Zhou Zhenfei was also drunk last night, but he has memories after being drunk.

    Fan Shang took him to the hotel to open a room, and then pushed him down on the bed. Zhou Zhenfei felt his heart skip a beat when he thought of the thin red in the corners of his eyes and the **** gasping in his mouth.

    Waking up in the morning, Zhou Zhenfei was very shy, didn't know how to face Fan Shang, took a shower, put on his clothes and left.

    He is definitely not ruthless, he is the one who was plucked, but he is very affectionate.

    After the two separated, Zhou Zhenfei was embarrassed to send a WeChat message to Fan Shang, he thought that Fan Shang would take the initiative to find him, after all, it was also Fan Shang who took the initiative that night.

    But after waiting for a month, Fanshang did not send him a message, and there were even rumors on the Internet that Fanshang and the film queen of Fanyin Pictures were together.


    Zhou Zhenfei cried and swiped Weibo while holding his mobile phone.

    As a result, the Weibo is full of photos of Fan Shang and the actress walking the red carpet together and laughing together.

    Fan Shang's eyes were full of affection, which was completely different from his eyes.

    Zhou Zhenfei immediately determined that he was ruthless.

    But he is not a twin, can't get pregnant, even if he is raped by a man, he can't go to him to be responsible. Zhou Zhenfei clicked on Fanshang's WeChat and looked at Fanshang's head portrait and Name, and finally summoned up the courage to send a message to Fan Shang.

    Zhou Zhenfei: Fan Shang, did you forget what happened that night?

    A grey box pops up on the screen immediately.

    Van Shang has turned on friend verification, you are not his (her) friend. Please send a friend verification request first, and you can chat only after the other party has passed the verification.

    There is a blue font behind it: Send friend verification.

    Zhou Zhenfei was stunned. He took his mobile phone and ran to the top-level general manager's office to find Shuai Chang.

    "Brother! He actually deleted my friend!" Zhou Zhenfei had tears in his eyes, feeling that he had fed the dog with all his heart. He waited anxiously for a month, but he was deleted long ago!

    Shuai Chang put down the document at hand, and took Zhou Zhenfei to sit on the sofa, "Who deleted you?"

    "Fan! Shang!" Zhou Zhenfei felt like he was gnashing his teeth when he said his name now.

    Shuai Chang is clear, it seems that Fan Shang does not like his brother, Shuai Chang does not know that the two have already slept in bed, so he comforts: "There is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world. Grab a lot of them, and I will definitely introduce them to you when I see similar types in the future."


    "That's not the same, no one is him!" Zhou Zhenfei didn't know what kind of magic he was possessed, and when he thought of Fan Shang, he scratched his heart and felt sad when he couldn't see him. After he was deleted as a friend Hearts are broken into scum.

    But he still likes him.

    "Brother, am I very cheap? But I can't help it, I'm so sad." Zhou Zhenfei blinked, tears bursting, winding down, and soon his whole face was wet .

    "Nonsense! How can you say that you are cheap!" Shuai Chang took out a piece of paper to wipe Zhou Zhenfei's face, "Actually, brother is not right, there is something I haven't told you."

    Zhou Zhenfei raised his head and choked: "Brother didn't tell me anything?"

    Shuai Chang is a little hard to say: "Fan Shang... he likes your sister-in-law."

    Fan Shang likes sister-in-law?

    Zhou Zhenfei remembered Wei Yanze's delicate and beautiful face, compared his own face, turned around and hugged Shuai Chang, and began to cry.

    Zhou Zhenfei found sadly that if he was Fan Shang, he would also like his sister-in-law.

    He and Fan Shang may not be at all.

    Because of the guilt in his heart, Shuai Chang gave Zhou Zhenfei a month off to recuperate his emotional wounds.


    Zhou Zhenfei knew that he could never become as good-looking as Wei Yanze. He began to give up on himself, overeating every day, and he gained weight in less than a month.

    After eating this day, Zhou Zhenfei sat on the sofa with a box of biscuits and watched while eating. Mother Zhou frowned and said, "Zhou Zhenfei, I almost got you, and when I lost my love, I ate myself into a pig. No one will look at you in the future."

    Zhou Zhenfei lowered his head and pretended not to hear. He grabbed two biscuits and put them in his mouth. As a result, he choked too quickly. , when I came back, I saw that Zhou Zhenfei was throwing up the trash can, and all his dinner was vomited out.

    Zhou Zhenfei raised his head and took Zhou's mother's water and rinsed his mouth. His face was pale, and Zhou's mother couldn't help crying: "Are you torturing yourself or torturing me."

    Zhou Zhenfei sat in a daze, his eyes were blank, and after a long time he finally said, "Mom, I'm sorry." He really shouldn't hurt his family's heart for a bastard.

    The next day, Zhou Zhenfei decided to start over again, eat a fixed amount of each meal, and lose weight first.

    But his vomiting yesterday seems to have opened the floodgate, so that he will vomit up no matter what he eats, and there is no problem in the hospital to check his stomach.

    At the end of the holiday, Shuaichang looked at the thin brother in front of him and sighed: "I can take care of the company, you take good care of your body, don't always think about something."

    Zhou Zhenfei said: "Brother, I don't miss him anymore, but I can't help it. I vomit what I eat." Zhou Zhenfei was also very distressed.

    He didn't think he was like this because he couldn't forget Fanshang. In fact, he has almost returned to the state of wanting nothing before he didn't like Fanshang.

    Wei Yanze lay in Shuaichang's arms at night and said: "Do you think Zhenfei looks like a symptom of pregnancy? I know he is a man, but his reactions are exactly the same as when I was pregnant with Chengyun , I was hungry at first, I wanted to eat everything I saw, and then I started to vomit whatever I ate, until it was five months old. Why don't we go to the hospital to check and do a B-ultrasound just in case."

    There is little difference in appearance between a man and a twin, and the only way to determine gender is the result of a hospital test at birth.

    Shuai Chang was persuaded by him, and took Zhou Zhenfei to the hospital early the next morning.

    The doctor asked about the gender as usual, and then asked about the symptoms, "Maybe it's a gastrointestinal disease, let's have a gastroscopy."

    Shuai Chang said: "Doctor, we have done gastroscopy, and Zhenfei has no problems with his stomach. I came today to ask you to help check if he is pregnant."

    The doctor opened his eyes in surprise, "Isn't he a man?" How could a man be pregnant?

    Shuai Chang: "The doctor just needs to check."

    The doctor frowned and called Zhou Zhenfei who was waiting outside the door, "I'll take you for an ultrasound."

    Zhou Zhenfei was surprised: "What do I do B-ultrasound?" Isn't that done by pregnant people?

    The doctor only explained: "B-ultrasound can detect a variety of diseases."

    Zhou Zhenfei naturally could not question the professionals, and silently followed the doctor for examination.

    After the examination, the doctor called a nurse to take Zhou Zhenfei to draw blood. After a moment of silence, he said to Shuaichang: "My brother is indeed pregnant, and I saw a gestational sac when I did B. Now I still need a blood test to confirm. ."

    "Why can men get pregnant?" Shuai Chang asked.

    The doctor said: "He only has one case in millions of people, in our medical terminology it is called a hidden twin, if he does not have a relationship with a man, but marry A twin or a woman also has the ability to make her pregnant." Ordinary twins cannot make twins or women pregnant.

    The doctor said solemnly: "Go back and take good care of the fetus. Given his physical condition, if he chooses to have an abortion, it may be life-threatening."

    Shuai Chang nodded, "Thank you."

    The blood test results also showed that Zhou Zhenfei was pregnant and had been pregnant for more than 40 days.

    Shuai Chang remembered that Zhou Zhenfei didn't go home one night, and came back the next morning wearing the clothes from the night before.

    Shuai Chang brought Zhou Zhenfei to the study, closed the door and let Zhou Zhenfei sit opposite him.

    "Zhenfei, I have something to tell you."

    Zhou Zhenfei was a little frightened and said uneasy: "Brother, I won't have any incurable disease, will I?"

    Shuai Chang was amused by him, "What are you thinking, your body is fine."

    Shuai Chang changed a serious expression and asked, "Who are you with on the night of November 28th?"

    Zhou Zhenfei blushed, "Brother, why are you asking this? I'm an adult."

    "Whether it is a Vatican, this matter is very important and must not be concealed."

    Zhou Zhenfei was in a trance when he heard the name again, he nodded: "It's him."

    Shuai Chang sighed: "Zhenfei, you are pregnant."

    Zhou Zhenfei didn't react: "Brother. What are you talking about? I'm a man." How could a man be pregnant.

    It will be life-threatening. Brother, I want to hear your opinion."

    "I, I don't know." Zhou Zhenfei clutched his abdomen, never thinking that a little life had been born there.

    "Maybe I should give birth to him, he is innocent." Zhou Zhenfei showed a gentle smile on his face.

    "I will tell Mom about this, don't worry, just raise the baby at home, and the company will give it to me."

    The two brothers walked out of the study after talking. Zhou's mother and Wei Yanze were watching TV in the living room. Zhou Zhenfei covered his abdomen and returned to the room. Shuaichang went to the living room to announce the news of Zhou Zhenfei's pregnancy.

    Mother Zhou was frightened, "Zhenfei he, Zhenfei he is pregnant?!"

    Shuai Chang nodded: "It has been more than 40 days, and the abortion will be life-threatening. Mom, the child's father is not in love with Zhenfei."

    Mother Zhou frowned and said, "Zhenfei is pregnant with the child of our Zhou family, Zhenfei is his father, there are other fathers."

    So Zhou Zhenfei started the life of raising a baby. He ate, slept, slept, and ate every day. During the New Year, he was afraid that relatives would see him in the bedroom without seeing anyone, so he usually only dared to walk in the living room.

    In August of next year, Zhou Zhenfei gave birth to a twin in the hospital.

    Zhou Zhenfei named the child Zhou Chengai.

    Zhou Chengai looks pink and jade, except for the eyebrows that are a bit like Zhou Zhenfei, other parts look more delicate.

    When Zhou Chengai is full of moon, guests will praise her beauty, saying that Zhou Zhenfei is blessed, and the mother of the child must be a great beauty.

    After recovering, Zhou Zhenfei began to go back to work in the company. From nine to five every day, the first thing he did when he got home was to take photos of Zhou Chengai and put them on Weibo.

    He now has tens of millions of followers on Weibo, and any photo he sends will become a hot search.

    Zhou Zhenfei feels that Zhou Chengai deserves everyone's attention.

    Today is Jiugongge *^O^*[Picture][Picture][Picture][Picture][Picture][Picture][Picture][Picture][Picture]

    Weibo has more than 1,000 retweets and comments within a minute after it is posted.

    Xiao Bai rolled his eyes: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, father-in-law!

    Let's go back together: my daughter-in-law looks good again today [smiley]

    Pumpkin Prince: I am willing to be single for 18 years and wait for my daughter-in-law to grow up [beautiful]

    Zhou Zhenfei accidentally became the father-in-law of the nation.

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