After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 97: Encountering robbery, killing monsters and seizing treasures!

"Let me take a look at this last magic core. This one should be extraordinary..."

The owl demon began to investigate, and after a moment, his expression changed.

"This... this is a disaster transformed by the mole cricket demon. At the peak of the True Qi Realm, it will soon transform into the Yuan Gang Realm..."

"Being one hundred and eighty-six minor magical powers, twenty-three medium magical powers! One great magical power!"

"This...such a terrible disaster is difficult to estimate...I have to inform my superiors."

The owl demon can only use the messenger bird immediately to report the message to the superior.

See how to estimate contribution points.

The magical powers that monsters cultivate are divided into: small magical powers, medium magical powers, and great magical powers.

Small magical powers are the magical powers that are naturally born after the demon gathers spirits, without any changes.

The medium magical power is created through the combined training of multiple small magical powers and the integration of insights.

As for great supernatural powers, they are created through the combined training of magical powers from multiple paths.

Generally speaking, those who master the medium and great magical powers are the sects of the demon world.

This disaster has twenty-three medium magical powers and one great magical power.

It means that he has already eaten the disciples of the sect, but he is still a disciple of the sect who is not weak!

"The reply is here..."

At this time, Owl received a response from his superiors, opened the envelope and said: "This mole cricket disaster has almost become a major disaster. Now that it has been killed, fifteen thousand contribution points should be given..."

The words fell.

Countless demons cast envious glances.

The task of eliminating demons is to give rewards according to the degree of harm done by the demons.

The more powerful the monster, the higher the risk and the greater the reward.

Fifteen thousand contribution points is simply a huge fortune.

That's 15,000 pieces of spiritual crystal...

Many monsters have greed in their eyes...

After taking stock, the owl opened his mouth and said: "5 magic cores in the enlightenment stage are worth 25 points, 12 magic cores in the spirit-gathering stage are worth 120 points. In the transformation stage, one magic core of the first level of magic power, disaster, is worth 200 points. In the transformation stage, the magic core of the second level magic power is 200 points. In the early stage of the True Qi Realm, one Spider Disaster Demonic Core is worth 3,000 points. In the Transformation Stage, the second stage of the Divine Power is at the peak of the True Qi Realm. One Molecule Disaster Demonic Core is worth 15,000 points.... A total of 18,345 contribution points have been credited to you. In my name, would you like to use it or save it?”

"What kind of treasure does this Yellow Tiger Demon City Bounty Hunting Hunt have? Bring it to me and take a look."

Zero Zero Seven looked very calm and asked.

The king told him that if there is a good magic weapon, he can change it.

"Don't worry, any bounty hunting guild will have exchangeable items owned by the head office and can be delivered quickly..."

As he spoke, the owl demon handed over a very thick book.

Seven characters written on the book: Bounty Hunting Book of Treasures.

Zero Zero Seven opened the book and found that this book was simply a treasure house.

There are so many things in there.

Treasures from heaven and earth, elixirs, magic weapons, magic weapons, magical powers...

Even, Zero Zero Seven actually saw the existence of "Zhu Guo" in this album.

"Dear me...Zhu Guo is worth 1 million contribution points. Who can afford this..."

Ling Lingqi shook his head, this thing is really expensive.

But it's probably just a decoration.

It is impossible for a bounty hunting monster to collect so many contribution points.

This also shows from the side how valuable the red fruit that the Queen’s mother ate was...

“Can you watch it slowly??”

Zero Zero Seven asked.

He wanted to write down everything in this bounty hunting treasure book.

Don't look at how arrogant Ling Lingqi is in front of outsiders.

He knew in his heart his value to the king.

The king often asked him some questions.

For example, questions such as the names of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, magic weapons, etc.

If he writes down these things, the king will think more highly of him in the future.

"You are a big customer, so of course you can." The owl said with a charming smile.

"Okay, I'll take my time and see if there's anything my king needs..."

Ling Zero Qi picked up the book, walked to a corner and started reading.

At this time, the group of disciples from Bixia Demon Valley came over.

The leader of the man in green said: "Your Majesty, when you killed the disaster, did you find a turtle shell magic weapon? That is the magic weapon of my Bixia Demonic Valley. Please return it."

This time, his tone was much more polite.

After all, being able to kill powerful disasters at the peak of the True Qi Realm is very powerful.

Naturally, the turtle shell magic weapon Zero Zero Seven is known, and it is in the hands of the king.

But it was impossible for him to say it.

Can you give this thing away once you get it?

But he saw Ling Lingqi reading a book without raising his head, and said calmly: "What is it? I didn't see it. My king has a pair of iron fists that are unparalleled in the world. A turtle shell? You don't even want to give it to my king. What the hell!"


The leader of the man in green had a livid face.

Although he can commit crimes in the demon city, he does not dare to kill demons, let alone seize the treasure.

Moreover, it is estimated that this turtle shell magic weapon will not be in the hands of this flea demon.


He waved his sleeves angrily and left with the demons.

As soon as these disciples from Bixia Demon Valley left, the bounty hunter monsters let out a sigh.

It was obvious that he was happy to see these sect disciples defeated.

So cool....

Next, Ling Lingqi sat down and watched the Book of Treasures quietly.

Bounty hunting has returned to its former glory....

Ling Lingqi looked at it and saw that it was three days and three nights.

The owl demon was stunned. You can watch as long as you want. Are you serious?

And Ling Ling Qi has memorized everything in the Treasure Book.

Although this Treasure Book is only for bounty hunters, the real treasures may not be recorded in it, but it has enriched a lot of knowledge.

In this Treasure Book, the levels of magic weapons are divided into: magic weapons, spiritual weapons, and treasure weapons.

There are probably more powerful magic weapons above, but they are not recorded in the Treasure Book.

The price of magic weapons is about 100 contribution points to 1000 contribution points.

The price of spiritual weapons is more expensive, between 1000 and 100,000 contribution points.

As for treasure weapons, they are simply sky-high prices, often millions of contribution points.

"It turns out that the magic weapon the king got is called the Eight Treasures Turtle Shell."

"This Eight Treasures Turtle Shell is a top-grade spiritual weapon. Only the elders of the Bixia Demon Valley can refine it. This magic weapon is also sold in the bounty hunting business, worth 100,000 contribution points."

"No wonder the disciple of the Bixia Demon Valley asked me to return it..."

Ling Lingqi couldn't help but say in his heart.

I now have 18,345 contribution points...

I can exchange it for a medium-grade spiritual weapon, plus a medium-grade magic weapon Qiankun Bag...

Otherwise, the king always uses my stomach as a leather bag, who can stand this.

The remaining contribution points will all be exchanged for spiritual crystals.

As for magical powers...small magical powers are not expensive, there are a few medium magical powers, but they are too expensive.

As for great magical powers, there are none at all.

The king wants to get magical skills for the Queen Mother.

But he explained that if there is no good magical skill, it will not be used.

In the eyes of the king, if it is not a great magical power, he will definitely not look down on it.

Then I won't exchange it for the time being...

"I've chosen it!"

Ling Lingqi stood up, handed back the Book of Treasures, and then said: "Exchange it for a mid-grade spiritual weapon, the Divine Bird Feather Sleeve Arrow, worth 10,000 contribution points, and a mid-grade magic weapon, the Qiankun Bag, worth 500 points. The rest will be exchanged for spiritual crystals..."


The owl demon immediately clicked on the Book of Treasures. After clicking, the pattern disappeared. This Book of Treasures must also be a magic weapon.

Half an hour later.

A gray albatross flew in and dropped a box.

In the box, the mid-grade spiritual weapon, the Divine Bird Feather Sleeve Arrow, lay quietly.

This was sent from the Bounty Hunter Head Office.

As for the magic weapon, the Qiankun Bag, this Huanghu Demon City branch has it.

The owl threw the remaining 7,845 spiritual crystals directly into the Qiankun Bag and handed it to Ling Lingqi.

Ling Lingqi put everything into the Qiankun Bag, and then put the Qiankun Bag into his stomach.

Although it was also in his stomach, Ling Lingqi felt much better....

"Are there any more demon-killing missions?" Ling Lingqi asked.

"No more..."

The owl smiled and said, "Wait a few days, when the head office assigns a mission, you can come again."

He naturally hoped that more people like this would come.

The more demon-killing missions they solved, the more helpful it would be for the promotion of their Huanghu Demon City branch.


Ling Lingqi nodded, then turned and left.

An hour later, Ling Lingqi left the gate of the Wan Yao Kingdom.

After leaving the city, he blew a breath, turned himself into a balloon, and flew towards the old nest.

However, he had just flown more than fifty miles.

Suddenly, the woods moved, and then a group of masked men jumped out of the woods.

"Little demon, leave the things behind, and I'll spare your life!"

Ling Lingqi's face changed, and he thought it was not good.

This is... a demon is eyeing him, and he wants to kill the demon and take the treasure!

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