Eighty miles south of the tiger's den.

It has left the territory of the tiger and arrived at the territory of the monkey demon group.


Li Xiao took a deep breath and quickly shuttled under the water.

Tigers are born to dive and have a long breath.

Li Xiao's diving skills have already reached the Dacheng level.

Moreover, he also has the aura growth speed bonus obtained from Tiger Roar Consummation.

In one breath, Li Xiao could dive underwater for as long as a stick of incense.

Now that he is wearing a "colorful pearl", these water flows seem to have an affinity for him, automatically avoiding the flow and increasing his speed in the water, like a fish in water.

There are woods on both sides of the river. Many monkeys are either in the trees or on the ground, lazily basking in the sun and catching lice...

These monkeys are different from the monkeys in the territory. They are a group of monkey monsters.

Because of the spiritual fruit trees, most of the monkeys here are enlightened, and some monkeys are even born with enlightenment.

If he were walking on land, Li Xiao would definitely be discovered by the monkeys.

The monkeys here have a bad relationship with the tiger mother.

It will definitely be very troublesome by then.

Sneaking in the water is the best option.

Li Xiao shuttled quickly like a fish, and the monkeys on the land didn't notice him at all.

After half an hour, we finally passed through the forest.

When we came to a place, there were rocks and weeds everywhere.


In a deserted place, Li Xiao reached out of the water and took a deep breath.

I almost couldn't hold on just now. I held my breath for too long this time.

"To be able to sneak for so long at once is worthy of being a human being raised by tigers."

The flea demon released from the fruit shell by Li Xiao praised him.

"Cut the nonsense and start taking action."

Li Xiao said, and then took out the "Wolf Smoke Gourd" on his body.

This smoke gourd was specially picked by Li Xiao and can be used as a smoke bomb.

"Okay! I can't wait..."

The flea demon showed an excited expression, then grabbed his mouth and started to inflate. It was just like a puffer fish, getting bigger and bigger, and bigger and bigger.

From a flea the size of a walnut, it turned into a flea floating in the air like a balloon, magnified hundreds of times, like a cow.

Its six legs also became longer as if they were inflated, with barbs on them.

It seems that this flea monster has two magical powers, one is its stretchable skin, and the other is to get information by smelling...

Li Xiao stuffed the "Wolf Smoke Gourd" into the flea's mouth.

It is now large enough to put a gourd in it without any problem.

Then, Li Xiao took the vines and tied himself up.

Then he allowed the flea demon to catch him.

After catching Li Xiao, the flea floated in mid-air like a flying boat and flew toward the southeast.

Li Xiao asked curiously: "Are all flea monsters like you with magical powers?"

"That's generally true, but some fleas suck blood, and some release venom..."

The flea demon was talking, but suddenly stopped, and then whispered: "Stop talking, a demon is coming..."

Not far away, several monsters exactly like the flea monster flew over.

Li Xiao immediately closed his eyes and disguised himself as prey.

Yes, this is Li Xiao's plan.

Let the flea monster regard him as prey, then sneak into the black wind monster's cave, secretly take the things and run away.

The plan is simple, all it requires is the cooperation of a traitorous flea demon.

"Zero Zero Seven, what are you holding?"

The flea demon responsible for patrolling the territory asked.

These flea monsters have no names, and the black bear monster names them according to their numbers.

The flea demon whom Li Xiao rebelled against was numbered 007.

Although these patrolling flea monsters are not powerful, if there is a situation, they can call the black bear transformed from the three chest hairs of the black bear monster to participate in the battle.

"Zero Zero Three, look what good stuff I caught, hahaha..."

Flea Demon No. 007 laughed and said, "I caught a human baby. It's delicious. I want to dedicate it to the king."

Many flea monsters gathered around.

Seeing the sleeping baby Li Xiao, all the tears came out.

Fine skin, tender flesh, fair skin, extremely soft.

There were a few fleas that wanted to bite me.

"Shut up!"

Flea Demon Ling07 stopped and said: "This is a delicacy dedicated to the king. Do you dare to waste it and risk your life?"

Hearing this, the flea demons just looked at it without speaking.

The flea demon Zero Zero Three asked: "Is this baby the one raised by that tiger demon?"

Ling Lingqi smiled and said: "Yes, that's right, it's the baby raised by that evil tiger."

After Li Xiao, who was pretending to be asleep, heard this, he thought to himself: Damn, all the monsters here know that I was adopted by a tiger... I'm the only one who's still kept in the dark...

Ling Lingsan looked at Ling Lingqi and said enviously: "Ling Lingqi, congratulations. You have dedicated this baby. It is a great achievement. You will be rewarded by the King's spiritual wine and spiritual honey..."

"Hey hey hey..."

Zero Zero Seven showed a proud smile.

This guy should be born to be a traitor, and there is no flaw at all.

"Ling Lingqi, you are so awesome. You dare to provoke a tiger's cub."

"I'm so envious of you for making such a big contribution."

"When you are developed, don't forget your brothers..."

There was a sound of envy and jealousy around.

Ling Lingqi was very proud.

At this time, Ling Lingsan suddenly asked: "I heard that the baby is very powerful and beat back the monkey group. How did you catch it?"

Ling Lingqi smiled and said: "It's not difficult. I tripped him while he was climbing the mountain, threw him to the ground, and tied him up tightly."

Ling Lingsan did not doubt it and said: "You are really smart. Send him to the Great King Cave Mansion."

Then, the patrolling flea monsters dispersed.

Ling Lingqi grabbed Li Xiao and flapped his wings to fly in another direction.

On the way, he met two more patrolling flea monsters.

Still the same rhetoric to deal with...

Li Xiao didn't close his eyes all the way, but squinted his eyes.

He kept secretly looking at the surrounding environment, thinking about the escape route in his mind.

"Oh my... This black bear monster should be a goby. This cave is too hidden."

After passing through a forest, he came to a valley, and then passed through many winding valley boxes, and then entered a dark passage.

After going up the secret passage, he pushed aside a patch of very lush weeds, and finally saw the light of day and came to another world.

There is a mountain wall here that is blocked by vines.

The entrance of the cave cannot be seen at all.

After passing through the vines, he entered the cave.

The concealment of this cave is dozens of times more than that of his own tiger cave.

If there is no insider, it cannot be found at all.

"What a delicious baby..."

"The king will definitely like it."

"007, you are rich."

The flea monsters in the cave praised after discovering it.

Entering the cave, Li Xiao felt an inexplicable pressure.

Although Li Xiao closed his eyes, he could feel with [Xuan·Tongyou] that this should be a giant bear, lying on the ground, ten feet high, like a small mountain.

This is probably the black bear transformed by the chest hair of the black wind monster.

Li Xiao felt that if he fought, he should be able to deal with it...

But there are three such bears in the cave, and they are invincible.

"Big, big king... I caught a baby for you... It's the baby raised by the tiger demon. Look, it's fresh!"

The flea demon 007 grabbed Li Xiao and said to the bear at the door.

The bear climbed up, a little stupid, walked over, sniffed at Li Xiao, and then laughed "hahaha".


The bear stretched out its paw and waved it, hitting a hurricane.

Li Xiao was shocked and wondered whether he should run away immediately.

But fortunately, he immediately felt that the giant bear was not hitting him.

But slapped his head?


A loud noise sounded.

The bear blew itself up with a palm, and then turned into air, turned into a long black hair, floated out of the cave, and flew away...

Obviously, this black hair went to pass on information and tip off.

Li Xiao was happy, good guy, he lost one before he even made a move.

It seems that although this chest-haired black bear is powerful, its IQ is worrying...

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