"Sky! Tiger! Strike!"

Li Xiao exerted all his strength and swung out his fist. The Tianhu Strike was extremely powerful.

Like a huge mountain falling from a height of 10,000 meters, the wind pressure caused the ground to collapse.

Small fist, infinite power!

Moreover, Li Xiao has reached the level of martial arts master.

The power of Qi and blood turns into Gang Qi and is released, and the lethality is once again increased to a new level!

"Master of martial arts!"

The black bear looked at the baby in front of him in disbelief.

The Gang Qi in the baby's hands is proof of being a martial arts master!

Naturally, he had met the martial arts master and had fought against him before.

Eighty years ago, it competed and fought with a martial arts master for spiritual objects.

That martial arts master is able to release his energy and injure enemies from a distance, and his steps are flexible.

Although the martial arts master is not as powerful as it.

But with weapons, body skills and martial arts, even if they were tied, no one could do anything to the other.

From then on, he began to be cautious and no longer had contact with humans.

But that was eighty years ago.

It is infinitely more powerful now than it was then.

I thought that even if I met a master, I would be able to defeat him.

But the baby in front of him is stronger than the grandmaster, both in speed and strength!

It feels, even above itself!

"No, this is impossible...how did he discover my identity!"

The black bear monster couldn't understand that there were twenty black bears among them. Even if the opponent was stronger than itself, it would not be that easy to hurt itself!

But the baby in front of him found it directly!


No time to react, no time to resist!

Li Xiao's powerful fist drove the black bear monster into the ground.

Cracks on the ground opened like spider webs and spread thirty feet!

This punch has a force of fifty thousand kilograms!


The black bear demon spit out a large mouthful of blood and felt that his internal organs were about to be broken.

An ordinary demon would probably be dead with this blow.

But the black bear has rough skin and thick flesh, but it still has breath left!

Soon, Li Xiao threw a second punch.

With this punch, the black bear demon will definitely die!

"It's over, he's too strong, he's already comparable to a demon in the transformation stage!"

The black bear monster turned pale, and finally realized what kind of monster he was facing!

How could this nine-month-old baby become so powerful? ?

It regrets, extremely regrets!

Because there are four hundred flea demons under his command.

It knew about the adopted baby back then.

Originally, it had thought about it, but didn't take action.

Instead, let the tiger demon raise it and then snatch it and eat it.

Even when the tiger stole its spiritual wine, it didn't take action in time.

The purpose is to continue to wait for the baby to grow up. When it is one year old, it will be the most delicious.

Unexpectedly, this tiger demon raised a monster!

"No, I can't die here!"

"For today's plan, the only way to survive is to give up this body!"

"I can give up my body...my three hundred years of cultivation!!!"

The black bear demon struggled in his heart and was reluctant to give up.

But after weighing the situation, we decided that survival was more important!

"My natal magical power, reverse transformation!"

The black bear demon bit his tongue and used his magical power again.

It took two hundred years of Taoism to transform his seven souls and six souls into a single hair.

Immediately, it controlled the vellus hair and burrowed into the ground!


at the same time.

Li Xiao's second punch also fell.

This punch completely knocked the black bear monster to death and made him lose his breath.

Black bear monster, die!

As the black bear monster died, all twenty of its clones disappeared into thin air.

"It takes two punches to kill it?"

Li Xiao stared at the body of the black bear monster and muttered to himself: "No, I'm not strong enough yet, I have to become stronger..."

Afterwards, Li Xiao looked at his own panel.

Just before punching, he took the opportunity to imitate the black bear's skills.

[Extract "Black Bear" skills: storage, violent shooting, collision, cold resistance]

[Storage: Convert energy and blood into fat and store it in the body]

[Slam: Use powerful force to strike with palm]

[Collision: Use powerful shoulder force to collide]

[Cold Resistance: Relying on body fat to withstand severe cold]

"Sure enough, you can't learn the opponent's magical powers, just the skills of beasts."

"However, these are enough materials for me to become stronger..."

Li Xiao thought that he could master all these skills in the future.

As for the supernatural powers of those monsters, Li Xiao was actually a little envious of them.

But currently, it seems that he is unable to obtain these magical powers...

"Senior, he..."

Jiang Ziling, who had originally planned to find an opportunity to escape, was in a state of shock.

A total of twenty, three-foot-tall giant bears!

Every black bear is probably more powerful than the Grandmaster!

Even a row in the city can probably sweep away an army of the imperial court! ! !

However, Senior Lingying killed the huge black bear with two punches.

This is too awesome...

Jiang Ziling was a little numb. She was completely numb from the shock today.

The senior spirit infant in front of me is simply more monster than a monster!

"Lao San, you defeated this Black Wind King..."

Tiger mother Li Yunquan walked slowly and looked at this scene in disbelief.

It knows that its child is very strong.

But I didn't expect it to be so strong...

He had heard of the name of the Black Wind King by chance after he became a monster.

It is an existence that must not be messed with.

Many tigers around here were eaten by him.

Even many powerful tiger monsters are no match for this Black Wind King.


Li Xiao actually killed the Black Wind King with two punches?

"What the Black Wind King is, isn't he just a black bear monster?"

Li Xiao smiled and said: "You are simply vulnerable, mother... You can live peacefully in the future. With me here, no one can hurt you."


Li Yunquan nodded happily.

As a mother, she is naturally happy when her child has a promising future.

And now that the crisis is over, the children are no longer in danger.

Their territory in this area can continue to expand!

"Third brother is mighty!"

Li Hu also shouted excitedly and ran to Li Xiao with a look of admiration.

"Third brother, you are so powerful..."

Dahu sister Li Weiyu also pressed against Li Xiao, rubbing her affectionately.

Beasts naturally worship the strong. Although the third brother is the younger brother, with such strength, his status in their minds has become that of the elder brother.

"Hahaha, what's this?"

Li Xiao smiled and touched the heads of the two tiger cubs and scratched their chins.

Gulu gulu....

Both tigers made very comfortable sounds.

"We won a great victory today. Let's roast and eat this bear monster."

Li Xiao suggested that he hadn't eaten bear meat yet.

"No, you must not eat it!"

At this time, the flea demon jumped out and stopped him.

"What? Do you still miss the old relationship?"

Li Xiao looked at the flea demon with an evil look.


Zero Zero Seven broke out in a cold sweat.

The king's strength was comparable to that of a great monster in its transformation stage. It was so nervous that it could not speak.

"Look at how scared you are."

Li Xiao smiled and said: "This bear demon has no enmity against me. I took so many treasures from it and beat it to death. I won't eat it anymore. You go and bury it properly. In addition, remember From now on, you only have me as the king, do you hear me?"

The way to control people must be relaxed and moderate.

Although this little demon once betrayed him, he was forced to do so by himself.

Li Xiao felt that he could keep it and use it, just beat it a little more.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Ling Lingqi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Actually, my king, you don't have to feel guilty. In fact, the black wind monster has actually planned to eat you for a long time. It just wants the tiger monster to feed you for a while... If you weren't so powerful , I’m afraid it will be a matter of time before I get eaten.”


Li Xiao's guilt suddenly disappeared.

My feelings have been targeted for a long time, and I just want to fatten them up before eating them.

But I didn't expect that I was so fat that I would stretch my prey to death...

"But Your Majesty, it's best for you and your family not to eat it."

Ling Lingqi then explained: "When a creature turns into a demon, it is no longer food. Demons cannot eat demons. This is an iron rule in the demon world. After eating a demon that has become enlightened, although it can absorb the body's demon power, it will also absorb negative effects." Emotions. The higher the cultivation level, the greater the backlash, giving birth to inner demons and becoming monsters."

"That's it." Li Xiao nodded.

Keep this little flea as long as you like, it will still be useful.

Li Xiao continued: "Okay, then you go find a pit, bury it, and finally end your previous relationship between master and servant."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" The flea demon burst into tears of gratitude.


At this time, Jiang Ziling walked up to Li Xiao.

She suddenly knelt on the ground with a thud and begged: "Senior, please be my backer at Red Lion Sword Manor!"

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