After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 31 You fell down before I even tried to exert any strength?

"A physique of 500 points is indeed extraordinary!!!"

Li Xiao patted the dust on his fists, feeling surprised.

Just now I tried to punch the stone and use the Sky Tiger Strike.

Unexpectedly, the stone was smashed directly...

This is not just the strength brought by 520 points of physical fitness.

There is also the technical strength of [Sky Tiger Strike] itself.

And the growth effect of Tianhu Strike:

[Sky·Tiger Strike: Having reached the highest level of the skill, your arm strength growth rate will be permanently increased by 100%. One day, you will have a unique unicorn arm! 】

To understand it from the games I played in my previous life, this is: Physique is the basic attribute growth.

The growth of arm strength is a qualification for growth.

His current arm strength growth qualification is: 2.0.

After natural growth, there will be an additional double improvement!

In other words, these 520 points of physical fitness actually exert the arm strength of 1040 physical points!

The combination of various factors resulted in such destructive power!

Opening the cave entrance, Li Xiao walked out slowly and found that the cave was very lively.

What came into view were hundreds of flea demons, surrounding a tied up flea demon and a mouse?

"What's going on? What about the meeting?"

Li Xiao looked at the group of fleas calmly and laughed.

Apparently his plan failed, Zero Zero Seven was arrested and is being questioned.

"It's you, boss, save me!"

After seeing Li Xiao, Zero Zero Seven was extremely excited.

The baby now has a rosy complexion and full of energy and blood in his body.

I feel many times stronger than a few days ago.

What's going on. ? ?

But no matter what, I seem to...

Saved....saved! ! !

"It's a human baby, how is that possible!"

“How could he break a huge boulder??”

"Oh my god, he's only nine months old, how can he break a boulder!"

"Did I see it wrong? Am I dazzled?"

The little demons were so shocked that they sweated on their foreheads.

This is too beyond their knowledge.

It is true that there are strong people among humans, and there are also strong people who can break boulders with one punch.

But absolutely, absolutely impossible for a baby to do it!

When humans were first born... they were weaker than ferocious beasts.

No fangs, no claws.

If human beings want to become stronger, they must start practicing martial arts from a young age and polish their energy and blood...

But that is at least after the age of two or three.

He is just a is the period when a person is at his weakest. How did he do it? ? ?

"Save me! Boss!"

Ling Lingqi shouted: "The matter was exposed, I was caught."


Li Xiao walked towards Ling Lingqi.

The scene was tense and the war was about to break out.

"Ho ho ho!!!"

The black bear demon's chest hair transformed into a giant bear, roaring angrily and heading towards Li Xiao.

This giant bear was more than a foot tall, but it was not slow. It moved like a black whirlwind, and the sound of howling wind could be heard throughout the cave.

Many flea monsters were blown away by this strong wind.

"He's dead..."

This is what all the flea monsters are thinking.

Although the strength of the giant bear is only a small part of the king's body, no monster in this area can compete!

The huge bear paw slapped Li Xiao's little head.

On one side is a nine-month-old baby, just over a foot tall.

On the other side is a huge black bear. The bear's paws alone are bigger than the baby.

No matter who looked at it, the giant bear would smash the baby to pieces with one palm.

"Sky Tiger Strike!"

Li Xiao showed no intention of evading and punched the giant bear.

The pink little fist looks harmless to humans and animals and has no lethality.

But when the fist and the bear's paw collide, huge energy bursts out!

The entire cave shook violently.


After a loud noise.

The giant bear was impacted by a powerful force, and its paws began to deform. It immediately spread to the whole body, and the entire body became distorted. This is an unimaginable force...


The giant bear shattered directly, turned into air, and turned into a black hair, flying away with the wind towards the entrance of the cave.

The giant bear was smashed to pieces!

It turned into a chest hair again and wanted to return to the king to report the news!

"You fell down before I even exerted any force?"

Li Xiao laughed and jumped a dozen meters away. He was so fast that he couldn't see his figure. With a gentle grab, he caught the fleeing black hair.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to let Heimao go back to report the news.

Rubbing his hands together, Li Xiao turned the black hair into powder and fell to the ground.


Another giant bear in the cave also rushed towards Li Xiao.

Li Xiao punched out again, easily defeating the giant bear and shattering the black hair!



Incomparable silence.

Hundreds of flea monsters were stunned by this scene.

This human baby is so terrifyingly strong that it can easily defeat the king's magical powers.

You know, that giant bear has one-fifth of the strength of the king!

"Boss, why are you so strong? Take me away quickly!"

Ling Lingqi was overjoyed. It was really a road full of mountains and rivers, but there was no way out.

"Help me too, we are accomplices."

The burrowing rat on the side saw something was wrong and immediately turned the gun.

"Boss, don't save him, he's a traitor."

Ling Lingqi cursed immediately.


Li Xiao was a little confused. When did he have an accomplice? He was also a traitor?

He walked over first and picked up the tied Ling Lingqi from the ground.

"You want to leave the cave, have you asked us?"

Ling Lingyi shouted: "Brothers, this baby is quite powerful. Everyone, stop him, it's a great achievement."

Ling Lingyi and other flea monsters are all monsters in the spirit gathering period, and they have given birth to magic.

Although they are not as powerful as the king, they are also capable!

How can we let a human baby leave so arrogantly?


Hundreds of flea monsters showed their magical powers, some became bigger and swollen, some spit out poisonous mist, and some mouthparts became very long, biting towards Li Xiao...

These flea monsters are more or less poisonous, and they can't fight head-on, so they use poison.

"Boss, two fists can't beat four legs, let's run first!"

Ling Lingqi was a little anxious, and immediately asked Li Xiao to take it away.

"Cover your ears."

Li Xiao said.


Ling Lingqi didn't understand, but he did it anyway.

Then, Li Xiao looked at the group of flea monsters flying over and said a word:


This word, like a huge bell, boomed in the heads of all flea monsters, as if the world collapsed, the sky collapsed and the earth was destroyed!


The minds of all flea monsters became blank, and only the sound of "ding" echoed.

Hua La La....

Hundreds of flea monsters fell like black raindrops.

All were shocked and lost their minds!

"Heaven·Tiger really strong."

Li Xiao also tried out his own strength. Facing weak monsters, he didn't need to deal with them one by one. He only needed to make a tiger roar to easily solve them.

In this way,

the cave returned to peace and all the monsters were solved.

Only 007 escaped because he covered his ears.

Also escaped was the clever mouse, who also covered his ears.

"What's the matter with this mouse?"

"Boss, this is a traitor, I..."

The flea demon 007 told the story of the mole's betrayal.

"Have mercy..." The mole kept begging for mercy.

"Oh... fence-sitter..."

Li Xiao understood the situation, "What I hate most is traitors. Since it is a traitor, there is no need to keep it."

After that, Li Xiao stepped on the mole to death.

"Boss, you are so awesome, this treasure house belongs to us, share the treasures equally!"

007 was overjoyed, and then it was time to divide the spoils.

"Who is your boss?"

Li Xiao's face changed, and he looked at the flea demon meaningfully: "You don't think... you are not a traitor, right? You are treacherous and sell out your master for glory, what's the difference between you and this mouse?"

The goal was achieved.

How could Li Xiao share the good stuff here with a little flea monster?

He himself felt it was not enough...

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