After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 41 (Super cool) Nine-month-old baby, ninth-grade master! Breakthrough to master in one day!

"Hahaha, you want to eat my red fruit, but you can't."

"Your home was stolen again, you must be very upset, right?"

The white ape showed a smug smile, in a very good mood.

It continued: "To be honest, I had expected your nest to be stolen. Fifty years ago, I guessed that there would be such a day."

Hearing this, the black bear monster showed a strange look: "How did you know? Can you predict the future?"

The white ape pointed to his head: "Of course it's with wisdom. You, a stupid bear, have buried hidden dangers long ago! It's only a matter of time before your home is stolen."

The black bear monster was stunned and said: "What is the hidden danger?"

The white ape hooked his finger: "Come closer, I'll tell you."

The black bear monster rolled his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and then took a few steps forward.

The white ape smiled and said, "There are four or five hundred flea demons around you. Although these little demons can help you collect spiritual objects in the mountains, they also have the risk of betrayal. It is difficult to guard against thieves at home. Once they have a mind, it is only a matter of time before they are stolen."

The wisdom of the white ape is indeed higher than that of the black bear.

A long time ago, it guessed that if the black bear demon left the cave for too long, there would be a chance that his subordinates would rebel. After all, the cave was full of spiritual objects.


The black bear fell into deep thought, and then his eyes lit up, as if he thought of something, and blurted out: "Could it be... 007!"

Before, one of the giant bears he transformed into came back to tip off.

It was said that 007 brought a human baby to the cave, and it was happy for a while.

Now it seems that 007 is indeed very suspicious.

"Haha, it seems that you have also discovered it, but it's useless, die!"

The white ape let the black bear get closer and talked to distract its attention, with the purpose of killing it.

After all, the two monsters had each other's handles before.

Now, the black bear's hometown was stolen, and the handle was gone, and it was impossible to achieve a balance of power.

What if it went out to call for help to steal its own red fruit.

Or spread the news.

For the white ape, it was not good news.

The only way now was to kill the black bear monster to keep the secret!

The white ape used his magic power, and his fist turned into steel white.

This is the magic magic "Xuanjia Possession", which transforms the body parts into steel, indestructible, indestructible, and can break everything!


The black bear monster was caught off guard and was beaten into a meat paste by a punch!

"It's done!"

The white ape showed joy.

However, the next second, a gust of black wind rolled away from afar, and a voice came down:

"Hahaha, brother White Ape, we have been dealing with each other for a hundred years, don't I know your little tricks? Goodbye, I will fight you again after I find the spiritual object!"

"Damn it, let it escape!"

The white ape looked at the black bear under his command again, and there was no black bear left, only a black hair.

The one it killed just now was just a hair transformed from the black bear monster's body.

"This guy, the art of transformation is getting more and more sophisticated, I didn't even notice it."

The white ape was very upset. Not killing the black bear monster did have some hidden dangers.

But it didn't chase it out.

Now that the red fruit is close to maturity, it can't leave the red fruit.

If it leaves and is picked by the demon, won't it regret it to death!

"Forget it, I should be the most powerful demon within a radius of ten thousand miles."

"Now even the black bear demon can't defeat me."

"As long as I stay here, the red fruit will be mine."

"Even if a strong enemy really comes..."

"I'm close, I can just eat the red fruit and run away, who can stop me?"

Thinking like this, the white ape exhaled, and his body gradually shrank.

Then he jumped onto the tree and sat next to the red fruit, staring at it closely.

Although the red fruit is still a little short of maturity, it doesn't want to eat it in advance.

When it is close to maturity, the medicinal effect will increase exponentially with every growth.

When it is fully mature, the red red fruit will turn into gold.

The overall medicinal effect is several times stronger than before it is immature!

"Red fruit, red fruit, wait until you are ripe, I will eat you."

"I can become a big demon, haha..."

The white ape thought happily, and drooled.

"Find a woman to play with."

After defeating the black bear monster today, the white ape monster felt very comfortable and had an interest for a while.

It looked at the dozen women not far from the tree.

The dozen women all had beautiful figures and good looks.

These women all had martial arts skills, but they were trapped here.

There was a line drawn on the ground, which was circular and surrounded them.

This was the magical magic of the white ape, "drawing the ground as a prison".

The women could not escape from this circular line at all.

They were a group of human martial artists who mistakenly entered this place five years ago.

This made the white ape guarding here very happy.

Kill all the men and leave the women behind, becoming the object of its venting.

After all, life is very boring in this Zhuguo that has been guarded for 130 years!

If you don't have some fun, life will pass very slowly.

And the white ape, its body structure is very similar to that of humans...

"Let's go!"

"No, ah..."

"Hehe, the more you scream, the more excited I am!"

"It hurts, please let me go..."

Soon, a heart-wrenching scream came from the valley.



The martial arts of the world are divided into nine grades-

The first grade is the realm of strength training, tempering the body, and having a thousand pounds of divine power.

The second grade is the realm of qi and blood, moving qi and blood, and preventing all diseases.

The third grade is the realm of internal strength, the five internal organs are as strong as a furnace.

The fourth grade is the realm of breath, breathing in and out, and the physical strength is long.

The fifth grade is the realm of divine power, integrated, and powerful.

The sixth grade is the realm of copper skin, the membrane is bulging and hard as copper.

The seventh grade is the realm of iron bones, diamond bones, and invulnerable to all evil.

The eighth grade is the realm of divine transformation, the brain changes, and the mind is multitasking.

The ninth grade is the realm of Gangqi, the Gangqi leaves the body, and the sword qi hurts people.

The Ten Thousand Mountains are the tiger's den.

The sky gradually darkens, the night is hazy, and the crescent moon is curved, just like Mount Emei.

Under the moonlight, Li Xiao is still practicing martial arts.

"Now try to break through the ninth grade."

Li Xiao has broken through to the eighth grade and is breaking through the ninth grade.

He broke through the first five grades in an instant.

It was indeed difficult to reach the sixth level, as it required the transfer of qi and blood and circulation of the Qi.

It took Li Xiao a quarter of an hour to break through.

It took half an hour to reach the eighth level!

Now it is the most difficult step to reach the ninth level of the Qi realm.

You need to feel the breath in your body and use the majestic power to produce Qi to succeed.

This step took Li Xiao an hour!


Suddenly, Li Xiao felt something in his heart and finally caught a hint of inspiration from the dark. The inspiration continued to grow, and Li Xiao grabbed it with force and immediately threw a punch.


The Qi left his body, and Li Xiao's Heaven Tiger Strike actually produced a ball of white Qi, which hit the trees in the distance and then exploded.

The giant tree that only three people could hug was smashed into pieces and turned into powder!

The ninth level of martial arts is called a master in the world!

Only big sects have masters.

Grandmasters are respected wherever they go, and even the emperor wants to win over them!

And Li Xiao's Qi has left his body, and he has become a grandmaster!

"It's done, I finally broke through to the ninth level."

Li Xiao clapped his hands and smiled, "It's worth my day's effort. Practicing martial arts in the human world is indeed useful. I feel a lot stronger!"

That's right, every time I upgrade a level, Li Xiao feels that he has a qualitative improvement.

Before, I was the kind of person who only had extreme strength and skills.

But now, after practicing martial arts, my whole body has been renewed.

Strength, breath, blood, understanding of acupoints... have all been qualitatively improved.

If I say that before practicing martial arts.

I was like a strongman holding a gun, domineering.

And now, it's like a strongman who has been strictly trained, trained into a special forces soldier, holding a sniper rifle to kill the enemy, and the improvement in strength is earth-shaking.

This Red Lion Mysterious Heart Kung Fu, in the technique, emphasizes bravery and fearlessness, and moving forward.

After practicing to the ninth level, Li Xiao stretched his muscles and bones, and a red lion's shadow seemed to appear behind him, which complemented his tiger skills and made up for his shortcomings.

His strength was about 50% improved.

"Finally broke through to the ninth level..."

Jiang Ziling on the side was completely numb, and her lips trembled slightly.

If this sentence were put in the human world, it would definitely make a bunch of people angry to death.

The ninth-level master is the ultimate of martial arts and the lifelong pursuit of human martial artists!

How many geniuses can never reach the master level in their entire lives!

Just like his father, who reached the seventh-level martial artist at the age of 35 and spent 30 years without breaking through to the eighth level.

Now he is old and weak, and his qi and blood are declining, and there is no possibility of breaking through.

Most of the masters who have become famous in the world are like this.

Even the master is the trump card of the sect, and they are all old men.

And how old is this baby in front of him?

Nine months, Gangqi realm, ninth-level master?

Or within one day, he broke through to the ninth-grade Grandmaster without ever entering the rank? ?

I was numb, completely numb!

"What's wrong, little girl?"

Li Xiao looked at Jiang Ziling and said, "I'm asking you a question, why don't you speak? How can you continue to improve? I have already practiced this secret book of yours, is there a stronger secret book?"

Jiang Ziling was speechless.

Grandmaster is already the strongest in martial arts, it's the end, and he still wants to improve? ? ?

She had an idea in her mind.

Because there is no way to practice above.

Maybe... the martial arts secret book can stop the spiritual baby in front of him from becoming stronger...

After all, the secret book only teaches up to the ninth rank...

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