"Who!" Su Jin looked up instinctively.

There was silence and no one responded.

The bright lights under the eaves of the dormitory were projected on the ground, and a paper ball flew from nowhere, just three feet away in front of Su Jin's dormitory.

Su Jin raised his head and looked across the way, only to see the candidate opposite raising his hand to support his forehead. He couldn't see the expression on his face clearly. He looked like he was dozing off or thinking hard.

At this time, someone next door coughed lightly.

Su Jin's heart was ringing with alarm bells.

Oops! Someone cheated.

If you cheat, cheat, but don't bring disaster to Chiyu.

The ball of paper was ejected in front of him, which was a huge problem.

If the invigilator finds out, it will be really yellow mud that falls off the crotch, it is either shit or shit.

what to do? Su Jin was very anxious.

Every quarter of an hour, an invigilator came over to patrol. Maybe a pair of eyes had already looked over at this time.

Su Jin felt a war between heaven and man in his heart. If he called the invigilator at this time, all the officials would have tense faces and looked condescending. He was not sure that the invigilator would listen to his explanation.

He leaned forward and looked at Zhen Jingxiu who was diagonally opposite. He saw Zhen Jingxiu gesturing to him, meaning to let him kick the paper ball away.

The lights were brightly lit under the dormitory, and Zhen Jingxiu also saw the paper ball.

If you kick the paper ball away, you can reach it by stretching your legs, but what if the patrolling invigilator happens to come at this time?

It must disappear without a trace, otherwise it will really get into trouble and be found to be cheating. In that case, you will be expelled from the Gongyuan and will not be allowed to take the scientific examination again for life.

Su Jin turned around and caught a glimpse of the fire tongs next to the stove. At this time, there was still a pot of tea warming on the stove.

Su Jin listened carefully to make sure there were no footsteps of the invigilator outside.

He stood up and quickly picked up the tongs, squatted down and straightened his arms, picked up the paper ball at lightning speed and put it into the stove.

Seeing that the charcoal fire in the stove had gone out, Su Jin put the paper ball on an unburned piece of wood and blew it hard.

Just as the paper balls were burning, an invigilator came outside to patrol.

Seeing Su Jin squatting in front of the stove, the invigilator stopped and looked at Su Jin: "What are you doing?"

Su Jin glanced at the half-burned paper ball in the stove and his heart beat like a drum. He forced his tone to be calm and said, "The tea is cold, warm it up."

The people in the dormitory next door raised their ears to listen to what was going on on Su Jin's side.

Zhen Jingxiu secretly sweated for Su Jin. It wasn't until the invigilator moved forward that Zhen Jingxiu retracted his neck and put his heart in his stomach.

Seeing that all the paper balls were turned into ashes, Su Jin also used a pair of tongs to pound the paper balls in the stove, so that no trace of the burned paper balls was left at all.

Seeing that it was time to collect the examination papers tomorrow afternoon, Su Jin felt like returning home.

I answered all the questions and wrote the policy paper perfectly. I didn’t take a shower or wash my hair for several days in a row, and the smell on my body was almost unbearable.

After checking all the test papers, Su Jin carefully put them away, wrapped them in a piece of clothing and placed them on the food box under the bed.

It wasn't that he was petty, it was that he felt that the last night in the Gongyuan was not peaceful.

Sister's words of warning to him still rang in his ears. In order to prevent someone from colluding with the invigilator to secretly change the test papers, it never hurts to be cautious.

The ball of paper appeared out of thin air. He speculated that it was written by someone from the dormitory near him and addressed it to a certain candidate. He didn't know whether the force was not enough or too much force to eject the ball of paper in front of him.

The people in the dormitory opposite stared at his sexy moves.

After cleaning up, Su Jin spread out the quilt and went to sleep.

Zhen Jingxiu also finished answering the questions ahead of schedule. Seeing that the candles in Su Jin's dormitory were extinguished, he put away the test papers on the table and put them on the bed.

After tidying up the bedding, taking off my outer robe and covering the test paper, I fell asleep peacefully.

It was not uncommon for the exam papers to be changed in the past. This year was the first scientific exam after the new emperor ascended the throne. It wasn't that he couldn't trust the new emperor, but that he couldn't trust the officials in the Gongyuan.

Lin Xiangzhi's speed in solving the questions was obviously not as good as that of Su Jin and Zhen Jingxiu.

He had already written his strategy, but he still had some unfinished answers.

I am thinking hard at the moment.

At this time, he was not the only one doing the questions.

Under the cover of night, the invigilator yawned and went to replace the official on night duty after patrolling once.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the hour that Lin Xiangzhi finished writing the last question.

So far, only a few candidates have been unable to bear it and left the examination room early, and no case of cheating has been caught.

At a quarter of a second, the candidates who had not finished the test papers also fell asleep.

The night wind blew by, causing the octagonal lantern under the eaves of the trumpet house to sway from side to side.

A few moths flew in from nowhere and flew around the lantern.

Under the cover of night, two invigilators came out of the duty room, one fat and one thin.

One of the fat invigilators said to the other: "The candidates are very tired at this time. You go and rest while I go on patrol."

Another invigilator yawned and lowered his voice and said, "Isn't that good? This is the last night. If something happens, we will all be involved."

"No problem. I have proctored the exam several times. Nothing will happen on the last night."

The thin man was already very sleepy, but he began to waver when he said this.

He warned: "Check carefully, don't let them pass the answers to you at night."

Seeing his colleague turn around and enter the room where he was on duty, the man subconsciously pinched his wide sleeves and walked forward quickly.

When he walked to the last dormitory, he lightly knocked on the wooden board.

The candidates in the dormitory heard the noise and climbed out of bed.

The examiner glanced around, took out a roll from his sleeve and handed it over, lowering his voice and saying: "Hurry up and copy it overnight. Burn it before dawn."

The examinee didn't dare to speak, just nodded repeatedly.

He thought his plan was perfect, but just as he turned around, two men in black fell from the sky.

"Don't move!"

A low roar came from his ear, and then his arm was tightly clamped by someone.

The scholar in the room was frightened by the sudden appearance of the person and his hand trembled. With a "snap", the test paper slipped from his hand.

"Sir, I, I didn't, it was him..." The scholar explained stutteringly.

Before he could finish his words, he felt his neck tighten and his body was lifted up in the air.

The light reflected on the person who came. He was dressed in a black suit with red edges and a long sword on his waist. This was the dress of the Jinyiwei.

The examiner was shocked and squatted on the ground with his legs weak.

Under the night, two figures carried the person on their shoulders and disappeared in an instant.

On the morning of the second day, most candidates were nervously sorting out their test papers to check if there were any questions they had missed.

Su Jin and Zhen Jingxiu found something strange.

The invigilators in the Imperial Examination Hall today were nervous and panicked, and the frequency of patrols had also changed. Almost as soon as the last invigilator left, the next one came.

In the afternoon, an official came in carrying a wooden box, followed by the official in charge of collecting and sealing the papers.

After handing in the papers, Su Jin and Zhen Jingxiu walked out of the Imperial Examination Hall and saw Sui Sui sitting on Gao Mu's shoulders, waving to them excitedly.

"Uncle, Brother Jingxiu, I'm here!"

Zhen Jingxiu waved to Sui Sui and turned to look at Su Jin.

Su Jin patted Zhen Jing's shoulder seriously: "We should still call each other brothers."

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