After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 86 Horrible demon, beautiful woman with painted skin

"That's right, Master Bounty Hunter..."

The owner of the village opened his mouth and his voice was particularly pleasant.

As for her appearance, she was even more stunning. She wore a long purple brocade dress with roses, green bamboo patterns. The cuffs are outlined with crimson silk thread, which makes them look charming and charming.

A bright purple belt was buckled around her waist, showing off her slim figure, white teeth and red lips, and a frown on her face, like a hibiscus emerging from water, making her graceful and graceful.

With such an appearance, even a demon like Yinsong who doesn't like women can't help but feel a little moved.

"Sir, I am originally a three-tailed fox demon, and I have not transformed originally."

The owner of the tea house said softly: "I have been living here. Seventy years ago, I sheltered a group of humans and made a living by growing spiritual tea here."

"Ten years ago, I accidentally transformed into a human being, and the Lord of the Sky Fox Demon City led me into the city. But I have lived with this group of humans for a long time, and I have developed feelings, and I don't want to abandon them."

"The Lord of Tianhu Demon City is also kind and has allowed me to continue planting spiritual tea here and continue to protect this group of humans."

"But the price is that the city lord sealed half of my mana."

"As a result, my strength is only in the spirit-gathering stage right now, and I can't eliminate demons."

"Sir, please read...this is the approval document written by the Lord of Tianhu City."

With that said, the owner of the tea house handed over the approval document.

Yinsong approached, took the approval document and checked it. The approval document was true, it really was like that.

The faint fragrance emanating from her body made young men like Yinsong feel a little dazed.

"Okay, I'll take care of the demon elimination."

He patted his chest and said.

"Little girl, thank you for your help..."

The owner of the tea house knelt down slightly and performed a golden blessing ceremony.

She was dressed seductively and lowered her body.

And Yinsong's figure is relatively tall and burly.

From a high place, if you are not careful, you will see beautiful scenery.

Yinsong blushed slightly and turned his head away, not daring to look.

"Okay, no need to be polite, let's talk about the monsters here."

Yinsong walked to a chair in the main room and slapped the Pu Dao on the table.

At this time, the maid who had just gone out came back again.

She was carrying an exquisite tea tray with exquisite ceramic tea sets.

After placing the tea sets one by one, he bowed and left, closing the door.

At this time, the owner of the tea house came over and poured tea for Yinsong himself.

"Sir, you have traveled a long way and don't receive me well. Don't be offended."

After the owner poured the tea, he handed a cup over and said in a soft voice:

"This is the best spiritual tea in our tea house, Flower Language Spirit Tea. It has a unique taste and the aroma of flowers. It is a spiritual tea specially provided to the Lord of Tianhu Demon City. In addition, it can also add a bit of spiritual energy, etc. The next time you encounter that demon, you will be more calm."

"Oh, it also has this effect?"

Yinsong became interested in the spiritual tea that could increase his combat power, not to mention that the Lord of Demon City drank it.

However, he still had a foresight.

First, he used his magical power "Black Ringed Leopard Eyes" to observe the tea.

Then he used "Black Wolf's Breath" to sniff the tea.

The tea is clear and free of impurities, tastes good, and there is no problem.

Then he calmly picked up the teacup and drank it.

"It's really good tea..."

Yinsong couldn't help but be surprised.

This tea is fragrant in the mouth, fragrant on the lips and teeth, and has endless aftertaste.

As the tea entered my stomach, warmth began to flow, and my true energy indeed increased a bit.

Infuriating energy is used to perform magical powers. The more infuriating energy you have, the longer you can use your magical powers.

If we say that the true energy gathered in Yinsong's Dantian before was like a lake.

Now, it's as if a stream has been added, slowly flowing into the lake, with more and more infuriating energy.

"If you like it, sir, I will give you some as a gift later."

The owner of the tea house smiled charmingly and poured another cup of Huayuling tea.

"This is inappropriate, no need to."

Yinsong is still a teenager at heart, and feels that it is not good to get it for nothing like this.

While talking, he felt a little greedy and couldn't help but drink a few more drinks.

"It's too expensive, I can't have it."

Yinsong has a very honest character and resolutely doesn’t want other people’s things.

He changed the subject and said, "Let's talk about the demon first."

"Yes, sir."

The owner of the tea house bowed slightly and said slowly:

"It's like this. When we grow spiritual tea, we need to use mountain spring water from the 'Fufeng Mountain Spring' five miles away."

"Our tea house people go there every day to fetch water and irrigate the spiritual tea..."

"In recent days, several women have disappeared from the villa."

"I went to investigate and searched all over the mountain, but I still couldn't find any clues."

"After investigation, we learned that many demons who went to fetch water have disappeared near Fufeng Mountain Spring."

"I guess there must be a demon at work, and this demon may be very good at hiding."

"Please sir, go and catch the monster."

"It will also prevent our villa from panicking and the little demons nearby becoming uneasy..."

Hearing this, Yinsong stood up directly, holding the Pu Dao in his hand, his eyes sharp.

"A demon who is good at hiding, you can't escape from my grasp!"

As a black wolf and leopard demon, he is also good at tracking.

There was once a mission to eliminate demons, in order to chase the escaped demons.

He hunted for more than a month and killed the demon that had fled thousands of miles away!

Of course, it is because of this sincere character that he does not earn many spiritual crystals.

Of course, he didn't care much about these foreign objects.

Yinsong cares more about his physical strength and pursues more powerful power!

Every time he slays demons, he is training himself and breaking through!

"Sir... your simple sword seems to be just an ordinary weapon..."

The owner of the tea house couldn't help but ask questions. He found that the knife was not a magic weapon.

"Yes, this is an ordinary weapon."

For some reason, Yinsong talked more today. In addition to the fact that the owner of the village in front of him looked like a fairy and had an extremely kind temperament, there was another reason.

He explained: "Like you, I have a deep affection for human beings. Many years ago, a human swordsman saved me in the mountains and used this knife. When we parted, he gave me this knife as a souvenir. ....You can protect humans here, you are the same kind of person as me..."


After hearing this story, the owner of the tea house couldn't help but be moved.

She took a deep breath and said with emotion: "Actually, I fell in love with a human scholar who accidentally entered this place. He escaped from the war and unexpectedly entered the kingdom of demons. I have been here to protect him, but... ..Time flies and he has turned into bones.."

After saying that, a few tears flowed from the corners of the village owner's eyes.

"Hey, it's the most tragic thing when a human and a monster fall in love."

The young man Yinsong shook his head.

After all, human life is too short and people will die soon.

After a moment of silence, the young man put away his inexplicable sadness and said, "Where is the monster?"

The owner of the village wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief and said, "Sir, let me show you the way."

The two left the tea house and walked towards the mountain spring one after another.

Not long after, we arrived at a forest.

The owner of the tea house suddenly reached out and held the young man's hand.

The young man had never been exposed to anything between men and women, and he was immediately confused.

Yinsong's face turned red and he said, "Master, what are you doing?"

After saying that, he had to push away.

However, he found that he couldn't push the opponent away even with his own strength.

He looked down and saw that there were no more graceful hands.

Hundreds of sarcoma-like tentacles sprouted from the arm, wrapping his hand.

Looking up again, the owner of the village, who was as beautiful as a fairy, had completely changed his appearance and looked hateful.

The mouth was split open, and tentacles were drilled out from the eyes, nostrils, ears... everywhere.

Countless tentacles squirmed in the air, like thousands of hairs dancing in the wind.

The mouth opened and closed, and the inside was filled with squirming tumors, and the voice was hoarse:

"Sir, you said we are the same kind of people."

"Why don't we get together..."

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