Zhang Cai and Zhang Man also said, "Don't worry, parents, my son knows what's going on."

Mrs. Cao picked up a spoon and served Zhang Yuanshan a bowl of chicken.

Seeing that it was ready to eat, Zhang Qiu said to Aunt Cao, "Mom, please eat more chicken."

"Mom, the monthly rate that the lady prescribes for us is higher than before. Don't be too economical."

Zhang Man took his mother's bowl and helped Aunt Cao fill a bowl of chicken.

During the meal, the whole family had a great time and was filled with emotions.

When Aunt Cao learned that her eldest daughter-in-law could also receive monthly money, she said to her eldest son Zhang Cai: "Tomorrow, you can send a message to Jinhua's parents' house and ask her to come back early to see the lady."

"Third brother, don't let those girls wash the dishes after dinner. Look at their skin, which is as delicate as a flower. You have done all the chores."

Zhang Qiu: "..." Fortunately, I don't have any sisters at home, so my mother's partiality is gone.

Zhang Yuanshan swallowed the chicken soup in his mouth and said: "Your mother is right. The young lady is bringing here all the maids. They have never done rough work. You should all be diligent and have a good eye."

Zhang Qiu looked at Zhang Cai helplessly, "Brother, hurry up and have a daughter with your sister-in-law. Don't give birth to three sons in a row."

Zhang Cai shook his head and bumped Zhang Man next to him with his elbow, "No more children. My family is poor and cannot afford to support so many. Second brother, please work harder and get married as soon as possible and have some girls for my mother to hold."

Zhang Man: "..." Who did I provoke?

The food in the east courtyard is delicious.

Qiu Ju and others had dinner in the inner courtyard, and she arranged for Gao Mu and Cangyun to eat in the dining room of the east courtyard.

Suisui thinks today's braised fish is particularly delicious.

Lan'er helped pick out the fish bones and put them into the Sui Sui bowl.

Jiang Shuyue saw that Suisui had almost eaten, and she said to Lan'er: "Go and eat quickly, the food is getting cold."

She picked up another chopstick of cabbage and put it into the Sui Sui bowl, "Son, don't just eat meat, eat some vegetables to relieve your tiredness."

Sui Sui didn't even look at the cabbage in the bowl. He raised his little face and said, "Mom, I want to eat beans."

Qiu Ju put down her chopsticks, looked over, and said with a smile: "Young Master, you should just eat the cabbage. The beans will not be available until next year."

coming year!

Jiang Shuyue had a flash of inspiration, and an idea popped up in her mind.

Why wait until next year?

A large area of ​​land in front was left uncultivated. If no crops were planted, people had to be hired to weed them. If the weeds were not weeded for several months, there would be no way to plant seeds next year.

Greenhouse vegetables.

After the idea came to her mind, she searched hard for the content she had seen in the program "Agricultural Economics Online" in her previous life.

There is no plastic film here, so we have to find another way to seal it and keep it warm.

Seeing Jiang Shuyue frowning thoughtfully, Qiu Ju asked, "Miss, what are you worried about? Our young master is taller than other children of the same age. It's okay to eat less vegetables."

"It's nothing. I'm thinking about how to grow beans. Don't disturb me. I'll go in and figure it out."

Sui Sui has become accustomed to his mother leaving as soon as she says so, he said obediently: "Don't worry, mother, I will just eat the cabbage and remember to close the door!"

Lan'er and Mei'er were confused. Do they still need to think about growing beans?

After autumn comes winter, can you figure out the beans?

"Miss, please take a nap. Just leave the planting of crops to the farmer."

Qiu Ju only thought that the young lady was tired and went into the house to rest, and she was worried that Sui Sui, who was full of energy, would pester her to go play outside the village, so she deliberately said this.

Jiang Shuyue's head was full of greenhouse vegetables. She closed the door after entering the house.

Without hesitation, she stepped into the space, which contained her usual charcoal pencils and white paper.

She quickly drew a prototype and noted the requirements for each part.

The ceiling should be transparent and the surroundings should be insulated.

She remembered that there was a large iron pot in the greenhouse where the ginger was grown, which was used for heating and humidifying.

It took her half an hour to sort out a complete greenhouse information.

After leaving the space, she called Zhang Yuanshan.

"Miss, can you build a house for vegetables?"

Zhang Yuan looked at the drawings and was stunned by Jiang Shuyue's novel idea.

Jiang Shuyue said firmly: "If it works, the palace has a greenhouse. The gardener will put the flowers and trees that are not cold-resistant into the greenhouse, and the flowers and trees will bloom early next year."

Zhang Yuanshan knew that his boss was from the capital, and Jiang Shuyue said that there was someone in the palace, so he naturally believed that it was true.

Under Jiang Shuyue's explanation, Zhang Yuanshan studied for a while and pointed at the four walls of the drawing.

"What the lady means is that this cannot be made of mud walls to facilitate ventilation in the coming year. I have a suggestion for the lady to weigh and see if it is right or not."

Jiang Shuyue nodded slightly, "You say."

"This place is located in Yanhui Mountain. There is a kind of pickerel grass on the mountain that is strong and resistant to flooding. Straw is then woven into a straw mat for internal insulation. The frame is made of cypress wood from the mountain. This is low-cost and strong."

"As for the roof..." Zhang Yuanshan looked confused.

Jiang Shuyue said: "Uncle Zhang boldly said that your suggestion is very good. Tomorrow you will hire someone to come and do what you said. Just tell me what you need for the roof. Don't think about spending money."

"Miss, you don't know. The only thing that is transparent, strong and not afraid of being blown by the wind is glass paste."

"What is glass paste?"

Jiang Shuyue knew that there were glass beads, and they were quite valuable. They could occasionally be seen on the jewelry of rich ladies.

"Glazed paste is a transparent thing produced by the official kilns. It is not available to ordinary people. Miss, you might as well ask someone to find out. The greenhouse in the palace may be made of colored glaze paste."

Thinking of going to the palace to help Xiao Jingzhao soon, Jiang Shuyue had an idea in her mind.

This time she couldn't let that guy get away with it, and he had to pay for the glass paste.

She said to Zhang Yuanshan: "You should hire someone to prepare the materials tomorrow. After the greenhouse is built, someone will be needed to take care of it. You can handle the hiring yourself. It was difficult for farmers last year and the first half of the year. Don't let everyone suffer."

She paused and said: "As for the glass paste, as long as the official kiln has it, I will find it."

Jiang Shuyue's philosophy is that if you want the horse to run, you have to give it enough grass. She can't do this with a hungry donkey.

Zhang Yuanshan thought that the glass paste was so expensive. What if the greenhouse couldn't grow the vegetables that the lady wanted?

He hesitated for a moment, and seeing that the lady was a person with ideas, he inexplicably believed in her words, and didn't say any more doubts.

"Listen to the lady, I will go to the other side of the river to find someone. The people hired by the boss for a long time in the past lived across the river. I have already figured out who can be used and who can't be used."

Zhang Yuanshan stood up and saluted Jiang Shuyue, holding the drawings in both hands and stepped back three steps before turning out.

Zhang Yuanshan behaved politely and did not underestimate the master who was younger than his son. Jiang Shuyue was very satisfied with him.

In the capital, the case of a servant bullying his master has also happened.

Watching Zhang Yuanshan's back disappear at the door, Qiuju, who was serving on the side, asked curiously: "Miss, can you grow beans by building a shed? This is too magical."

"Of course, in winter, you can not only eat beans, but also tomatoes."

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