"You actually read a book about growing vegetables?" Nangong Zeyue looked at the words on the white paper in surprise.

I saw that the word "tomato" was really written on it, and there was a picture without colored ink on it.

"This tomato looks quite big."

"Most villagers who grow vegetables don't think about the growth habits of vegetables, and the tomatoes they grow are very small. From fertilization to flowering, the most important thing is to remove blind buds and pinch the tips. Without this step, no matter how many flowers bloom, it will be in vain."

Nangong Zeyue listened to Jiang Shuyue's words, and he felt that he didn't know Jiang Shuyue well enough.

She is like a treasure, always giving people surprises and surprises.

"Liuli paste is worth a lot of money. Aren't you worried that the villagers nearby will have bad intentions?" Nangong Zeyue asked with some concern after seeing the dangers of the world.

Jiang Shuyue took a sip of tea and said, "I asked Gao Mu to tell the village head to build a few wooden houses next to the greenhouse and let the vegetable growers live there in turns. The people from the Jinyiwei will also deliver the glass paste. No one should dare to have any bad intentions."

It's not that she has to borrow Xiao Jingzhao's power, but Xiao Jingzhao sent Xiangyang to bring people to deliver the glass paste to the village intact.

Free labor, it's a waste if you don't use it.

Jiang Shuyue originally wanted to go to the village with them, but everything she knew was theoretical, and she couldn't help much if she went.

Gao Mu said that they had built sheds and small wooden houses when they were in the frontier, and he probably understood how to use glass paste.

The transparent roof, such expensive glass paste, naturally needs to make the frame strong.

Jiang Shuyue saw that he was talking clearly, so she asked him and Cang Yun to go to the village to supervise until the greenhouse was built and then come back.

After sorting out the planting methods of the two vegetables, Jiang Shuyue yawned.

"Go and take a rest. I'll go to the grain shop to check." Nangong Zeyue left in tacit understanding.

At this time, Qiuju was busy in the front yard. Jiang Shuyue went back to the house, closed the door and slipped into the space.

She calculated the time. The time for a good sleep in the space was just the time for a nap outside.

The temperature in the space was comfortable. She fell asleep as soon as she touched the pillow.

After Nangong Zeyue went out, she went to greet Qiuju and Lan'er and asked them not to enter the house to disturb Jiang Shuyue's rest.

Mei'er took the servant out to buy things and had not returned yet. There were too many things bought today, beef, fine salt, flour, and white radish.

In Wanling Country, oxen cannot be killed and sold for meat at will. Selling beef privately will be punished.

Only oxen that are too old and weak to plow the land will be sent to the pastoral office, and then the pastoral office will check whether they meet the conditions for slaughter.

If they meet the conditions, the pastoral office will assess the price and give the farmer a certain amount of silver, and the oxen will be slaughtered and sold by the servants under the pastoral office.

By the time Mei'er came back from shopping, Jiang Shuyue had already woken up and left the space.

She changed into a narrow-sleeved dress, with her long black hair tied up behind her head.

"It's a rare day off, why are you dressed like this, young lady?"

"You'll know in a moment, follow me to the kitchen, the cooks are quick and skillful, and they can roll noodles faster than us." Jiang Shuyue said as she handed a bag of spices in her hand to Qiuju.

"Noodles for lunch?" Qiuju took the spice bag and sniffed it, there was a strong cinnamon scent mixed with an unfamiliar fragrance.

"You'll know in a moment." Jiang Shuyue rolled up her sleeves as she walked, revealing her white wrists.

After entering the kitchen, under Jiang Shuyue's instructions, the cook cut the beef and soaked it in water until all the blood was soaked out, then put it in the pot and cooked it with the spice bag.

After a while, the kitchen was filled with fragrance.

One cook was left to knead the dough, and the others went to cut radish shreds.

"Thinner, thinner."

Jiang Shuyue watched the cook roll and cut the noodles.

Seeing that the noodles cut by the cook were not to her liking, Jiang Shuyue simply took the knife and started cutting them herself.

"Miss, this noodle is thin, this is the first time I have seen this method." Qiuju was waiting by the side with a winnowing basket.

Miss said to make air-dried noodles, Qiuju was particularly curious whether the air-dried noodles would be as chewy.

After cutting a bunch of noodles, Jiang Shuyue used a finger-sized wooden stick to pick up the noodles and put them in the winnowing basket.

"Miss, isn't this too much? Young Master Sunan is not participating in the imperial examination, and the eldest young master can't finish eating it in the Imperial Examination Hall alone in ten days." Qiuju saw that the young lady cut too much.

"When it's all done, send a portion to Master Zhen."

Old Madam Zhen sent the housekeeper Zhen to send cakes twice. It's a courtesy to return a gift.

The capital of Dongling is close to the north, and the climate has begun to get cool during the autumn examination.

Candidates have a total of three exams in the Imperial Examination Hall, each lasting three days and two nights, a total of nine days and six nights.

There was a stove in each examination room. During those days, the examinees cooked porridge with pickles, and some brought eggs to cook poached eggs.

Some examinees were in poor health and lacked determination, and some fainted or could not hold on.

The master and servant came to an open space in the garden with a dustpan. Qiu Ju asked, "Miss, how long will it take to dry the noodles?"

Jiang Shuyue looked up at the sky. There were clouds in the sky, and the sun was blocked by a thick layer of clouds.

The breeze brushed across her cheeks, with a slight chill.

"Looking at this, it may rain tonight or tomorrow, but it doesn't matter. The cook rolls the noodles very thinly, and it can be dried before dusk."

The two carefully hung the noodles and returned to the kitchen, where they saw that the shredded radish had been cut.

Jiang Shuyue carefully explained the method of making shredded radish to the cook. The cooks all knew how to make pickled vegetables, so they understood it immediately.

Jiang Shuyue thought that this was the first time that the cooks had pickled shredded radish. She watched from the side until the beef was cooked and the shredded radish was pickled and put into a cloth bag and taken to the kitchen backyard to be pressed with a stone.

The cook cut the beef into strips according to Jiang Shuyue's instructions, and then watched her cooking with wide eyes.

Heat oil in a pan, stir-fry to release the moisture from the beef, then add sugar and stir-fry until it melts.

"Miss, I have washed and dried all the blue and white porcelain pots." The aroma in the kitchen became stronger and stronger, and Qiu Ju swallowed her saliva while looking at the beef in the pot.

"Heat the lard." Jiang Shuyue ordered the cook standing aside.

After a while, when everything was ready, Jiang Shuyue put the beef into a fist-sized porcelain jar and sealed it with lard.

"Miss, there are forty cans here, what to do with the remaining beef?" Qiu Ju was worried when she saw that there were two large bowls of beef strips that were not stir-fried.

Jiang Shuyue signaled the cook to clean the pot and said, "The beef jerky I just made is sweet, and the rest can be made spicy."

A cook heard the lady say it was spicy, so she quickly took out the rarely used dried chili peppers and Sichuan peppercorns.

"Miss, just leave the rest of the work to the slave. The miss will tell you how to do it, and the slave will listen." The cook looked at the girl's green-white fingers and turned slightly red. She couldn't bear to do the rough work in the kitchen with the girl's delicate hands.

"Okay then, stir-fry the Sichuan peppercorns and chili peppers and pound them into powder. Stir-fry the beef, then add it to the pot and stir-fry together. Add a little salt and it's done."

The rest is eaten at home, and it doesn’t matter if you can’t cook it well. It’s all for the cooks to practice on.

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