[Huang·Tongyou (Small Success) Strengthening→Huang·Tongyou (Perfect)]

[Your Huang Tongyou has reached perfection, gained Spirit 5, and your five senses have increased by 10%. If you continue to improve, you will gain listening ears...]

[Huang·Tongyou (Perfect) Advanced→Xuan·Tongyou (Xiaocheng)]

With two consecutive opportunities to add points, Li Xiao improved his skills in perception in one breath.

With perception, you can better detect danger.

It can also effectively find treasures of heaven, materials and earth in this boundless mountain.

Heavenly materials and earthly treasures can also increase the speed of charging the energy tank.

It’s simply a virtuous cycle!

There are still four months left on the buff that mimics the trait.

It should be more than enough to raise your perception to heavenly level within the time required!


Li Xiao thought silently in his mind, look at what he has achieved in the past nine months.

[Name: Li Xiao]

[Age: September]

[Physique: 82.1 (for a baby, one in a thousand)]

[Spirit: 11.2 (for babies, one in a thousand)]

[Current energy tank: 0.1% (please continue to eat hard)]

[Current growth status: imitation characteristics (remaining time 4 months)]

[Skill: Energy Conservation (LV.max)]

[Skills: Tian·Tiger Strike, Xuan·Tongyou (Xiao Cheng), Tiger Leap (Perfect), Tiger Roar (Perfect), Tiger Walk (Dacheng), Throat Lock (Dacheng), Night Vision (Dacheng), Tree Climbing ( Dacheng), diving (Dacheng), throwing (Dacheng), tree climbing (Dacheng)]

"In addition to the added skills, other skills have also been gradually cultivated to perfection."

"But it still takes too long to achieve perfection..."

"Overall, it is not bad."

Li Xiao looked at the data on the panel and was quite satisfied.

Then, he discovered that he could also view the growth diary.

【Growth Diary】

——Kill the Wolf King in July

——Drinking strong drinks in July

——The Battle of the Monkeys in August

[Current rating: 5 (You are doing trouble even when you are young, you are a bit of a tiger!)]

After reading it, Li Xiao had a toothache. This comment... Am I a tiger...



In the weather in October, the heat gradually dissipates and the breeze blows, making it comfortable and pleasant.

Choo Choo Choo--

The stones kept flying in the air, and every time they flew out, a leaf fell down.

In the flat open space next to the tiger's den, Li Xiao was frantically training his throwing skills.

Some skills improve more slowly.

For example, chokehold can only be used when hunting.

For this kind of technique, Li Xiao no longer plans to continue the liver experience, because the price/performance ratio is too low.

But this throwing is much easier and faster.

Just throw the stones to increase your proficiency.

Moreover, Li Xiao felt that this skill was also very useful, as it supplemented his long-range attack capabilities.

The key is to improve quickly.

There are ten monkeys in front, specially responsible for picking up stones.

There were also two monkeys responsible for preparing the stones and handing them to Li Xiao.

In short, the stones were shot out like a machine gun.

[Throwing proficiency +1]

[Throwing proficiency +1]

[Throwing proficiency +1]....

[Throwing (Advanced) Proficiency 9999/10000]

This kind of high-efficiency training can make you happy in just one day!

[Throw (Dacheng) → Throw (Perfect)]

[Throwing skill reaches perfection, constitution +1; vision +3%. You are getting more and more accurate. Maybe you want to be a killer? 】

Li Xiao discovered that the skills learned from monkeys did not give as many attribute points after completion as those obtained from tigers.

However, Li Xiao felt that the effect of this throwing technique was pretty good.

Now I use stones to attack leaves, and my accuracy is quite high.

Within fifty feet, not to mention that every shot was a hundred hits, but almost all shots were missed.

"Okay, you can rest today, and you won't be here for the next few days."

Li Xiao waved his hand and sent the monkey away.

The monkeys immediately ran away one by one as if they were burdened with a heavy responsibility.

I was afraid that it would be too late and Li Xiao would ask me to work as a coolie again...



The Hundred Thousand Mountains are also places that humans like to set foot on. They contain countless treasures...

Somewhere in the territory of the Night Wolves.

An old man wearing a red robe was walking in the mountains with five boys and girls also wearing red clothes.

Ordinary people simply dare not enter the mountains.

Anyone who dares to enter the mountains must be a martial artist from Jianghu sect.

These people are all from Red Lion Sword Manor, and they specially brought their disciples here to practice.

"Is this one hundred thousand mountain really so dangerous? I don't think it's that good."

One of them, a handsome boy about thirteen years old, said disapprovingly.

This young man's name is Zhang Yu, and he is a disciple of the inner sect of Red Lion Sword Manor. He has extremely good aptitude. He entered the first-class martial arts at the age of eight. Now he is only fourteen years old and is already a second-class martial artist.

The realm of a martial artist ranges from level one to level nine, from low to high.

A fourteen-year-old second-grade martial artist who deserves the title of genius.

"It's really nothing more than that..."

Another carefree young man also echoed: "On the way just now, we encountered a group of night wolves. They can be easily dealt with and are vulnerable to a single blow."

This young man is also a talented disciple of Red Lion Sword Manor.

He is slightly older, but he is already a third-grade martial artist.

A third-grade martial artist, he can be regarded as a third-rate master in the world.

Among the crowd, one of the girls said: "Didn't Master teach you, no matter when and where, never underestimate the enemy? This Hundred Thousand Mountains is extremely dangerous, and it is definitely not as peaceful as it seems on the surface... Besides, we are here It’s just on the outside, not deep at all.”

As the girl reprimanded, the other disciples fell silent.

It can be seen that the girl's status is the highest among this group of disciples.

Jiang Ziling, the daughter of the owner of Red Lion Sword Manor.

Although she is a woman, she is extremely talented in martial arts.

He entered the first rank at the age of five, entered the third rank at the age of ten, and now, at thirteen, he is already a fourth rank martial artist!

The old man next to him is one of the elders of Red Lion Sword Village and a fifth-grade master.

With the elder personally leading the team for training, it can be seen that Red Lion Sword Manor attaches great importance to this group of disciples.

"Zi Ling is right."

The white-haired elder said slowly: "This Hundred Thousand Mountains stretches as far as the eye can see and is extremely dangerous. Even a master-level expert would not dare to go deep into it at will."

"These poisonous insects and ferocious beasts are nothing to us warriors."

"The most terrifying thing deep in this mountain is the countless monsters!"

After the words fell, several young people looked frightened.

A young man asked: "Are there really monsters in this world?"

The old man said: "Of course, there is a lot of spiritual energy in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. The vegetation and creatures inside absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, swallow the essence of the world, and have a chance of giving birth to spiritual wisdom and turning into monsters."

The young man asked: "Is the demon powerful? Has the elder seen it before?"

The old man said: "If they are just enlightened monsters, there is nothing to fear. I am afraid that the kind of monsters with moral principles and magical powers will be difficult for us martial artists to deal with... In fact, monsters are not as scary as imagined. They are not They will be cruel and vicious, and the most terrifying ones are demons!”

The talented girl Jiang Ziling asked curiously: "What is the difference between a demon and a demon?"

The old man said: "Humans are the leader of hundreds of spirits. If a demon eats a human, evil thoughts will be born and it will turn into a demon. The demon is bloodthirsty. The magical power it gives birth to is strange and terrifying. It can also eat meat to quickly improve its Taoism. If you encounter it, you must avoid it." Far away..."

All the young people were stunned. This was the first time they heard this.

Jiang Ziling asked again: "Elder, demons are so terrifying. If these demons from the Hundred Thousand Mountains come out of the mountains, wouldn't they cause harm to the world and bring disaster to all living beings?"

The old man stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Yes, if these monsters get out of this mountain, all life will be ruined, but it doesn't matter... No matter how powerful the monsters in these 100,000 mountains are, they can't get out of this mountain!"

Jiang Ziling said: "Why?"

The old man smiled and said: "Three thousand years ago, ten martial saints from the human race who had reached the heavens worked together to set up a taboo. Demons and monsters could not leave even an inch, so there is no need to worry about this!"

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