right fruit."

  Li Dan said: "You are not suitable for Buddhism."


   "Buddha must have a compassionate heart, but you are the soul of a snowy mountain, and your heart is made of ice and snow, so it is not suitable for Buddhism. The old lama can't teach you, and you can't become a Buddha."

   "Can't I become a Buddha?" The boy in Xueshan felt that Li Dandao was denying himself.

"Yes, your heels are innate gods, you should follow the way of innate gods, rather than cultivating any kind of Buddha, you are immortal, and the world and the earth live together, as long as you master your own authority and strength, why go to Zen and enlightenment ?"

   Snow Mountain Boy seems to have some enlightenment.

   "Then what should I do?"

   "You should return to your original shape, re-shape it, and reshape your true shape with congenital ice and snow."

   "Then I worship you as my teacher, can you teach me?"

   "Hahaha." Li Dandao smiled in the mirror: "No, no, you and I have no fate."

   After saying that, he no longer revealed his true form in the mirror.

   Snow Mountain Boy had to give up and asked the others, "If I want to practice shape, where should I go?"

   "North Pole." Liu Changsheng had a chance to be in the extreme north, so he took the initiative.

   "I can take you there."

  Li Rong was startled: "Junior Brother!"

   Snow Mountain Boy turned his head sideways and looked at Liu Changsheng, wondering what he was thinking.

   made Liu Changsheng feel uneasy.

   "Okay." Snow Mountain boy said: "You accompany me."

   After saying that, he took Liu Changsheng away and disappeared into a cold wave.

   Xie naturally wanted to chase, but Yaohua said: "Master Xie, don't chase, this trip to Changsheng is a blessing rather than a disaster, and there is no danger."

   (end of this chapter)

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