After Becoming a Taoist

Chapter 854: On the foundation of national fortune

  Chapter 854 On the Foundation of the National Movement

  Li Dandao went back to Maoming and checked his aunt Yang's pulse. He was already full, and he was due to give birth in a few days.

   Li Fude naturally listened to Li Dan Daoyi's opinion, Yang's stomach was already full at this time, but he didn't feel anything.

"Uncle, you and Aunt Yang got married that day, and there was a blessing from the Heavenly Official. The doll's fate is very good, but it is inconvenient for me to enter the delivery room. Come to make trouble, I can guard outside, but there needs to be a goddess who shelters the doll inside."

Li Dandao opened his mouth and said: "Isn't there a goddess on the back mountain of Li's family in Tianma Village who is very effective? She has a close relationship with me and is trustworthy, and there is also an emperor who is worshipping. Uncle, you built a small temple in the county. I asked her to personally bless my aunt's delivery."

Li Fude also knew that Li Dandao had recently broken down temples in the mountains, and he had dispatched a number of yamen on his own initiative. The county commissioner cooperated with the official documents written by Li Fude himself, and went deep into the villages and villages. The name of the righteous god, but begging for blood, confuses the villagers, and seeks money and kills the temple of the evil spirit.

   Listening at this time, I am also afraid that these evil gods will not be able to deal with him, and will come to deal with his wife, children and children. Convenience said: "The main sacrifice should be guided, and it is better to be sparse. The people also need to pray to the gods and worship the Buddha. If they are good gods and evil gods, they also need to support and encourage them."

"Although you say that the ghosts are not talking about the power of the gods, the gentleman should have the right way in his heart. If he worships ghosts and gods without righteous thoughts, he will be the master of evil thoughts, but how many people in the people can hold righteous thoughts? Our dogma is much more useful." Li Fude sighed.

   "Uncle seems to already have a strategy for governing the world, so he can get out of the dogma and the framework of Confucianism, and think about the needs of the common people." Li Dan said with a smile.

"It's just to know things." Li Fude said: "Isn't this what you told me?" He sighed: "The most difficult official in the world is the county official, and the easiest official is also the county official. , I can't help watching them starve, get cold, don't get enough to eat, and don't wear warm clothes, to solve these problems, there is nothing in Confucius' books."

"When I see that there is not enough land, I have to know why it is not enough, and I go down to the field to plant the land myself." "I see that the people can't eat, so I will go to his house. labor, or poverty due to illness.”

   "In this way, I always heard others say that the people are suffering, where the suffering is, and I can't feel it. Now I feel it, but I can't sleep day and night, and I feel that I don't do anything."

  Li Dandao listened and saw that his uncle had many thoughts of gratitude and even strength, and knew that many of the people under his rule had erected memorial tablets for him.

   But what a good official.

   Li Fude rubbed his eyes: "I really hope that peace will be settled soon, and the people will be well clothed and fed."

   "After peace, you may not be able to live a good life." Li Dan said.

   "At least it's better than now." Li Fude said.

   Then the two uncles and nephews talked about the current "state affairs".

  How to reform the land policy, how to liberate the labor force, and how to improve the mode of production, so as to enrich the people, open up people's wisdom, and improve people's livelihood.

   These issues cannot be discussed for three days and three nights.

  For example, the reform of land policy involves the interests of noble families and big landowners, which shakes the foundation of the Li dynasty, and is a hidden danger from the very beginning of the founding of the country.

   Another example is the liberation of the labor force, with men ploughing and women weaving as the power. At first it was human ploughing, and now cattle have become productive forces.

   But now only the rich peasants have cattle, and the poor peasants have no cattle. How to make the peasants have cattle is another question.

  Women’s weaving was originally a manual weaving and silk reeling, but now Li Dandao’s wife has a loom, and she can rely on her feet to step on her hands and perform labor.

   There is also grain husking, which was originally beaten by hand, but now is also beaten with feet. In the future, a "waterwheel mill" can be developed, and the labor force can be liberated again.

Another example is the method of enriching the people. It can be said that hard work can make you a little rich. For example, a diligent farmer, diligent and thrifty, and not sick, has worked for 20 years for a lifetime, and a family of five or six, relying on the land allocated by the court, can even Buy yourself a few more acres of land.

  What to do if there is no labor force, hire tenants to become an employment relationship, and then continue to buy land and hire tenants, so that the second generation can become rich peasants, and the third generation can become small landlords.

   But the corresponding is the annexation of land, lack of enthusiasm for labor, earning money without personal labor, changing from a producer to an exploiter, and making a class change.

   But this is a situation where no investment is made in the education of the next generation, because the upper class monopolizes the poor family and cannot make progress.

  If the channel is opened up, the rich will be rich, but they will definitely not be as good as officials. The investment in education costs, the cultivation of talents, and the momentum of land acquisition will drop.

   But it is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. The big officials annexed a large amount of land, and the small officials annexed a small amount of land.

   Then the upper and lower limits of the annexed land must be formulated as laws and publicized to the grassroots. How to ensure the implementation of the law requires a large number of grass-roots officials.

   However, to support grass-roots officials requires a lot of disposable financial expenditures.

   Therefore, in order to enrich the people and the first businessmen, the social class stereotype of scholars, peasants, industry and commerce must be broken, and business-related laws should be improved to encourage urban landless handicraftsmen to operate.

   But commerce lies in circulation, so the road guidance policy must also be changed, and the common people cannot be tied to the ground.

   In this way, the whole body is affected, so as to carry out the reform of the entire national system.

  It cannot be changed all at once, otherwise it will be like Wang Anshi's reform.

   Some of Li Fude had his own opinions, while others heard it for the first time, so he had forgotten that his wife was about to give birth.

Fortunately, it is not complicated to build a temple for the goddess to send children. Originally, there was a small temple where the statue was pushed away, but the name of the temple was changed, and another statue was moved to the altar, and someone presided over the ceremony of consecrating the gods You can.

   Two uncles and nephews are inspired to be saints who rule the world, and the other wants the Dao not far from people, the Dao is in the people of the world, the three religions are integrated, and the world is instructed. Naturally, they are like-minded.

   In addition, they are uncles and nephews, so there is nothing to be taboo about.

   "When the rebellious Luo Hong is next to him, when is uncle going to subdue?" Li Dandao talked and talked about the meat scene.

"Luo Hong is a man of great talent, with great ambition but no virtue. He is a heroic asset, but he sits on the coast and has a strong naval force. Unless Feng Ang joins the army, I am afraid that it will be difficult to eradicate. Instead, he will go into exile and become a disease of scabies. , it will happen every year."

   "To deal with this person, you can either recruit peace, or you can kill him in one fell swoop." Li Fude rarely showed murderous intent.

   (end of this chapter)

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