
Since the rainstorm, the autumn in Beijing has gradually deepened.

News of the flood kept coming into the palace.

The emperor waved his hand and said, "It's been a long drought and it's raining. Not many people died. Why panic? Pass my order down and let the officials in various places find ways to dredge the river and let the flood drain."

The ministers were overwhelmed. The drought was followed by floods, and this year's tax silver could not be collected.

Floods are like beasts. The emperor said lightly that it was a long drought and it was raining. He passed by the disaster lightly.

A minister of the Ministry of Revenue bravely advised, "Your Majesty, dredging the river can't save the farmland that has been washed away. I'm afraid it will be difficult to collect taxes this year."

A minister echoed: "That makes sense. Discharging the flood will also cause disasters to the downstream, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to collect taxes downstream."

Seeing that the emperor didn't mention disaster relief at all, the prime minister simply lowered his eyes and looked at his nose, and turned a deaf ear to it.

The treasury was empty. If it came to disaster relief, the emperor would definitely ask the ministers to deduct donations from their salaries. This was not the first time.

When it came to taxes, the emperor was so angry that he said, "Let the prime minister handle this matter." He left angrily with a flick of his sleeves.

In the hall, the ministers were left looking at each other in bewilderment.

The prime minister shook his head, "A good cook cannot cook without rice, and I am powerless."

The emperor could not hear this. Facing the inquiring eyes of the ministers, the prime minister spread his hands and said, "Don't look at me, everyone has their own duties, do what they should do."

The heavy rain for several days smashed the petals of the imperial garden into pieces.

The temperature dropped sharply.

In the Pepper Room, the queen, who was able to walk on the ground, fell ill again.

A group of imperial doctors hurried to the harem.

"Hurry up and report to the emperor, the queen is dying." After taking the pulse, the imperial physician could hardly feel the pulse. Seeing the dying queen breathing out more than breathing in, he shouted to the maid beside him.

"Sir, take a closer look. The queen had eaten a bowl of bird's nest at noon. How could she die?" The housekeeper of the Pepper Room Palace couldn't believe it. The queen was obviously getting better, so how could she die after a short rest?

The imperial physician in front withdrew, and the imperial physician behind also knelt in front of the couch to take the pulse.

Every imperial physician looked ashen.

When the last imperial physician came forward to take the pulse, he heard a sound from the queen's throat. The imperial physician was so scared that he trembled and picked up a needle and put it in the queen's nose. The feather did not move at all.

"The queen has passed away."

Instantly, the Pepper Room Palace was in chaos.

When the emperor heard the news, he was only slightly stunned, without any sadness on his face.

According to the rules of Wanling Kingdom, there is no need to ring the funeral bell for those who died early in the harem.

The Prime Minister's Mansion learned about the Queen's death the next day.

Madam Wei fainted several times after learning about her daughter's death.

"If the Emperor had shown more compassion to our Zi Yu, how could she die early?" Madam Wei was extremely sad. She pulled Prime Minister Wei's sleeve and cried.

"Madam, please be patient. Yu'er is gone, and the Wei family has no one to rely on. I still have to preside over the funeral. Madam, please restrain your family and don't be arrogant outside in the future. I'm afraid that the world will change."

Madam Wei disagreed, "The Wei family is a big family with deep roots. Is the Emperor going to take off your official hat so soon?"

Prime Minister Wei shook his head. The woman was short-sighted. He was depressed and had nowhere to speak.

Prime Minister Wei had heard about the court ministers talking about King Yannan in private, and he saw the Emperor's inaction.

The treasury was not full, the emperor was living a life of drunkenness and not caring about state affairs, Wanling State was in turmoil, and the funeral of the queen was simple. The monks of Qinglian Temple performed a seven-day ritual in the palace and then hurriedly sent it to the imperial mausoleum.

"Madam, people are talking outside, saying that the queen was killed by the emperor."

The maid in Madam Wei's room was calm and taciturn. She went out of the mansion today and came back to report to Madam Wei what she heard outside.

I don't know where the wind came from, but the rumor that the emperor killed the queen for a new favorite quietly spread in the capital.

Madam Wei felt a chill down her spine.

She knew what kind of person the emperor was, and there were countless wronged souls in the harem, so it was not surprising to have another queen.

She could do nothing except cry again.

In Jiang Mansion, Jiang Shuyue heard the news of the queen's death and thought that Lin Miaoshou would leave the palace next, but in a blink of an eye, seven or eight days had passed and he didn't leave the palace.

"Miss, there are rumors that the queen died in a strange way." Qiuju came in with a bowl of lotus seed soup.

Jiang Shuyue was slightly stunned, "What do you mean by this?"

Has Lin Miaoshou been discovered?

"I heard from Mei'er that it has spread in the capital, saying that the emperor is clearing obstacles for the new concubines."

Jiang Shuyue took the lotus seed soup, "Go and see what Master Nangong is busy with. If he is free, please ask him to come and sit."

The clinic is already well-known in the capital. Jiang Shuyue is busy like a top every day, and there are a lot of unspeakable things in her heart.

Qiu Ju was dry and dry, and she had a pimple at the corner of her mouth. After drinking lotus seed soup for two days in a row, she finally got better.

Qiuju was secretly happy, thinking that the young lady had seen Master Nangong's recovery.

Nangong Zeyue went out early and came back late every day. After finishing his own affairs, he would pick up Suisui to the private school every day without fail.

Qiuju smiled and walked out quickly. A moment later, Nangong Zeyue followed Qiuju in.

Jiang Shuyue asked, "Would you like some lotus seed soup?"

Before Nangong Zeyue could answer, she said to Qiuju, "Give Master Nangong a bowl as well, and bring in some side dishes."

"Hey. I'll go right away." Qiuju smiled and left.

Nangong Zeyue walked straight to Jiang Shuyue and sat down. He heard the sound of the bead curtain and Qiuju's footsteps going away.

Nangong Zeyue looked at Jiang Shuyue steadily, "Are you looking for me because of my uncle?"

Nangong Zeyue went straight to the point.

He and Jiang Shuyue have lived under the same roof for some time, and they know each other's character very well.

Nangong Zeyue even knows what Jiang Shuyue likes and dislikes. She is worried about the safety of her uncle, and he understands it.

"Ask your brothers tomorrow if Uncle Lin has left the palace?"

"I have been to the medicine shop on Huanhua Street twice. My brothers said they will notify me if there is any news about my uncle." Nangong Zeyue said as he took the teacup and poured a cup of tea.

Seeing Jiang Shuyue frowning slightly, Nangong Zeyue teased, "My uncle is the reincarnation of a nine-tailed fox. He has nine lives, so don't worry about him."

"You should worry more about yourself. When I went to Huanhua Street yesterday, I heard from my senior brother that people in the flooded areas have vomited and had diarrhea. You come into contact with so many patients every day, don't be infected by the disease."

Jiang Shuyue was shocked, "Are you saying that there is an epidemic?"

"My senior brother said that all the medicinal materials he wanted were bought by others, and they didn't even enter the capital. There should be an epidemic."

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