Jiang Shuyue smiled lightly, "Your Majesty, thank you. He is a sensible child."

"Does he like that Cuju?"

"The child is still young, maybe he will like it when he is older." Jiang Shuyue said euphemistically and truthfully.

Xiao Jingzhao was a little surprised. He had liked Cuju since he was a child. Even when he couldn't play, he watched the soldiers in the military camp playing Cuju with great interest.

Jiang Shuyue frowned slightly and said calmly: "This kid doesn't know who he is following. He is so fond of eating that even the cooks in the house don't know how to cook."

After Jiang Shuyue finished speaking, she raised her eyes and looked at Xiao Jingzhao.

Xiao Jingzhao took over the conversation without thinking, "What's the difficulty? Let Xiang Yang go to the imperial kitchen to choose two cooks to take back. When he enters Taiyuan University, he can have the imperial kitchen deliver meals to him every day."

“It’s not that the cooks are not good at cooking, it’s that they can’t buy the ingredients that the children want to eat.”

When Xiao Jingzhao heard that this was a big deal, he waved his hand and said, "Leave this matter to Xiang Yang. If the ingredients are not available in the capital, you can buy them from the caravan."

"Whatever the young master likes, I will write it down right away." Xiang Yang said and went to get the wolf hair from the pen holder.

Jiang Shuyue successfully introduced the topic, turned around, walked to the carved nanmu chair not far away, and sat down.

"Don't remember too much, just remember what you can eat in this half month. If it's really too late, it doesn't matter if it's half a month later."

Jiang Shuyue said it calmly.

Xiang Yang vowed: "Don't worry, girl, even if the young master wants to eat prawns, there will be several caravans coming to Beijing every ten days or less."

It was probably because Xiao Jingzhao felt that Xiang Yang's handwriting was not good, so he laid out the white paper, took the wolf hair and dipped it in ink.

Seeing that he was ready, Jiang Shuyue said slowly: "lentils, peppers, tomatoes..."

"Wait a minute, are you sure these are the vegetables of this season?" Xiao Jingzhao paused, leaving only a ball of ink on the white paper. He raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Shuyue.

I thought to myself:

This woman exuded an unearthly spirit. She probably didn't know what vegetables were available at the market this season.

Jiang Shuyue's butterfly-feather-like eyelashes trembled, "The vegetables I just mentioned are all the vegetables I love to eat. It would be best if I could buy them from the guard."

Xiang Yang: "..." It's better to strike me to death with a thunderbolt.

"Farmers can't grow the vegetables you mentioned this season, so we might as well try another one."

"For example, there are cabbage, potatoes, and radishes." Xiao Jingzhao reminded.

"There are too few vegetables after the end of autumn, and I get tired of eating them every year. Why don't I go outside the city and pick all the wild fruits from Yanhui Mountain to honor you."

Xiao Jingzhao: "..." My son is indeed filial.

"From ancient times to the present, at the end of autumn, vegetables in the north begin to be scarce. There is no way around it."

Jiang Shuyue smiled slightly and said: "Who said there is nothing we can do? It's just that no one does it."

Xiao Jingzhao looked confused, "Do you have any idea?"

Jiang Shuyue nodded slightly, her bright smile showing calmness and confidence, which made Xiao Jingzhao forget to look away.

Then Jiang Shuyue explained the principles of greenhouse vegetables.

There was a greenhouse for growing flowers in the palace, and Xiao Jingzhao understood it as soon as he heard it.

"But there is one kind of material that I don't have. The emperor should have it."

"You can just say, as long as the Wanling State owns it, I will find it for you." Xiao Jingzhao did not dare to brag this time.

If Wanling Kingdom didn't have anything, he might not be able to find it.

Seeing that Xiao Jingzhao was interested in this matter, Jiang Shuyue was not polite and said directly: "I bought a village at the foot of Yanhui Mountain and plan to build a greenhouse. I need glazed paste for the roof."

"Liu Li Gu!" Xiang Yang stumbled, his voice breaking slightly.

Xiao Jingzhao flew over with a knife, and Xiang Yang swallowed his saliva and quickly shut up.

The girl really doesn’t like the fireworks of the world. The output of the glass paste in a year is very small, which can be said to be something that even money can’t buy. However, the girl uses it to build a shed and grow vegetables. It is really a waste of natural resources.

"When vegetables are grown in the greenhouse, I will send someone to deliver a copy to the palace." Jiang Shuyue didn't know how much the glass paste was worth, but she didn't want to take advantage of Xiao Jingzhao in vain.

"No problem. Whenever you need it, I'll have someone deliver it to you." Xiao Jingzhao had a smile in his eyes.

Then he told Xiang Yang: "Take people to the official kiln in person to take a look and take as much as you can. If there is not enough, you can take down everything that is used in the palace."

Xiang Yang lowered his eyelids and cupped his hands and said, "I obey my orders."

One moment Xiang Yang saw the girl as a virtuous and virtuous woman, but the next time he looked at her, she felt like a prodigal woman.

With Xiao Jingzhao's promise, Jiang Shuyue stood up and said, "I'm going to the Imperial Hospital right now, and the list will be handed over to the imperial court before dark."

Then he raised his eyes and looked at Xiang Yang: "Gao Mu is familiar with you. Once you find Liuli Mu, just go to Jiang Mansion and contact him."

Watching Jiang Shuyue's back walk away, Xiao Jingzhao opened the box, and there were several fruits the size of a child's fist lying inside.

"Your Majesty, the glaze paste that Miss Jiang needs is important. I will go to the official kiln to have a look."

Xiangyang glanced at the fruit that made sour water appear in his mouth and was about to run away.

Xiao Jingzhao waved his hand and said, "Bring more hands and don't break it."

He ran out as if running away from the sun, knocking Eunuch Ma off his back when he came in.

"I'm sorry, Vice Commander Xiang, it's my slave who walks without eyes." Eunuch Ma grinned in pain and didn't forget to apologize to Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang grabbed Eunuch Ma's collar and lifted it hard, and the man lying on the ground stood up immediately.

He lightly dusted Eunuch Ma's shoulder and said, "You're welcome, Eunuch Ma. Just don't walk so hastily in the future." After that, he walked away.

Eunuch Ma: "..."

It was he who was pressed down. Was it really because he walked too fast?

Eunuch Ma touched his dizzy head and bent down to pick up the dust on the ground.

Seeing the deputy commander walking away, Eunuch Ma slapped his forehead and turned to walk inside.

"Your Majesty, the ministers are already waiting in Xuanzheng Hall."

In front of the desk, Xiao Jingzhao was holding an apple in his hand, thinking about something. Hearing Eunuch Ma's voice, he put the apple back into the box and closed the lid before Eunuch Ma could see what was inside.

Xiao Jingzhao put away his expression and walked out, with a sharp look in his eyes.

In the side hall of Xuanzheng Hall, the ministers looked solemn and sorted out the files in front of them.

Jiang Zhengming looked at the files sorted out in front of him, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

As the Minister of Revenue, he was in charge of taxes and household registration, and also held the income and expenditure of court salaries and food wages in his hands.

Prime Minister Wei was a powerful and influential person, and he was also the former father-in-law of the emperor. He had helped Prime Minister Wei more than once.

For a prime minister, it was not a problem to have hundreds of servants in his mansion.

But it turned out that the prime minister had someone take weapons from the armory back to the mansion and distributed them to the servants in the mansion.

The evidence was irrefutable, and Prime Minister Wei was doomed.

Jiang Zhengming regretted his decision because he was still related to the Wei family by marriage. The fact that his concubine married into the Wei family could not be changed. He could only take the initiative to hand over the evidence of Prime Minister Wei's embezzlement of money in order to ask the emperor to punish him leniently.

The side hall was so quiet that only the rustling of files could be heard.

At this time, a eunuch came in with tea and cakes.

"Everyone, please eat some cakes to fill your stomach. The emperor will be back soon."

After the morning court, the emperor kept everyone in the side hall. Jiang Zhengming had no mind to eat cakes. He was so anxious that he had just drunk a lot of tea.

Suddenly, he had to go to the bathroom, so he stood up and walked toward the side door of the side hall.

He looked up and saw several people walking toward the Imperial Hospital in the distance. One of them looked very familiar.

"Why is she in the palace?"

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