In the front hall, seven or eight women filed in and took their seats. Everyone disliked each other like a cockfight.

Su Jin saw that the people who came were all women. He turned to Qiu Ju and said, "It's not appropriate for me to stay here. I'll wait for Sister to handle it."

Qiu Ju nodded: "Okay, I'll take care of it here and let the lady sleep a little longer."

"Hey! Young Master, please don't leave. I'm a person sent by the official media. Are you Miss Jiang's cousin?" A plump woman in green clothes stood up.

Su Jin staggered at his feet.

Official media? Looking for him?

"Madam, I'm sorry, I have no plans to discuss marriage yet." Su Jin politely refused.

The rank of the official residence will be revealed only after the imperial examination. He still has his own mansion and his mother is not around. Su Jin has no plans to discuss marriage yet, so he tells the truth.

The matchmaker waved her handkerchief and said with a smile: "Young master, it doesn't matter what you said. I have to ask Miss Jiang to come out and see her before she can elaborate."

Although Qiu Ju didn't know this group of people, the concierge said they were matchmakers. Judging from their colorful clothes, they did look like matchmakers.

Qiu Ju was originally worried because so many matchmakers suddenly came, but when she saw the official media chasing Su Jin asking questions, she felt greatly relieved.

It turned out that she was here to secure a match for Mr. Su. When she saw this ugly matchmaker just now, she thought that she was here for the young lady. She was even worried about Nangong Zeyue.

Su Jin said politely: "Madam, you don't have to wait for my sister's answer. I can make my own decisions."

"Young Master has misunderstood. The officials in charge sent the women here to protect Miss Jiang."

"Are you also a matchmaker for Miss Jiang?"

The matchmaker's words made the other matchmakers dumbfounded.

Those who can invite the official media are naturally not ordinary people, so aren't their trip in vain?

Just when Su Jin and Qiu Ju were confused, a woman in her early thirties stood up and said, "What's wrong with the official matchmaker? Matchmaker Wang, you may not be able to succeed every time you guarantee it?"

They are all matchmakers in the capital and know each other. They usually steal business secretly. Today, this scene is rare in a hundred years.

The private media had long disliked Matchmaker Wang, who earned a salary from the official media due to her connections, so today they had no choice but to meet her on a narrow road and spoke mercilessly.

The other matchmakers all agreed: "That's right, keeping a matchmaker depends not only on family status, but also on character and knowledge."

"Yes, yes, it also depends on whether the young master is handsome. If he looks crooked and cracked, he is not worthy of Miss Jiang."

"Some families have high status and have many rules at home. Those families may not necessarily be a good match."

"No, there are many examples of noble families in the capital doting on their concubines and destroying their wives. Miss Jiang is smart and capable, and she may not look down on such families."

The scene in the hall changed, and the other matchmakers immediately united their front and attacked the official media one after another.

Facing the attacks from everyone, Matchmaker Wang, as the official media, felt her chest heaving with anger.

She glanced at the two matchmakers who had stood up, and said with disdain: "Madam Zhang, Madam Xie, let's see what you can do. Why don't you two come to be so great as matchmakers?"

The matchmaker who stood up first raised her chin and said, "I, the matchmaker named Zhang, have never spoken a false word for so many years. My family is of the fifth rank, and I am the direct descendant of a young master. He looks like a first-class person." ”

She thought that the conditions were already very good. After speaking, she glanced at the other matchmakers, trying to see a look of withdrawal on their faces.

However, everyone's expressions were as steady as a mountain, and they didn't look ashamed at all.

The matchmaker named Xie curled her lips disdainfully and snorted: "The fifth grade is always his father. What's there to say? The host who invited me here is a relative of my mother's side. The husband is gentle and gentle." Jade, you have a graceful demeanor, and the key is that you are still ranked in the scientific examination this year.”


Su Jin's eyes widened in disbelief.

There is someone on this year's scientific examination list, maybe someone he knows.

"Young Master Biao cannot be the boss of Miss Jiang. If you want to know the details, go and invite Miss Jiang out."

Before Xie Matchmaker finished speaking, a matchmaker sitting at the end of the Eight Immortals table raised her eyebrows and said proudly: "It doesn't matter if you are on the list. The last one is not on the list. My master's family is in a high official position, so The young master has already received his salary from the imperial court."

After hearing this, Matchmaker Wang sneered and thought to herself: "You are a bunch of short-sighted people. If I tell you the owner who invited her here, I will definitely make them dumbfounded. Huh! Compared with the official media, you are not overestimating your abilities."

Since Qiu Ju took charge of Jiang Mansion, everything has been handled easily, and there has never been any trouble.

Today's scene really made her feel at a loss.

The concierge announced that a matchmaker wanted to see her, and she let her in without thinking.

No matter whether the lady likes you or not, you can't shut out the matchmaker. If word spreads, it will be bad for the lady's reputation.

Who would have thought that since I didn't read the almanac today, the young lady poked a hole in the matchmaker's nest in the capital, and they came in droves.

It’s not easy to deal with the girl when she comes out. Who should I listen to first? Seeing how the matchmakers talked with each other, she almost got into a fight, and the noise made her head feel big.

Just when everyone at home was bragging to each other about how awesome their boss was, the maid came with tea.

Qiu Ju winked at Su Jin and said in a low voice: "Go and ask the lady to pretend to be sick. Don't come out."

With this attitude, even if the young lady agrees with the whole family, the rest will be offended, both left and right, so it is better to avoid seeing her.

Based on her understanding of the young lady, she can offend all the matchmakers here, including the one from the official matchmaker, and there will be no one left.

"Yeah, I understand." Su Jin quickly turned around and slipped out.

Qiu Ju turned around and saw two matchmakers arguing with each other.

She hurried over and took the teacup from the tray held by the maid and handed it over, smiling and saying, "Ladies, drink some tea to moisten your throats. Everyone, stop arguing. You are all well-known figures in the capital. The family that can invite you is naturally not a small family."

"This girl is really good at talking. She is worthy of being Miss Jiang's person." A matchmaker took the opportunity to flatter her.

Qiu Ju and the maids divided the tea one by one, and then ordered the maids, "The kitchen hasn't made cakes yet, so bring some dried fruits and melon seeds."

It was so early in the morning, even the imperial kitchen didn't make cakes so early.

The maid left, and Qiu Ju saw that the gunpowder smell in the room gradually dissipated, and her mind quickly thought of a countermeasure.

She racked her brains, but there was no perfect plan that would not offend anyone.

If the young lady was too tired yesterday and caught a cold, even if these matchmakers left today, they would come back tomorrow.

If the young lady was already engaged, she was afraid of delaying her marriage.

It was not wise to let Su Jin stop the young lady. She could avoid the first day of the new year, but not the second day.

She suddenly had an idea and looked at the side door leading to the hall, then said to everyone: "Ladies, wait a minute. The restaurant opened yesterday and the young lady was tired. She will get up a little later today. I will go and urge her."

"Okay, okay, then I'll trouble you, young lady."

This time everyone's opinions were unusually consistent.

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