Jiang Shuyue wrote two prescriptions for conditioning the body, one for calming the nerves and helping sleep, and the other for replenishing qi and blood.

When the real old lady saw that Jiang Shuyue had good handwriting and described her condition accurately, she dispelled her doubts.

Many years ago, when her eldest granddaughter was not married yet, the old lady asked her granddaughter to learn how to host a banquet. She clearly remembered that Miss Jiang came to the banquet.

She was charming and beautiful, and she was particularly eye-catching among many noble ladies.

But Miss Jiang was a girl in the boudoir, and she naturally knew piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but her superb medical skills could not be faked.

And the mansion was worth a lot of money. If she was a girl from the Shangshu Mansion, she would not be able to afford the mansion even if she sold all the belongings of the Shangshu Mansion.

Seeing Jiang Shuyue put down her pen and ink, the nanny picked up the prescription and blew it gently.

Madam Zhen put away her thoughts and said with a smile: "I would like to ask you a question, how old is Miss Jiang? Are your family members around?"

"Thank you for your concern, old lady. I am already in my twenties, and my family is still in Yannan for the time being."

Jiang Shuyue deliberately made her age vague so that Madam Zhen would not take it personally.

Madam Zhen was a little anxious to ask such a rude question to a girl when they first met.

Seeing Jiang Shuyue's generous answer, Madam Zhen smiled and praised: "The girl is so young, but her medical skills are so great, it's not easy."

Jiang Shuyue gave some more precautions and left.

Madam Zhen knew that she had to go to the clinic again, so she couldn't keep her, so she asked the nanny to go to the warehouse to pick out a piece of top-quality cloud and mist silk as a return gift.

Jiang Shuyue couldn't refuse, so she had to accept it.

The nanny watched the housekeeper Zhen send the person out of the courtyard, and said with a smile: "This girl is not bad, she looks as beautiful as a fairy, kind and gentle, and can cure diseases and save lives. It's a pity that she is three years older than Master Sun."

"Jingxiu is eighteen years old, how can she be three years older? As the saying goes, a girl three years older than you is worth a fortune. I think it's good for a girl to be older."

The nanny bowed and smiled: "What the old lady said is right, but I don't know what kind of people are in the girl's family, whether they are officials or businessmen."

The real old lady was confident, "No hurry, there will be plenty of time to find out later."

If it weren't for her husband praising Jiang Shuyue's talent, she wouldn't have been willing to ask so many questions.

The scholarly family always believes in judging people by their writing. After seeing the real person, the real old lady finally understood why her husband and grandson praised this girl.

Jiang Shuyue and Qiuju returned to the mansion, and Qiuju gave the return gift from the real old lady to Lan'er.

Gao Mu drove the carriage to send the two to the clinic.

Sitting in the carriage, Qiuju said happily: "Miss, the old lady's eyes were shining when she looked at you just now. Could she want to come to propose marriage?"

Jiang Shuyue smiled cunningly, "Yes! If she comes to propose marriage, I will marry you."


Hearing Gao Mu cough, Jiang Shuyue lifted the curtain and asked: "Gao Mu, have you caught a cold? I'll get you a prescription and boil it back home."

"Thank you for your concern, Miss. I just have a sore throat."

"A sore throat is also a cold."

Jiang Shuyue's occupational disease recurred. When Gao Mu sent her and Qiuju to the clinic, she personally grabbed a decoction for Gao Mu to take back.

Time flies, and Jiang Shuyue is busy day and night.

One night, she entered the space as usual to study the prescription. When she passed the spiritual soil, she found that she had casually broken off a few bags of tender corn.

The tender corn in the whole field was piled on one side.

She immediately thought of boiled corn cobs and roasted corn.

She picked up a few corn seeds and put them back into the spiritual soil. There should be corn for sale in the market at this time of year. Due to the long drought, farmers are almost out of food, so how can they sell tender corn?

Jiang Shuyue thought of the reproduction speed of meat rabbits, and she walked towards the grassland.

The time in the space is ten times longer than outside. There are rabbits running around all over the ground, more than double the number of the previous few days.

Looking at the snow-white meat rabbits, she had a bold idea.

But the time has not come yet, so she has to endure it.

The dawn is just ahead, and the mood is also happy. That night, Jiang Shuyue broke through the bottleneck and matched a prescription to restrain the epidemic cold.

She immediately copied a copy of each of the three prescriptions, wrote down the symptoms and usage details, and finally attached a letter.

After packing everything up, she went to sleep in the space.

In the morning, she left the space and it was still dawn after washing up.

In the garden, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and two figures were seen flying up and down, as fast as lightning.

Hearing the footsteps, Gao Mu and Cang Yun sheathed their swords.

"Morning, Miss." The two jumped and landed not far from Jiang Shuyue and bowed.

"Who of you will deliver this letter to Yannan and hand it over to the prince? The content is very important. The sooner the better."

Cang Yun stepped forward: "Miss, I have contacted the prince's people, and I will deliver it to them immediately."

Before the hour of Chen, Cang Yun handed the letter to Xiao Jingzhao's contact in the capital.

After the letter was sent out, Jiang Shuyue felt relieved.

The flood season was approaching, and the clear sky did not mean that it would rain.

One day, Jiang Shuyue had just sent away the patients in the clinic, and a woman who looked like a housekeeper walked into the clinic.

Seeing Jiang Shuyue, the housekeeper was slightly stunned, and then bowed respectfully.

He said straight to the point: "I am a servant of Lord Du Zhong. I wonder if you can come to see patients?"

Du Zhong is the family of the Dali Temple.

Jiang Shuyue pretended not to know and nodded slightly, "You can come to see patients, but the consultation fee is a little higher."

"It's okay. As long as the young lady is willing to go, the medical fee is not a problem." The woman took the opportunity to look at Jiang Shuyue again.

Jiang Shuyue asked about the condition.

It turned out that Miss Du had a poor appetite and refused to eat. Mrs. Du was anxious and sent the housekeeper to ask her to go and see.

Qiuju carried the medicine box and followed Jiang Shuyue to the Du family's carriage.

After entering the Du Mansion, she followed the housekeeper to an exquisite courtyard.

After the maid under the porch reported, a clear and beautiful voice came from the room, "Please ask the female doctor to come in."

Judging from the voice, she was full of energy and did not sound like a sick person.

Walking into the room, Jiang Shuyue's eyes lit up.

The woman's eyebrows were bright, her face was delicate and beautiful, and her smoke gauze made her look elegant and noble.

She leaned lazily on the small couch, her posture was weak, her neck was as slender and white as a swan, her wrists were like snow, and her whole person was indescribably gentle and soft.

"Sister Jiang."

The woman saw who was coming and suddenly sat up straight.

The girl sitting on the small couch was none other than Du Yutong, who was engaged to the third son of the Wei family.

Jiang Shuyue smiled lightly, "Miss Du is right, my surname is Jiang."

Du Yutong: "..." They are so similar.

Du Yutong is three years younger than Jiang Shuyue. Seeing that Jiang Shuyue behaved generously and was not as shy as a girl in the boudoir, she hesitated when she looked at the beauty mole on her bright face, thinking that it was such a coincidence that there were such similar people in the world.

"The girl looks in good spirits, not like she is sick."


Du Yutong glanced at the door and made a gesture to keep quiet.

After making sure that there was only the maid in her room outside the door, she said, "Miss Jiang, can you write me a prescription for a terminal illness?"

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