After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 47: Grandmaster’s guidance: what is martial arts?

Li Xiao did not stop and continued to add points!

[Collision: Use powerful shoulder force to collide]

[Collision (perfect) advanced → Thunderbolt shock (minor success)]

[Thunderbolt shock: Qi swallows rainbows, the formation of horses and wind masts, nothing can get close, ghosts and gods are not invaded! ]

[Thunderbolt shock (perfect) advanced →→→→ Heaven·Thunderbolt shock]

[Total physical points obtained: 50]

[Heaven·Thunderbolt shock: The highest level of the skill has been reached. Your power growth rate increases by 125%; one day, nothing in the world, even gods, can get close to you! ]

"This is..."

Li Xiao showed a look of joy: "Defensive moves!"

The skills he has always had are killing moves, but there are no defensive moves.

And after this collision is advanced, it has changed from an offensive skill to a defensive skill!

Li Xiao's body is charged and vibrated, and he uses [Heaven·Thunderbolt shock].

See, a vibrating air wall spreads out all around!

This vibrating air wall can shake off the attacks of others.

Although it only lasted for a second.

But with his own reaction ability, it should not be too difficult to use it at the critical moment.

"I wonder if I can shake off my mother's Samadhi True Fire?"

Li Xiao planned to wait for his mother Li Yunquan to come back and try again.


[Cold Resistance: Rely on body fat to resist severe cold]

[Cold Resistance (Perfect) Advanced → Winter Storage (Minor Success)]

[Winter Storage: No deficiency of sun in winter, no hidden shade in summer, no bleak wind in spring, no bitter rain in autumn! ]

[Winter Storage (Perfect) Advanced →→→→ Heaven·Winter Storage]

[Total physical points obtained: 50]

[Heaven·Winter Storage: The highest level of the skill has been reached. Your water and fire resistance growth rate has increased by 100%; one day, you will be immune to all methods, and will not be invaded by water and fire! ]

"This skill is simple and clear."

"Improved water and fire resistance, not afraid of severe cold in winter, not afraid of heat in summer."

Li Xiao felt it lightly and realized it.

The cool climate in this autumn did not bring him a trace of coldness.

Of course, he was originally full of energy and would not be afraid of the cold.

But now he is probably even stronger.

Even in snowy weather, he can still go shirtless...

Thinking of this, Li Xiao felt a little toothache.

He is still naked now, only wearing wolfskin pants.

In a few days, let Jiang Ziling bring some clothes to him.

Li Xiao unfolded the panel and looked at the attributes.

[Name: Li Xiao]

[Age: 10 months]

[Physique: 810 (your physique is far superior to that of ordinary people)]

[Spirit: 60 (for a baby, one in a thousand)]

[Current energy slot: 11.1% (please continue to work hard to eat)]

[Current growth status: imitation characteristics (remaining time 3 months)]

[Skills: Energy Conservation (LV.max)]

[Skills: Heaven·Tiger Strike, Heaven·Passing the Netherworld, Heaven·Tiger Step, Heaven·Tiger Leap, Heaven·Tiger Roar, Heaven·Iron Teeth and Copper Teeth, Heaven·Golden Eyes, Heaven·Lingyundu, Heaven·Canghaiyou, Heaven·Pojun, Heaven·Swift Wind, Heaven·Snake Step, Heaven·White Snake Entanglement, Heaven·Swallowing the Sky, Heaven·Swallowing the Clouds, Heaven·Spitting Fog, Heaven·Current Qi, Heaven·Bear Strike, Heaven·Thunderbolt Shock, Heaven·Winter Storage]

“Twenty Heaven-level skills!”

“Physique points are approaching one thousand!”

Li Xiao is very satisfied with the recent improvement.

Since entering the bear cave, I have become several times stronger.

"Although my spirit has not increased, after drinking the spirit wine and spirit ginseng, it has naturally increased by 5 points, reaching 60 points."

I still don't know what the spirit points are used for.

In addition to making myself clear-headed, sharp-eyed and sharp-eared, there is no other magical thing.

According to Jiang Ziling, there is no such thing as a Taoist priest in the world.

Only martial arts is a way to increase strength.

The highest strength is only a master, so what's the use of a strong spirit?

Forget it, don't think about it if you can't figure it out...

Li Xiao is not a person who makes things difficult for himself.

"Senior, I broke through!"

After Jiang Ziling drank the spirit wine, he refined its medicinal power and finally stepped into the fifth level of the fifth level of divine power easily. He was integrated and powerful.

Once he entered the fifth level, he could be called a master in the world.

With a strength of three thousand pounds, combined with weapon moves, he could fight against hundreds of people!

The so-called poor in literature and rich in martial arts.

She is the daughter of the owner of the Red Lion Sword Manor, and she has taken a lot of pills to nourish her body since she was a child.

But those pills are really much worse than this spiritual wine!

"Why are you so excited about breaking through the fifth level?"

Li Xiao was a little annoyed. The fifth level... doesn't it just need hands?

"Senior... your strength is too terrifying. I can't compare with you. After all, you are transformed by the spiritual energy in the mountains and have unparalleled talents..."

Jiang Ziling smiled awkwardly.

Senior Lingying stepped into the ninth level in one day, which is simply not something a human can do.

Li Xiao smiled slightly. The other party thought that he was transformed by spiritual energy. If he knew that he was just a human, what would he do...

"Just continue to break through the sixth level!"

"Go drink another sip of spiritual wine."

Li Xiao took out another sip of spiritual wine and a blue grass pill.

Let her take it together.

These are all natural treasures in the mountains, very pure.

Although they may not be as effective as human pills.

But the Golden Fruit Spiritual Ginseng alone is a treasure in the world.

"Senior, in the martial arts, you can't just eat these spiritual things to break through..."

Jiang Ziling drank the spirit wine and sat cross-legged on the ground to refine the medicine.

The powerful medicine in it made her cheeks turn red.

It was obviously unable to be absorbed and some of the blood vessels were exploded.

"Don't rest, get up, I'll help you break through!"

Li Xiao roared, stood up and jumped into the sky.

Now that he has reached the level of master, he has his own understanding of martial arts.

He wanted to try it.

See if you can use your own insights to help others and improve your martial arts skills!

This will also help you understand martial arts.

The so-called, when I teach you, you are also teaching me.

Because these insights come from the mouth and are verified by the disciples.

The slightest difference can be fed back to the master.

This is why many martial arts masters like to teach others and teach others.

At this moment, Li Xiao wanted to get rid of Jiang Ziling!

"Senior...what are you going to do?"

Jiang Ziling showed doubts, but she saw the senior standing on the top of the tree, letting the wind blow the branches and he remained as still as a mountain.

Li Xiao said: "Let me ask you, what is martial arts?"

Jiang Ziling's expression changed. Senior... was actually trying to dial him?

But the senior only practiced martial arts for one day.

I started practicing martial arts when I was two years old. It has been eleven years now. How can he teach me?

No, no!

Totally wrong!

Although the senior has practiced martial arts for a year, he is already a martial arts master!

There is no priority in learning, the master is the teacher!

If seniors don’t have their own insights, how can they step into the realm of a master?

The guidance of a martial arts master is so precious. This is an opportunity that can only be obtained!

Thinking of this, Jiang Ziling stood up, looked at her senior, and said loudly: "Senior, martial arts means pursuing the limit, polishing yourself, turning yourself into a sharp blade, invincible, and moving forward!"

This is Jiang Ziling's realization.

Martial arts is when people pursue their limits and become human weapons!

"Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!"

Li Xiao said three "wrong" words in a row and shouted:

"Your understanding is too superficial. To you, martial arts is just a weapon, a murder weapon? Superficial, superficial! Then let me tell you, what is martial arts!"

The sound was like thunder, resounding throughout the sky.

Jiang Ziling froze on the spot, extremely serious.

Perhaps, this is the only guidance from a master that she can come into contact with in her life!

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