Mrs. Zheng suddenly became the principal wife. For the sake of her son's future, she was no longer timid and acted like a mistress, selling out most of the servants in the house at one go.

In order not to be criticized, the old woman in the house returned the deed of betrayal and was released from the house, leaving only two personal attendants in her own room.

The most taboo thing for a wealthy family is to sell their old servants. It is not only said that the master is unkind and righteous, but also the back house has no privacy. The old servant knows a lot. Once he is released from the house, he will not be able to keep his mouth shut, and the master will be the one who suffers the damage. The reputation of the family.

At Zhuangzi outside the capital, Jiang Jiaojiao only knew that the Prime Minister's Mansion was gone and knew nothing about the changes in her family.

On the first day she came to Zhuangzi, she ordered Caiyan to boil the abortion pill and drink it.

After taking the medicine, Jiang Jiaojiao became bedridden. On the first night, she suffered severe abdominal pain that made her roll on the bed.

The next day I gave birth to a fetus that was about to take shape.

The wife in charge of Zhuangzi only treated her as a recuperative person and served her respectfully.

A few days later, Jiang Jiaojiao still felt unwell. She said to Caiyan, "Tomorrow you go back to Beijing to find a gynecologist to prescribe a prescription, and then go to the mansion to have the doctor prescribe the medicine."

They have been in Zhuangzi for several days, and no government officials have come to the door. Jiang Jiaojiao feels that she is safe and can sit back and relax.

Caiyan felt that her future was slim, and she said with a calm expression: "Second Miss, it will take ten and a half months for your body to recover after a miscarriage. This slave asked the kitchen to stew chicken soup. To drink the bitter medicine, it is better to drink an extra bowl of chicken soup. "

It takes more than half a day's journey back to the capital. If you find a gynecological expert and go back home to get medicine, the city gate will be closed long ago.

It would take two days to go back and forth, and she didn't want to go back and forth.

Jiang Jiaojiao's face looked as haggard as yesterday's flowers, "Is drinking chicken soup really better than soup and medicine?"

She was originally afraid of drinking the bitter medicine soup, but after hearing Caiyan's words, she began to waver.

"Miss, do you still remember how long it took for my aunt to leave the courtyard after giving birth?"

"Forget it, let's stay in bed for a while."

She clearly remembered that after the two concubines in her father's hospital became pregnant and had miscarriages, they stayed away from the hospital for almost a month, and her father did not stay in their rooms for at least two months.

She didn't leave the bedroom all day long, and she didn't let her mother-in-law get close to serve her. Caiyan also specifically asked the kitchen to kill the old hen to make soup.

Those women are not economical lamps. Although they dare not discuss it in private, they all know it.

After lunch, Caiyan suggested, "Miss, the weather is nice today. You might as well go to the courtyard to bask in the sun."

Jiang Jiaojiao drank a large bowl of chicken soup and ate a lot of chicken for lunch. She didn't know whether it was a psychological effect or her health really started to improve.

She felt visibly better.

"Come and comb my hair. The autumn scenery here has a unique charm. I want to go for a walk." Jiang Jiaojiao held the bed with one hand and sat up slowly.

She felt her waist was sore from lying down all day.

"It's better to put some makeup on. Doesn't my face look a little pale?" Jiang Jiaojiao turned around and asked Caiyan when she couldn't see clearly in the bronze mirror.

"Fortunately, it's much better than the past few days. Please give the lady some light makeup."

Caiyan didn’t understand that Zhuangzi was full of servants, so who could the second lady dress up for?

How dare a slave say no to her master? After a moment, Jiang Jiaojiao looked at the bronze mirror with a satisfied smile.

After getting married, her breasts were plumper than before, and the corners of her eyes and brows were filled with the spring beauty unique to a young woman.

Putting on a rose-colored dress and a light gauze waistband, she was still the second Miss Jiang who had not yet left the court.

The master and servant came out of the inner courtyard. Seeing that she was dressed up beautifully, the master's wife stepped forward and bowed: "Second Miss, are you going back to the capital? I will tell Zhao Wu to hitch the carriage."

Zhao Wu is the coachman on Zhuangzi. Now there are no extra horses on Zhuangzi. He only goes to catch the market every now and then, so Zhao Wu is very busy.

"No, I'll just take a look outside the village." Jiang Jiaojiao raised her chin and walked outside.

"Second Miss, do you want a carriage?"

Passing by the concierge, a man stood up and bowed to ask.

Caiyan looked up and down at the person in front of her, "Are you Zhao Wu?"

"Girl, this servant is none other than Zhao Wu. Today the doorman has something to do and I have time to help guard the door."

Zhao Wuwu was seen to be in his early twenties, with a strong build and broad shoulders. His clothes were slightly open on his chest, and a mass of black hair could be seen on his chest.

This is a rugged mountain man with thick eyebrows, big eyes, and dark skin.

Caiyan thought to herself: This Zhao Wu has a really strong body. Even in this season, he still has his clothes open.

She couldn't help but take another look at Zhao Wu.

Jiang Jiaojiao only glanced at Zhao Wu and said calmly: "There is no need for a carriage today."

"The slave lives next to the stable, and the second lady can dispatch him at any time." Zhao Wu said as his eyes quickly swept over Jiang Jiaojiao and Caiyan.

There were all men and a few old women in the village. When he first saw the young girl, Zhao Wu's eyes lit up.

"Don't be stunned, open the door quickly, the lady wants to go out for a walk." Caiyan urged.

Zhao Wu hurriedly stepped forward to open the door.

Seeing Jiang Jiaojiao and the others walking toward the bamboo forest, Zhao Wu said diligently from behind: "Miss, please don't cross the pass in front. The farmers in the neighboring village have dogs, so don't hurt the lady."

Jiang Jiaojiao quickly stopped when she heard that there was a dog.

Caiyan rolled her eyes and glanced back at Zhao Wu.

"Miss, there are few people here, and the dogs raised by farmers will run around. If the dogs from the neighboring villages come near us, it will be very dangerous. It would be better to let Zhao Wu wait on the side. He is big, and dogs will be afraid of him when they see him."

Jiang Jiaojiao looked at the large bamboo forest in front of her, with lush branches and leaves, lush and green, and green waves like the sea. A gust of wind blew, and the bamboo shadows danced, like an ink painting.

Such a scene could not be seen in the capital, and she nodded and said: "Okay, they are familiar with every scene and object here, so it's good to bring him along."

When Zhao Wu heard that the lady agreed to let him accompany her to serve, he bowed quickly: "Miss, please come to the front, I will serve you, and I will definitely ensure that the lady and the girl are safe and sound." After saying that, he showed a grateful smile to Cai Yan.

Usually, the master rarely came to the manor, and the servants did not reward him. This time, a master came and he could serve him. If the master was happy, he could get a reward.

There was no sun in the bamboo forest, so Jiang Jiaojiao walked to a path outside the bamboo forest.

Zhao Wu was very good at observing people's expressions. Whenever Jiang Jiaojiao stopped and looked into the distance, he would explain whose territory it was, what season it was, and what beautiful scenery there was.

Jiang Jiaojiao felt very tired not long after walking.

Caiyan saw her stop and said hurriedly: "Miss, you should go back and rest."

Zhao Wu thought Jiang Jiaojiao was not feeling well, so he bowed and said: "Miss, go back and rest. If you have anything, just tell me."

A breeze blew, and Jiang Jiaojiao smelled a faint scent of chrysanthemums in the air.

She asked: "Whose family grows chrysanthemums here?"

"It's wild chrysanthemums. There is a large area behind the bamboo forest. I will go pick a bunch for you."

Zhao Wu said and ran towards the bamboo forest.

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