[Name: Li Xiao]

[Age: 7 months]

[Constitution: 40.1 (one in a thousand for a baby)]

[Spirit: 3.2 (one in a thousand for a baby)]

[Current energy slot: 0.1% (please continue to work hard to eat)]

[Current growth status: imitation characteristics (8 months remaining)]

[Skills: Energy Conservation (LV.max)]

[Skills: Xuan·Tiger Strike (minor success), Tiger Leap (perfect), Tiger Roar (great success), Tiger Walk (great success), Perception (minor success), Throat Locking (minor success), Night Vision (minor success), Tree Climbing (minor success), Diving (minor success)]

"This monkey wine is indeed a spiritual wine, which improves the constitution by nearly 8 points, and the spirit is improved a lot..."

Li Xiao can judge the effect of the spiritual wine through the panel.

No wonder the spiritual wine can make Tiger Mom wise. After improving his mental strength, Li Xiao feels that his thinking is more active, his spirit is better, and his ears and eyes are sharp.

So, can Dahu and Erhu become wise?

After drinking the spirit wine, his physical condition and spirit became better, and his eyes became sharper and brighter.

Erhu's injuries healed very quickly, and the wounds healed completely without a trace of scars. He was very happy all day long.

In a blink of an eye, a month passed, and Li Xiao watched the two little tigers grow up.

Now the weather has come to September, and it is already hot. In addition to hunting, they spend their time in the shade of the trees at the entrance of the cave.

Li Xiao did not find any signs of enlightenment in Dahu and Erhu.

The so-called enlightenment is to gain the same level of wisdom as ordinary humans.

Although their wisdom has improved, it is not much.

It should be that they are still young and their gastrointestinal ability is not very good, so they did not absorb all the nutrients.....

But it doesn't matter. Li Xiao plans to get some spirit wine when he has the chance in the future to help them open their minds.

In a month, eating meat all day, the energy tank is full twice again.

Li Xiao continued to improve the tiger attack twice.

[Xuan·Tiger Strike (Minor Success) → Xuan·Tiger Strike (Perfect)]

[Xuan·Tiger Strike reaches perfection, physique +10, arm strength greatly improved, continue to improve, you will get Qilin Arm. ]

[Xuan·Tiger Strike (Perfect) Advanced → Earth·Tiger Strike (Minor Success)]

Tiger Strike is improved again, Li Xiao feels that he can punch out tiger and leopard thunder sound, although the strength is not great, but the skills are already superb!

According to the rules of advancement, the level of skills should be: heaven, earth, Xuan, and yellow.

Reaching "heaven" should be the highest level of skills.

To reach the "heaven" level of skills, two "energy slot selections" are required, which is two months.

And there are only seven months left for [Growth Characteristics-Imitation].

Calculated in this way, it is probably impossible to upgrade to the second heaven level of skills.

"Where can I get the spiritual object..."

Li Xiao couldn't help but feel that time was running out.


There is a lake five hundred meters south of the tiger's den.

The lake is as calm as the surface of the water. It is clear to the bottom in the near distance and presents a light blue color under the refraction of sunlight in the distance.

The water here is very clean. Li Xiao gets water from here.

Similarly, there are many prey in the water.

Various kinds of fish, as well as otters, turtles, tortoises, giant salamanders...

Of course, there are many dangers hidden in the calm lake surface, such as crocodiles, anacondas, pythons...


"Hunting on land is almost done. We will hunt in the water for the next month."

The tiger mother brought her three babies to this lake.

She had brought them here to swim and dive before, but only in the shallow waters of the lake.

And now, they are going to enter the deep waters for hunting.

The king of the forest, the tiger, is a well-deserved overlord whether on land or underwater.

Although it is not necessary to hunt underwater in the future, being young is the best time to overcome the fear of deep water.

The big tiger jumped into the pond first, swam to a deeper place, and dived to the bottom of the water.

The second tiger was trembling and didn't want to go into the water. It was obvious that the last time the wolf king bit his neck, the tiger's courage was broken and his courage became smaller.

In order to train his courage, the tiger mother slapped him into the water.

Li Xiao also followed into the water.

[Diving proficiency +1]

[Diving proficiency +1]

[Diving proficiency +1]...

As long as you dive into the water, your proficiency will continue to increase.

Li Xiao began to look for prey in the water.

The water surface was clear, but the bottom was quite chaotic.

Various dead branches were scattered all over the place, and water plants were floating on the bottom of the water.

Li Xiao also found a lot of human weapons under the water.

However, they were corroded and could not be used.

Although there were a lot of prey under the water, it was very difficult to catch them.

Fish and water sloths had long since disappeared.

The advantage of tigers on land disappeared when they entered the water.

The resistance of water made the speed slow, making it impossible to sneak, and it was easy to scare away prey.

"It seems that I can only catch a turtle for today..."

Li Xiao kept looking for traces of prey in the water.

Plop, plop--

Not far away, Li Xiao saw a tremor in the water. He swam in the direction and then dived into the water to check the situation.

Erhu is in danger!

Erhu was careless and dived into the deepest place. His hind legs were entangled by water plants and he couldn't get up to breathe.

What was more dangerous was that a big crocodile was swimming slowly towards Erhu.

If I hadn't discovered it, I'm afraid Erhu would have died here today...

"A little crocodile, I wonder if it can withstand my palm?"

Li Xiao immediately swam towards the crocodile.

He planned to get rid of the crocodile first, and then help Erhu out of trouble.

The crocodile saw that there was a human baby, with tender skin and extremely smooth skin.

Its saliva flowed out, and instantly merged into the lake, swimming towards Li Xiao.

When it arrived in front of Li Xiao, the crocodile opened its bloody mouth.

This crocodile was 18 feet long and planned to swallow Li Xiao in one bite.

At the same time, Li Xiao also exhaled a palm and slapped the crocodile's top of the head.

Although [Tiger Slap] has advanced to [Earth Tiger Strike], it is not limited to palm power.

But Li Xiao is still used to using his palm.

In theory, the resistance of using a palm in water is greater than that of a fist.

But the resistance seemed to be non-existent in front of Li Xiao.

His attack was not affected by the resistance at all, as if water in front of him was no different from air.

There was no trace left in the path of the palm...

Water leaves no trace, this is the secret of the [Earth] level skills.


This palm hit the crocodile's crown.

There was no change in its head.

It was not flattened or broken, as if there was no damage.....

But the brain protected by the skull had become a mess inside, and rolled its eyes.

One palm, the crocodile was dead!

"Am I so strong now..."

Li Xiao waited for a few breaths, and found that there was no achievement.

It seems that this crocodile is too weak for him, not worthy of being recorded in the growth diary...

It should be not as strong as the wolf king.

It seems that the wolf king that day was not as weak as imagined...

It was really a bit of luck to be able to kill it...

Of course, it was also because I have become much stronger now than I was then.

After killing the crocodile, Li Xiao hurried to help untie the water grass.

It was Li Xiao who was fine. Even if Tiger Mom came, it would be very difficult to untie the water grass because there were no human dexterous fingers.

The water grass was untied.

The second tiger was about to roll its eyes, but was finally saved by Li Xiao.

It pointed at the bottom of the water with its tiger claws, and then swam towards the surface...

Li Xiao looked at the bottom of the water, thinking, is there something good under the water?

Sure enough, with his good perception ability, Li Xiao felt a different smell under the water!

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