After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 14: Eating raw meat and drinking blood, adding more skills!

One shot killed a monkey.

It was not because Li Xiao's throwing skills were so good, but because there were too many monkeys.

On the trees, on the ground... monkeys were everywhere, densely packed and overwhelming.

Li Xiao seemed to have followed into the Emeishan Zoo.

If it was Li Xiao in the previous life, even an adult.

Entering such a place, he would have trembled.

But now Li Xiao has been raised by tigers since birth, and his courage is extraordinary!

Hiss hiss hiss! ! !

As a monkey was killed, all the monkeys grinned at Li Xiao.

They had long since found out that the tiger king of the territory was not there at all, so they dared to attack the little tiger cub.

But they didn't expect that a baby would dare to come to trouble them? ? ?

The big tiger had already rushed towards the monkey group, rushing forward, trying to save the second tiger.

But soon, it was forced back by the monkey group.

The monkeys deeper in the monkey group were still dragging the second tiger and walking towards the south.


Li Xiao felt that these monkeys seemed to have a purpose.

On weekdays, although tigers and monkeys don't get along, they almost don't interfere with each other.

Why did they drag the two tigers away? There must be other purposes.

Thinking of the time a month ago, when Tiger Mom snatched the spirit wine from the wild monkeys... Could it be that the monkeys over there are also related to the monkeys here... Maybe this is the reason.

"We must not let them succeed!"

Li Xiao rushed over decisively, and Big Tiger Sister followed him.

One man and one tiger rushed into the monkey group.

The monkey group immediately started to fight back.

This group of monkeys didn't know what kind of crazy they were. Compared with the past, they are now very fierce. Maybe they have gathered enough and their courage has increased.

The monkeys' means of attack are very weak. They rely on biting, which is far less powerful than tigers.

Li Xiao walked with a tiger step, full of vigor. Whenever a monkey approached, he would wave his palm away.

Previously, [Earth Tiger Strike] could smash the prey's head into a paste with one palm, and now it has reached [Sky Tiger Strike] and is even more powerful.

Each palm strike seems ordinary.

But it can fall on the monkey's head and shatter its skull.

Then, like tofu, Li Xiao grabbed it with his hand and grabbed a pile of brains.


Li Xiao ate it raw and swallowed it alive. This was his first time eating raw meat and drinking blood!

If he didn't quickly increase his energy tank and strengthen his strength today, Li Xiao would not be sure to rescue the two tigers from so many monkeys.

[Energy +50] [Energy +50]...

[Current energy tank: 95.6%]

As expected, the nutrition of monkey brains is indeed very rich.

But eating it raw like this is full of fishy smell and difficult to swallow. If it can be cooked and seasoned, it may be a delicacy.

Of course, such behavior also angered the monkeys.

The monkeys attacked more fiercely. Several times, more than a dozen monkeys rushed at Li Xiao at the same time. Li Xiao also had to avoid their sharp edge and jumped back.

Li Xiao was very light, but his physique was extraordinary.

With the perfect level of tiger leap, he could retreat more than ten feet.

He could easily resolve the situation of being surrounded by monkeys.

As Li Xiao retreated, the big tiger also retreated. They cooperated very well and neither of them was injured.

But after a struggle, the distance between the two tigers and them became farther and farther.

The big tiger saw it and was anxious.

He just hoped that his mother would come quickly.

Once again, more than a dozen monkeys rushed towards Li Xiao and the others from all directions at the same time.


Li Xiao's mouth was full of blood and his face was ferocious.

Although he was a baby, he was like a demon child born at this time, and he sank into his dantian and made a tiger roar.

Perfect level tiger roar!

This tiger roar made the monkeys around shake their heads, as if they were hit hard, and stayed in place like clay sculptures and wooden sculptures, motionless.

Bang, bang, bang——

Using the tiger roar to control the monkeys, Li Xiao attacked quickly and killed seven or eight more in a blink of an eye.

Take the monkey brain and eat it alive!

Li Xiao was like a madman. He smashed the monkey's head with one blow, and took advantage of the situation to dig it out with his tiger claws and stuffed it into his mouth. Fortunately, the brain was as tender as tofu and did not take up much space in his stomach.

[Energy +50] [Energy +50] [Energy +50]...

[Energy slot 100%]

[The current state is "imitation characteristics", and the branch growth selection is enabled:]

[1. Get a chance to strengthen the skill to the maximum level, and the corresponding attributes will be obtained at the maximum level. ]

[2. Get a chance to imitate super skills, you can learn the skills at a glance and enter the great success. ]

[3. Get a chance to advance skills, and you can advance the full-level skills. ]

"I choose two, super imitation!"

Li Xiao immediately started to choose.

The next moment, his mind suddenly became extremely clear, the air around him became solidified, as thick as water, and the monkeys' movements became slow.

Now you just need to lock onto a target and you can imitate!

Since you want to imitate, you have to imitate the best one.

Li Xiao's eyes stayed on the strongest monkey on the tree.

[Extract "Barbarian Monkey" skills: Throwing, Tree Climbing - Improved to Great Success. ]

[Throwing: Throwing accuracy is greatly improved. ]

[Tree Climbing: You are more flexible in the woods. ]

"Is this the effect of fast imitation? It's really powerful!"

Li Xiao couldn't help but feel happy.

In an instant, two great skills were obtained, which could be immediately transformed into combat power.

When Li Xiao was seven months old, he killed the wolf king.

Now his physique and skills are much stronger than when he killed the wolf king, so why would he be afraid of these monkeys?

It’s just that there are too many monkeys, so he can’t rush in to save Erhu.

The most important thing is to get past this group of monkeys in the woods.

The monkeys on the ground are so dense that they are like an army. It’s impossible to get through them. Kill a few and they will be replenished immediately.

Li Xiao immediately climbed up a tree and knocked down several monkeys on the tree with two palms.

Then he used the [Tree Climbing] skill to move quickly between trees.

Sure enough, moving on the tree is much faster than moving on the ground.

Kill, kill, kill!

This group of monkeys is not very powerful, just a little stronger than the ordinary monkeys in the previous life. For Li Xiao now, it’s easy to deal with.

After a while, Li Xiao found the location of Erhu and jumped down.

Bang, bang, bang!

Li Xiao changed his palm into a fist, and with a few consecutive punches, he killed all the monkeys dragging Erhu on the spot.

Squeak, squeak, squeak--

The monkeys immediately dispersed, looking at Li Xiao with fear.

A tiny human baby actually killed so many monkeys. They were afraid to get close and could only surround him from a distance.

Since they didn't dare to get close, they could only attack from a distance.

A monkey picked up a stone and threw it at Li Xiao.

The stone came whistling. Li Xiao had [Perception] and a very high physique, and his reaction was very strong. He stretched out his hand and actually took the stone.

"Treat others in their own way!"

The moment Li Xiao took it, he returned it with his backhand.

When he returned, he used the force technique of [Heaven Tiger Strike] to increase the force several times, and the stone made a whistling sound in the air.

[Throw (Great Accomplishment)] increased Li Xiao's accuracy several times.

It was as if he had honed his skills for five years and accurately hit the monkey who threw the stone.

Everything happened in an instant.

The monkey had just thrown the stone, and the next moment he was hit in the head by the stone he threw.

Another monkey threw a stone, and died again under the stone he threw...

The monkeys showed fear on their faces.

Whoever throws will die, who can bear this?

If these monkeys are smart, they will know that there are hundreds of them. If they throw stones at the same time, Li Xiao will definitely not be able to handle it.

But it is precisely because they are smart that they dare not attack first.

Whoever attacks first will die, who is willing to attack first?


After a stalemate, Li Xiao roared again!

The monkeys were timid and no longer wanted to fight.

As a few monkeys left first, the monkeys soon fled like a tide, and soon they all fled...

[In the process of growing up, you will always encounter various setbacks and difficulties. Only by daring to challenge your limits, riding the wind and waves, and breaking through the thorns can you reach the final shore...]

[Only you, who are eight months old, can repel the monkeys and successfully survive a crisis. This will be recorded in your "Growth Diary" and you will get the achievement "August Fighting Monkeys\

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