Dangxiong County, Chishi Sword Manor.

Jiang Ziling came back alone with her bag on her back.

Following the announcement from the disciples, a middle-aged man with long red hair came over.

This man was Jiang Chixiong, the owner of Chishi Sword Manor.

"Ziling, you're back... where are the others?"

"Father... Elder Wang... and other disciples died in Shiwan Mountain..."

Jiang Ziling said with a sob.

Immediately, she told what happened in Shiwan Mountain.

But she concealed the matter about the "spiritual infant".

She said that she accidentally entered the thick fog and encountered the night wolf monster, and all died in the battle.

Elder Wang died to save her, and she was the only one who escaped back.

"Heaven doesn't help me..."

The owner Jiang Chixiong showed a look of grief: "Why did the demon suddenly appear outside Shiwan Mountain? It's really God's will to destroy my Chishi Sword Manor..."

You know, those who were sent out to train this time were all closed disciples.

Each of them has excellent martial arts qualifications, and the future of the sword manor depends on them.

Unexpectedly, in one training session, almost the entire army was wiped out, and an elder was also lost.

In the next fight with other gangs, they will be at a disadvantage.

"Father... I'm going to rest first."

Jiang Ziling returned to the room with a heavy heart.

The girl lay on the bed with a complicated mood.

Her fellow disciples died, and the elder died...

The first training session made her feel that the world is dangerous and the world is unpredictable.

This time, Jianzhuang suffered heavy losses and may face destruction.

She didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, an idea emerged in Jiang Ziling's mind.

By the way... Let me give him human books for the baby transformed by spiritual energy.

This is an opportunity!

If I can take the opportunity to build a good relationship with him, maybe things will turn around...

Thinking of this, she went to the Jianzhuang Library without stopping.


Ten Thousand Mountains.

Since the wolf pack was destroyed and the wolf demon died, Tiger Mom directly took its territory into her pocket.

The territory expanded and the food became more sufficient.

Li Xiao's ranch is within a radius of nearly 100 miles.

Tiger Mom muttered that she would divide the territory of the wolf pack to Dahu and Erhu in the future.

"Mom, why don't you live together?"

Li Xiao asked.

Tiger Mom shook her head and said, "Why live together?"

Li Xiao took out a wooden stick, flicked it with both hands, and the stick broke.

Then he took out another piece of wood, flicked it with both hands, and it was intact, saying, "Mom, look, unity is strength."

Tiger Mom: "You didn't use force."

Li Xiao: "..."

It seems that it is impossible to convince Tiger Mom of this truth.

Li Xiao feels that the family may not be able to live forever.

Tigers are very independent in character. Now Dahu and Erhu have little contact with each other and rarely play together.

I am afraid that this family will break up in a year.

But it can't be said to be broken up, it's just that everyone lives in different fields.

This is the difference between tigers and humans. Tigers are solitary animals.

This cannot be changed.

Late at night, Dahu and Erhu have already fallen asleep on their stomachs.

Tiger Mom suddenly raised her head and said worriedly: "Xiao'er, I feel that this mountain seems to be slightly different... I always feel uneasy..."

The tiger's induction is very strong.

It can feel the spiritual energy rolling between heaven and earth, and the mountain is faintly trembling.

Although the mountain looks peaceful now, there are actually undercurrents.

Several times, Tiger Mom patrolled the territory and found strange corpses in the territory.

But she didn't find anything unusual.

The more this happened, the more uneasy Tiger Mom felt.

Li Xiao asked: "Mother, what happened?"

Tiger Mom shook her head: "I don't know, I just feel that I always feel a little uneasy... Maybe it's an illusion..."

Li Xiao's eyes were deep.

Maybe his mother's feeling is right.

In any case, only by becoming stronger can he ensure that he and his family are not harmed.

In the following time, he began to explore this territory every day and explore deeper.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

At night, relying on the induction of Tongyou.

Li Xiao found a spiritual herb emitting light blue fluorescence in a very hidden corner under a cliff in the territory.


A black shadow emerged.

It floated in front of Li Xiao.

Like a giant beast, it was full of ghosts and erratic.

"Get out... or... die..."

The ghostly voice came, and in the dark night, it made people's scalps numb.

"There are monsters in mother's territory..."

Li Xiao was shocked. He didn't expect to encounter a wolf monster last time, and now he encountered a monster again.

No wonder his mother said that she was uneasy. This should be some kind of change.

It is very likely that the creatures in the mountains are more likely to turn into monsters...

"Leave or fight?"

Li Xiao stared at the huge black shadow in front of him and stepped back.

"Get out..."

The strange voice came again, as if urging the other party to leave.

No... Li Xiao immediately found the clue.

Such a terrifying voice, it is a fierce monster at first glance.

But if it was really powerful, it would just kill me directly, why would it chase me away?

It was bluffing!


Li Xiao roared like a tiger, and the ground shook.

The shadow was like a deflated ball, shrinking continuously until it became only the size of a walnut, and it fell from the sky in the blink of an eye.

"Is this a flea?"

Although it was dark, Li Xiao's eyes were strengthened and he could see clearly.

Li Xiao leaped like a tiger, stretched out his hand, and caught the little flea.

This flea was like plasticine. Li Xiao pinched it, and it deflated on one side, and bulged on the other side, just like the decompression toy he played with in his previous life.

"Mercy, mercy..."

The flea kept begging for mercy in human language.

"What are you?"

Li Xiao asked, pinching the little flea's head.

"Hurry, let me go!"

The flea monster began to bluff, "I am a flea on the body of the Black Wind King. If you don't let me go quickly, the Black Wind King will eat you in one bite."


Li Xiao laughed, "I can't stand being scared, don't scare me."

After saying that, he pinched the flea's body hard, and the flea's body was pinched into a piece of paper. Its head swelled like a balloon, and it looked very funny.

"Have mercy, have mercy!" The flea began to beg for mercy again.

Li Xiao threatened: "I'll give you another chance, or I'll roast you."

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you."

The flea monster then said: "I am a flea on the body of the Black Wind King. I was ordered to come here to find spiritual objects, and then I was discovered by you. I just want to scare you, not to hurt you, heaven and earth can bear witness."

Li Xiao said unhappily: "You want to hurt me, do you have the strength to do so?"

The flea shook his head honestly: "No."

Li Xiao: "....."

Seeing this flea, Li Xiao has a better understanding of monsters.

According to his mother, when creatures become intelligent, they become monsters.

But monsters are not necessarily very powerful.

For example, this flea, if it does not use the sleight of hand, is very weak, and it is estimated that it can't even beat a cat.

It seems that the originally powerful creatures will become more powerful after becoming monsters.

For example, Tiger Mom, although he is just a monster that has just become intelligent for a few years, he can break into the territory of a group of monster monkeys and steal the spiritual wine.

"Oh right... Spiritual wine..."

Thinking of this, Li Xiao asked: "Is the Black Wind King you are talking about the one who asked a group of wild monkeys to brew spiritual wine for him?"

The flea was stunned, then looked at Li Xiao with a sinister smile: "Hahaha, you are the baby, the human child raised by the tiger. The tigress stole the Black Wind King's wine. You are dead, hahaha... The Black Wind King went to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters to do something. When he comes back, you will all die without a trace..."


Li Xiao was very noisy and slapped the flea into a piece of paper with a slap...

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