After Becoming a Taoist

Chapter 866: change

   Chapter 866 Changes

   Li Baojing saw Li Dan and came back at this time: "You can't see the head but not the tail. What's the situation on Fud's side now?"

   "My aunt gave birth to a pair of twins safely. They are dragon and phoenix twins. The boy's name is Li Xingyan, and the girl's name is Li Qiang."

   "Okay, our Li family is prosperous." Li Baojing stood up suddenly: "Then when will the four of them return to Chang'an?"

   "Uncle has been promoted to the prefect of Gaozhou. I'm afraid it will take some time before he can go back to Chang'an. The child is too young, and my aunt has just finished giving birth. It's not good to bring it back with you. Let me show you."

   However, Li Dandao took a picture, and immediately brought a mirror and showed the appearance of the two cousins ​​in the mirror.

   "Okay, okay, the nose is like that of our old Li family, and the eyebrows and eyes are the same." Li Baojing smiled and said: "I only have two in my life, and the bride's belly is too good."

  Li Dandao took out the specialties of Lingnan one by one: "Uncle asked me to say goodbye to grandpa."

   "Old man, I have nothing to worry about. Instead, he wants to keep his peace in Lingnan. Now, if you are taking care of your children, you should be more careful."

   Seeing what Li Dandao brought back, he couldn't stop laughing at the corners of his eyes. He didn't look like the old soldier Youzi with a bitter face before, and he lived a rich man.

   "Where's my dad?"

   "He went to the countryside to see a doctor." Li Baojing said casually: "After Sun Zhenren did this medical examination, he carried out drastic reforms."

"The last medical examination, nearly 10,000 people came to the examination, and only less than 3,000 people were recruited. Among these 3,000 people, they went to take the examination for practicing medicine. I heard that less than 500 people passed the examination, and the rest can only be regarded as apprentices. ."

"Now you have to take the examination for the deputy chief physician, but you have to have a book. Your father has passed the examination of acupuncture and moxibustion, but he has not written a book, so now he will take a few apprentices to the countryside in a few days to diagnose and record medical records, and plan to compile them. Medical book, see if you can rate the deputy director."

   "That's good." Li Dan said with a smile: "It seems that my father's medical skills are already good."

   "Someone from the Huangfu family came last time and said that the half volume of your father's medical book and a volume of meridian diagrams were handed down from their family, but they were lost."

"But since you have a destiny with your father, and you are both treating diseases and saving people, his family wants to get that scroll back, but they don't take it in vain. There is a family owner of their family who passed on your father a set of A and B needles and taught them. It took ten days and a half months to return with the meridian map."

"The meridian map originally belonged to the Huangfu family." Li Dan said with a smile: "It contains a set of very subtle ways of practicing Qi, but since people have found it, they also set up a set of A and B needles, then my father Really lucky."

   "That's not right. It just so happened that Sun Zhenren is also a practitioner of acupuncture. Your father is relying on your face, listening to lectures and sitting in front. If you are not afraid of messing up your generation, I am afraid that you will become your kid's junior and junior."

  Li Dan said with a smile: "What about my mother? Why didn't you see her?"

   "The Empress beckoned her to the palace."

   "What's wrong?" Li Dan asked in surprise.

   "Didn't your mother have a cloth business before, driving many women to work?"

   "Now the queen wants to build a machine palace in the harem. Every day, she brings the concubines of the harem, reeling silk and weaving cloth, and sets an example for the women in the world."

   "Also, the queen also wants to invest money in the cloth-making business to subsidize the palace and reduce or exempt treasury expenses."

   "Your mother's business is getting more and more prosperous. Our "woven cloth" is neater and denser than ordinary cloth, and the price is about the same. I heard that in the mutual market of Turks, it can be more expensive than ordinary cloth."

  Li Dandao heard this and thought to himself: Our family is sure to have all the riches, but is this catalyzed by feng shui, or has it changed its fate against the sky?

   I hugged the little goat **** for a while, and now the little goat **** that has been a few months old looks very cute and weighs more than ten pounds.

   At this moment, when Xiaoyang Shidan saw Li Dandao, he immediately laughed, as if he recognized Li Dandao.

  Li Dandao sighed: "It's been a few months, and the innate qi has not leaked at all. You are really born with the seeds of Taoism."

   Put the sheep **** down.

   Then he changed his clothes, and returned the Tiance sword that Li Shimin had borrowed. He also asked Li Shimin when he planned to give himself the position of a celestial master to lead the world.

   When he arrived at Xuanwu Gate, he met Wei Zheng who had just come out of the palace.

  Wei Zheng was the judge of Cao Cao, and he was also the minister of Li Shimin's humerus.

   Next to Wei Zheng is the current champion Zhong Kui.

Zhong Kui devoured a mass of black ink in the main hall, and was designated by Li Shimin as the judge of subduing demons. Now, like Cui Yu, he has taken the position of judge of Fengdu Right. Seventh grade officer.

   Seeing Li Dandao, Wei Zheng said hahaha: "Qinglian, have you finished the work of cutting down mountains and temples in Lingnan?"

"The Lushan Dharma Realm has been dealt with, the Hundred Thousand Dao Mountain, where my Xuanzhen Daoist disciples are building other courtyard houses, Qiongzhou Island and Mindi, there are two of them, Ye Zhenren and Wan Zhenren, so I have to go back to Chang'an in my spare time. ."

   "That's good. Some time ago, many experts came out. The Taiqing real people sent by Shushan went down the mountain to forge a sword for the Tang Dynasty. They have already taken the post of minister of the Ministry of Industry."

   "Hu Huichao from Xishan Wanshou Palace followed Sun Zhen to join the medical department. He felt that it was not suitable, so he joined Si Nong, and now he is in charge of hydrology in the world."

   "Many of the officials in the imperial court are already heavenly officials, such as Li Jing, who is said to be the celestial vocation to be King Bishamon."

  The Heavenly King Bishamon was originally from the Buddhist family, but the Buddhist Paradise of Ultimate Bliss was merged into the Five-Party Heaven Realm, and the Xitianmen of the Heavenly Court went straight to Lingshan, and the Buddha became one of the Five-Party Five Elders of the Western Buddha.

  Wei Zheng sighed: "It makes the saints look like ancient emperors."

  Li Dan pondered and said: "The two emperors of heaven and earth are not on the throne, and the imperial power Longqi is concentrated in the hands of the king of human beings. I want to wait for the cloudy emperor, and the **** Haotian will return to the throne, and there will be no such appearance again."

   "But it's the same as when he returned to Emperor Zhuanxu before he was able to reach the heavens and the earth." Wei Zheng complained.

   "Does the saint know?"

   "The sage claims to be Ziwei Xing, what do you think?" Wei Zheng said, "I'm afraid of becoming a Taoist emperor, burning elixir and refining medicine. This person who thinks about immortality is not once or twice."

   "Sun Zhenren asked, Hu Zhenren asked, and even I asked."

  Li Dan said, "That's indeed a bit too much."

  Wei Zheng sighed: "It's not too bad."

Zhong Kui next to    asked, "I don't know the real person of Qinglian. Is there still a shortage of people in the south to conquer mountains and destroy temples?"

   "What? You want to go too?" Wei Zheng asked.

   "I practice the method of swallowing ghosts, but there are no evil ghosts in Chang'an anymore. I'm afraid that the practice method will backfire..."

   "Swallowing ghosts, that's a technique of the left way." Li Dan said after hearing this: "But it's quick and powerful, but it's basically impossible to prove Yangshen, you can only follow the way of the gods."

   (end of this chapter)

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