After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 88 Beautiful woman with painted skin, strange tea house!

"There seems to be something wrong with this tea house..."

In the main room of the tea house, Li Xiao sat in the tea house and waited quietly for the owner.

Just now, he entered the tea house, and a woman came to receive him and asked them to wait here.

Along the way, Li Xiao was surprised to find that the women in this tea house were all human beings.

"Nothing wrong."

The little old man transformed into Ling Lingqi also sat on the stool and said: "Seventy or eighty years ago, too many people in the world fled into the Hundred Thousand Mountains to escape the troubled times."

"Some of these people were injured and died from the mouths of wild beasts. But there are also many people who were protected by demons and survived, and have lived here for generations."

"Because humans are ingenious, many monsters are willing to live in peace with humans."

"Just like here at the tea house, delicate tasks such as picking tea, the untransformed demons don't have flexible fingers, so humans can only do it."

"That's it." Li Xiao nodded slightly.

Ling Lingqi touched his beard and said, "I just used my magical power to smell and know that they are human beings."

This is Zero Zero Seven's magical power.

By smelling the smell, you can capture some spiritual fragments of information from the smell.

As its mana increases, this magical power becomes more powerful.

"Yeah, well done."

Li Xiao nodded and felt relieved.

It's not that I believe in Zero Zero Seven, but I believe in my own eyes.

Just now, he used [Heavenly Golden Eyes] to check those human women, and there was no problem.

At this time, a woman walked in from outside the door.

It is the owner of the tea house.

Her skin was as white as snow, and the white clothes on her body made her look like an immortal fairy. She didn't look as scary as before.

"The little girl Hanshuang is the owner of the village here and has met these two adults."

The owner of the tea house, Han Shuang, bowed slightly.

"So beautiful...even more beautiful than Jiang Ziling..."

Ling Lingqi's mouth watered when he saw it. He walked over and squinted his eyes and said: "Girl, open your mouth and let me take a sip of blood. Killing the monsters is all our responsibility. We have killed more than a dozen monsters along the way." "


Hanshuang showed a look of shame on her face, revealing her delicate feminine appearance, and took a step back.

"Zero Zero Seven, don't be rude!"

Li Xiao scolded, then jumped down from the chair and looked at the woman: "We are bounty hunters from Huanghu Demon City. Let's talk about the demon disaster here..."

"Let me take a breath first, ha——"

Ling Lingqi's mouth became longer and longer, almost like a bee.


Li Xiao slapped him away.

The powerful force caused Zero Zero Seven to hit the door, and he was knocked back to his original shape. He became only one foot in size and fell to the ground and fainted.

"What a joke, my little brother has no sense of propriety."

Li Xiao smiled awkwardly, and immediately used [Sky Golden Eyes] to look at the woman in front of him.

[Heaven·Golden Eyes: The eyes are like pools, seeing through all things. 】

Li Xiao's eyes turned into a light golden color, able to see through everything.

It's normal, just a fox demon.

Li Xiao withdrew his gaze and turned into black pupils again.

However, this move fell into the eyes of the "tea house owner", and he couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

This child has infinite strength, pure flesh, and majestic blood.

It seems that it is no weaker than the "Black Wolf Leopard Demon" just now...

"Sir, why do you look like a child..."

The owner of the village pretended to be surprised, looked at the flea demon on the ground, and then looked at him.

"Oh, I am ginseng fruit essence." Li Xiao explained.

"That's it. I heard that after the human fruit essence takes form, it will look like a child."

The owner of the village smiled charmingly: "This is my first time meeting you, so I just took the liberty."

"It doesn't matter."

Li Xiao waved his hand.

But I was thinking in my heart that this fox demon incarnation is indeed naturally beautiful and has an excellent appearance.

There is a charm about her that is irresistible.

I'm just a one-year-old child, and it makes my heart tremble just to see it.

"Sir, you have come a long way, please sit down and have a rest and drink some spiritual tea from our tea house."

The owner of the tea house asked the maid to pour tea, but he said the same thing, "This is the best spiritual tea in our tea house, the Flower Language Spirit Tea. It has a unique taste and the aroma of flowers. It is a spiritual tea specially provided to the Lord of Tianhu Demon City." . In addition, it can also add some spiritual energy, so you will be more calm when you meet the monster."

"Oh? There's this good thing, come up quickly."

Li Xiao jumped back into his seat and sat down.

Along the way, he ate a lot of good food.

What kind of spiritual bird's nest, spiritual fish, spiritual fruit, all kinds of good things...

Although they are all low-level spiritual objects and the improvement is not big, there is still improvement.

The most important thing is that in addition to replenishing physical strength, these spiritual objects also taste good.

Purely natural, pollution-free, absolutely free of technology and harsh labor.

Li Xiao was a foodie in his last life, and he still maintains this habit.

Not long after, the maid served tea on an exquisite tea tray.

Hanshuang poured the tea himself, still the same routine.

Li Xiao picked up the teacup, sang a little song, and his eyes lit up immediately.

[Energy +80] [Energy +80] [Energy +80]....

It is indeed a good tea, better than any tea I drank in my previous life, and the spiritual power is abundant, like a trickle, it is slowly replenishing my physical strength.

You must know that after Li Xiao's physical strength is full, he can store it with the help of [Tian·Chenqi], and he can directly replenish it when it is needed.

"If you like it, sir, I will give you some after you get rid of the demons."

The owner of the tea house said softly.

"Easy to say, easy to say...hahaha..."

Li Xiao did not refuse at all.

Although the bounty hunting guild will give rewards.

But wouldn’t it be hurtful to reject other people’s kindness?

With that said, Li Xiao drank tea closely again, directly picked up the teapot and drank it.

In the tea, a tea leaf seemed to be able to move freely. The tea leaf came out along the funnel and followed the water flow into Li Xiao's stomach.

[You eat the strange species "Zombie Ghost Insect" and it is digested by the powerful gastric juice. 50% of the nutrients are absorbed, energy conservation is triggered, and the remaining deep nutrients are converted into energy. 】

[Physique +15]

【Energy +30000】

[Energy tank is full]


Li Xiao was slightly startled.

70% of the energy I had accumulated in the past two months was actually full just now?

It seemed like he had eaten something strange just now.

Zombie ghost insect?

This thing sounds unfair!

Damn, there's something wrong with this woman.

This is too strange, my [Sky Golden Eyes] didn’t see through it!

Could it be...that this fox demon is a demon?

Beauty’s painted skin, weird villa!

There is indeed something wrong with this villa...

As expected, this zombie ghost insect is probably a kind of poison.

However, he owns the [Sky Furnace] and his stomach is strong enough to smelt steel and digest magic weapons, so he digested it directly along with this thing.

With this thought in his mind, Li Xiao remained calm on the surface.

"Drink the tea too, let's talk about the demon."

"Such an adult..."

Hanshuang, the owner of the tea house, began to tell about the demon.

Still using the same rhetoric, there is a demon who is good at hiding in the mountain spring nearby.

‘You’re good at hiding, you’re just talking about yourself...’

Li Xiao sneered in his heart, but smiled on the outside: "Okay, lead the way quickly, I will remove the demon."



Just as the village owner was about to lead the way, Li Xiao said, "I just drank the spiritual tea and need to refine it. I'm a little tired now. Sister, can you carry me there?"

Hearing this, the owner of the village said delicately: "This... men and women are allowed to have sex..."

Li Xiao said: "But I'm still a child."

Sure enough, as long as a man is a man, he should have such a good skin... The owner of the village, Han Shuang, was as shy as a girl. After thinking for a long time, he nodded: "Then I will carry you..."

What a pretense... Li Xiao nodded slightly, then jumped up and sat on the woman's neck, looking like a child, and shouted: "Let's go, get rid of the devil..."


Hanshuang pretended that her cheeks were red and carried Li Xiao towards the door.

It thought happily in its heart that as long as it walked into the woods, the ginseng fruit essence would die...

I have never eaten ginseng fruit essence, it must be very tonic...

The owner of the village walked out of the main house door, and after just ten steps, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

I couldn't move at all.

But it was Li Xiao who used [Sky White Snake Coil] to tightly wrap around the fox demon woman. He then pushed her down with both hands and pressed her head to the ground with his right hand, unable to move.

"You are the monster, why are you pretending? Reveal yourself quickly!"

Li Xiao spoke out, thunder rolled, and the momentum changed drastically!

A demon that even the eyes of heaven and gold could not see through, Li Xiao had concluded that this fox demon was real.

But it should be controlled by some kind of strange demon.

If he was killed with a single punch, the fox demon would probably be gone.

The demon must be forced out first!

At this moment, Han Shuang, the owner of the tea house who was pinned to the ground, looked horrified.

There was mist in her eyes, and her face was full of grievance:

"You, you, what are you doing...why do you do this to me..."

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