Jiang Jiaojiao was about to cry, but Wei Mingzhou didn't say a word for her just now, and he didn't even have the slightest attitude to defend himself.

When I was making out with her, my ears and temples were rubbing against each other. Afterwards, when I lifted my pants, there was another face.

She seemed not to have heard Caiyan's words, and all she could think about was the phrase "become a concubine".

Caiyan saw that the lady's eyes were red and swollen, her eyes were dull, and her makeup was washed away by tears beyond recognition.

She only went out with lipstick and could not touch up her makeup. There were still spots of blood stains and unknown mixture on the hem of the lady's skirt.

If she walked out of the teahouse in such a mess, even a fool would be able to tell what the young lady has been through.

Caiyan tidied it up haphazardly. Go to the door and observe what's going on outside.

In the lobby on the first floor.

Gao Mu and Cangyun had long since succeeded and disappeared without a trace.

Mrs. Wei saw that the matter was a foregone conclusion and it was impossible to save the Du family's marriage.

She had no choice but to obediently let Madam Du's carriage follow her carriage back to the Prime Minister's Mansion to get the Geng Tie.

In the lobby on the second floor.

Jiang Zhengming's eyes were filled with uncontrollable anger, and his teeth were clenching.

What happened today was so humiliating. He had never suffered such humiliation in the court.

He looked at Ms. Yang with eyes as cold as ice, "This is the good daughter you raised. She is so embarrassed. Why don't you let her get out of here?"

"Husband, the third young master Wei looks like a human being. It was he who seduced Jiao'er first. This is not entirely Jiao'er's fault. You can't let our daughter really go to the Wei family to be a concubine!"

The status of concubines is low, and the mistress can beat, scold or even sell them at will. Yang tried his best to prevent her daughter from being a concubine like herself.

"It's okay if you don't want to be a concubine. Then send her to Zhuangzi and don't come back to the capital from now on."

Jiang Zhengming was heartbroken. At worst, he would announce to the public that the second lady died suddenly.

His angry face became distorted, and his gentle face became extremely gloomy and terrifying.

"No! Husband, you can't do this to Jiao'er, she is your heart too!" Yang rushed forward, hugged Jiang Zhengming's arm and cried loudly.

The scene from five years ago suddenly reappeared in Jiang Zhengming's mind.

He didn't know anything, but it was Yang who carried Yue'er back to the house with her maid.

When she saw Yue'er, she seemed unconscious.

Why didn't there be any news about Yue'er losing her virginity in the Princess Mansion?

Doesn't anyone in the Princess Mansion know about this? Looking back now, I always feel like something was wrong.

The lintel of the door was insulted, and Jiang Zhengming was filled with anger. He flicked his sleeves vigorously, but Yang was unprepared and fell back heavily.

"Zhengming, there are many people here, so we should go back to the house to discuss countermeasures." The clan leader advised.

"Hmph! You are so embarrassing, why don't you go and take that evil girl back?" Jiang Zhengming glared at Yang who had just gotten up from the ground, turned around and left with the clan leaders.

Yang rubbed her painful elbow and walked towards the private room with tears streaming down her face.

"Jiao'er, let's go back and think about it."

"Mom, it's my daughter who believed Saburo's words gullibly. My daughter is not willing to accept it!"

"Let's go back and discuss it. This is not the place to talk."

Yang looked around, and Caiyan was frightened when she saw her cold eyes looking at her, knowing that she would inevitably be punished.

"What are you doing standing still? Why don't you change your clothes with the lady?"

Caiyan went out without any clothes, so Caiyan held back her disgust and exchanged clothes with Jiang Jiaojiao.

The three of them went downstairs and left.

The waiter at the teahouse knew that something scandalous was going on upstairs, so he didn't dare to come up and watch, but he knew everything he needed to know.

In Shangshu Mansion, Jiang Zhengming was sitting in the hall, his face as black as ink.

The clan leader and several clan members looked at each other and said to Jiang Zhengming: "Although I gave the tea house hush money, I'm afraid this matter cannot be sealed. You can no longer protect the Yang family."

Another tribesman also echoed: "If this news spreads, it will be difficult for the girls in the house to get married. In a few years, the young master will be old enough to discuss marriage, and it will be difficult to marry a young lady from a well-known family."

No matter how powerful the Prime Minister's Palace is, it has nothing to do with a concubine from the Wei family.

Jiang Zhengming was not willing to think about his legitimate daughter marrying at a low age.

Everyone said something to each other, Jiang Zhengming weighed it up and decided to demote Yang as a concubine. Jiang Jiaojiao was no longer a legitimate daughter and was returned to her original form.

Then he ordered that Yang's housekeeping rights be taken away, and the mother and daughter were grounded for reflection.

When Yang learned that she had been beaten back to her original shape, she cried so hard that her heart broke.

Jiang Jiaojiao locked herself in the room and cried for a while before starting to think of countermeasures.

Caiyan was punished with a slap in the face. Normally, she used her sweet words to please the servants and housekeepers in the house, but the punishment was not strong enough.

As expected, within half a day, the scandal between Jiang Jiaojiao and the concubine of the Prime Minister's Mansion in the teahouse spread throughout the capital as if it had wings.

Wei Mingzhou was naturally scolded after he returned.

The happiest person was Du Yutong. When she saw her mother bring back the Geng Tie, her father knew the reason for breaking off the engagement and agreed very much. She was so happy that she even ate an extra bowl of dinner.

At night, Jiang Shuyue played with her son for a while. The little boy yawned, and Jiang Shuyue told Lan'er to send Suisui back to her room to sleep.

After Sui Sui left, Jiang Shuyue held her chin in one hand and lowered her head slightly. The bright light reflected her fairy-like side face, and her butterfly-feather-like eyelashes left a shadow under her eyes.

Outside the bead curtain, Nangong Zeyue was standing quietly in a satin and brocade dress. He stood with his hands behind his back, and his eyes fell on the beautiful figure through the bead curtain.

Seeing Jiang Shuyue motionless, he coughed lightly after a moment.

Jiang Shuyue raised her eyes, "I haven't rested yet, come in and have a cup of tea."

The sound of the bead curtain colliding sounded, and Nangong Zeyue's extremely handsome face walked in with a calm and elegant smile.

"It's so boring to drink tea today, shouldn't we drink to celebrate?" As soon as Nangong Zeyue opened his mouth, the perfect image of the breeze and moon disappeared immediately.

"What is there to celebrate? They just returned to their original positions."

"If you don't feel relieved, I'll kill the mother and daughter right away." Nangong Zeyue sat down opposite Jiang Shuyue and asked with a grin.

Jiang Shuyue shook her head, "It's unnecessary. It's not that easy to be a concubine in the Prime Minister's Mansion."

She has a modern soul, and she can't kill people at every turn.

She took a green porcelain cup from the tray and poured a cup of cold tea and handed it over.

Death is the simplest relief for people. Based on the memory in her mind, Jiang Jiaojiao is definitely not a person who is content with the status quo.

Being a concubine should be more uncomfortable for her than dying.

Especially in this era, taking concubines and beauties is popular, and Wei Mingzhou is a man who is greedy for beauty. With Jiang Jiaojiao's appearance, it won't take long for her to be abandoned.

"For Sui Sui's safety, I will pick him up and drop him off through the Ermen Gate from tomorrow."

"It's better to let Sui Sui live in the same courtyard with me."

Nangong Zeyue thought that the female medical clinic had attracted more and more attention from officials and families, and he was worried that the princess's mansion would discover Sui Sui's existence.

Jiang Shuyue thought for a while and said, "It's not a good idea to always let you take care of the child. Let Cang Yun pick him up from the private school."

Nangong Zeyue took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "My relationship with Sui Sui is better than Cang Yun's. I don't feel at ease with anyone picking him up."

"I came here to discuss this with you. Go to bed early."

The pearl curtain sounded again, and Jiang Shuyue's eyes were filled with ripples as she watched the handsome figure leave like a whirlwind.

How lucky to have such a close friend.

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