The sunlight shines through the gaps in the leaves onto the ground, like a layer of golden gauze.

The trampled dead branches made a "click" sound, and the birds on the tree flapped their wings and flew away in fright.

From time to time, golden leaves fluttered down from the branches.

After walking through a gentle forest, Gao Mu stopped and turned around and asked: "Miss, the road ahead is the way back to the mountain. Are you still going forward?"

The leaves were so lush that even when Jiang Shuyue raised her head, she couldn't see the top of the mountain.

This forest was a place where the Zhang family and his son often visited. It was too unexpected for a group of rabbits to appear out of thin air.

She looked at the twists and turns of the mountain road and said, "It's still early, let's go further."

Sui Sui followed Jiang Shuyue like a little tail.

After walking for about two-quarters of an hour, I saw clusters of wild flowers blooming on both sides of the mountain road.

Qiu Ju held Suisui in one hand and fiddled with a branch in the grass in the other.

Lan'er and Mei'er were attracted by the beautiful scenery on the mountain. After watching it for a while, they began to imitate Qiu Ju and look for mushrooms in the grass.

Cangyun casually picked a fiery red maple leaf and played with it in his hand, watching the movements around him with vigilant eyes.

When he was a secret guard in the past, the secret guard camp was at the foot of the mountain, and he knew best what season there were mushrooms.

Seeing Lan'er and Mei'er's excitement, it was hard for him to pour cold water on them and say that there was nothing in this season.

After searching for a long time, there was nothing. Just when everyone was about to be disappointed, Suisui shouted: "Mom, there is a big mushroom here."

"Miss, come and see, are these brown mushrooms poisonous?" Qiu Ju saw Sui Sui reaching out to pick it, so she took Sui Sui's hand and stepped back.

Jiang Shuyue was thinking about how to get Gao Mu away from the front. When she was trying to find a suitable place to take out some meat rabbits, she heard the shouts of Qiu Ju and Suisui.

"Gao Mu, go and see if there are any pheasants around. If there are any, catch two. You can also pick some wild chestnuts if you see them."

"Miss, don't go too far. I will be back soon."

Before Gao Mu finished speaking, the figure disappeared in a flash.

Jiang Shuyue turned around and saw Suisui waving to her fiercely, "Mom, come and see, it's such a big mushroom."

Jiang Shuyue walked over with hesitation, and saw a Ganoderma lucidum as big as a bowl sticking its whole head out from the grass.

Jiang Shuyue carefully pushed aside the dead branches and leaves around her.

"This is Ganoderma lucidum, not a mushroom."

"Is it the Ganoderma lucidum that nourishes the heart, calms the mind, and nourishes qi and blood?"

He has only memorized pharmacology in Sui Sui, and he has not seen the entire face of Ganoderma lucidum. This is the first time he saw the whole face of fresh Ganoderma lucidum. The little guy leaned forward and leaned forward.

"Yes, grinding Ganoderma lucidum into powder and taking it with water can enhance immunity. The powdery spores above are Ganoderma lucidum spores, which can nourish qi and calm the mind, strengthen the spleen and lungs, and are useful in treating fatigue, insomnia and dreaminess. , is particularly effective and can also treat coughs and asthma.”

Jiang Shuyue patiently told her son about the efficacy of Ganoderma lucidum.

"Such a large Ganoderma lucidum has extraordinary medicinal effects. If placed in a medical clinic, it could be sold for several hundred taels of silver." Qiu Ju said in surprise, her eyes shining, and she was making random valuations in her mind.

It was also the first time for Lan'er and Mei'er to see Ganoderma lucidum, and they were both amazed.

"Our young master is so lucky, this slave didn't even see a single mushroom."

"That's right, I only picked a bunch of wild flowers." Mei'er took the wild flowers out of the bamboo basket and started to pack the Ganoderma lucidum.

Jiang Shuyue took out her handkerchief, stretched out her hand and asked Qiu Ju, "The Ganoderma lucidum is too big, give me your handkerchief."

It takes two handkerchiefs together to cover it.

"Mom, look, there are some small Ganoderma lucidum in the grass."

Suisui thought her mother didn't see it, so she shouted excitedly.

"It's too small. Keep it and raise it again." Jiang Shuyue fiddled with the grass to restore it to its original shape. With a thought, the small Ganoderma lucidum was put into the space.

Neither Sui Sui nor Qiu Ju, who were closest to her, saw the Ganoderma lucidum in the grass disappearing in place.

"Well, let's raise it again and pick it when it grows up. Mom, let's look for it again. Maybe there are other herbs." Suisui nodded obediently.

Jiang Shuyue handed the bamboo basket containing Ganoderma lucidum to Qiu Ju, held her old little hand and told everyone: "In order to cause unnecessary trouble, don't tell anyone about this."

Cangyun was the first to answer: "Yes, don't make any noise about it."

Yesterday, the herring jumped towards the young master, and today he picked up Ganoderma lucidum. Cangyun felt that his young master was no longer a mortal.

If too many people know about it, the young master will be noticed by bad people.

While Qiu Ju and others were picking wild chestnuts, Jiang Shuyue held Suisui's hand and continued to move forward.

Turning around a large protruding rock, I saw a cave on the mountain wall.

There are many dead branches placed in front of the cave, and there are traces of smoke at the entrance of the cave.

Jiang Shuyue concluded that someone should come here to rest from time to time.

She looked around and didn't see Gao Mu.

The laughter of Qiu Ju and Lan'er could be heard faintly from behind.

She had an idea and pulled Suisui to face the cave. With a thought, several rabbits appeared behind her out of thin air.

Suddenly, a rustling sound behind him made Sui Sui turn around.

I saw a few snow-white rabbits eating grass with their heads down.

Suisui danced with joy, "Mom, look! There are very white rabbits here."

Jiang Shuyue pretended to be casual and turned around, and said in surprise, "Really! My son, hurry up and call Aunt Qiu Ju and Cangyun over. Mother can't catch them."

Perhaps the mother and son's words startled the rabbit that was grazing. The rabbit looked up and saw someone, turned around and hid in the cave.

The cave was not far from Qiu Ju and the others, so they walked back to the big rock.

He saw Qiu Ju and others walking towards him.

He waved his little hands and shouted: "Auntie, Uncle Cangyun, come quickly, there are rabbits here."

As Sui Sui left, Jiang Shuyue stood in front of the cave. With a thought, a bunch of fluffy meat rabbits rolled out of thin air like snowballs, filling the entire cave in an instant.

Cangyun heard Suisui's shout and rushed forward.

"Stop it quickly, there are too many, what can we do?"

There are white rabbits constantly scurrying out of the cave.

Just as Jiang Shuyue caught up with the rabbit on the left, the one on the right ran out again.

The scene in front of him also stunned Cangyun. He had seen people digging into a hornet's nest, but he had never seen someone digging into a hare's nest.

"Miss, this...why don't these rabbits look like hares?"

Cangyun suddenly discovered that what kept pouring out of the cave were not gray hares, but meat rabbits like those raised by the young master in the garden.

When Cangyun said this, Suisui's obsidian-like phoenix eyes blinked.

He picked up a little rabbit next to him and looked at it, "Hey! Really, they are exactly the same as my rabbits."

Qiu Ju, Mei'er and Lan'er, who came after hearing the sound, were also shocked by the scene in front of them.

I saw that the grass in front of the cave was full of rabbits. The young lady and the young master were surrounded by snow-white rabbits and could not move forward.

"Miss, this is not a hare."

Qiu Ju had seen hares when she was in Lingyun Mountain.

"Could this be a meat rabbit that was abandoned by someone? This rabbit has amazing fecundity."

Jiang Shuyue said and looked at Cangyun, "These really look like meat rabbits. Go ask Uncle Zhang to bring people to catch all these rabbits and raise them."

"Miss, please wait where you are. I'll come back as soon as I get there." Cangyun said, stepping on her toes, rising into the air, and soon disappeared on the mountain road.

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