In the cabin, the itching on Song Yunzhi and her servant was relieved, and the scratched wounds began to hurt again.

Hearing the shouts outside, Song Yunzhi didn't care about the pain, and hurriedly pulled her dress and said to the maid: "Hurry up and go out to see if the Qingyimen is making trouble again."

The maid was more seriously poisoned than Song Yunzhi, and she felt that she couldn't hold on without the antidote.

She grabbed the dress and put it on her body in a hurry.

Just as the master and servant tied their belts, there was a hurried knock at the door from the guards.

"Madam, it's bad, our position has been exposed."

Song Yunzhi's head was buzzing instantly. There was no retreat in her perfect plan.

She panicked and stumbled to the door, "Quick, retreat quickly, let the Qingyimen resist in front."

Tens of thousands of taels of silver notes have been spent, and it's time for them to contribute.

The guard reported, "The people from the Qingyi Sect have already run away."

The door suddenly opened, and Song Yunzhi was furious.

"A bunch of rubbish, they can't even keep a group of people under control!"

"I thought they went into the water to relieve the effect of the medicine, but who would have thought they would escape as soon as they got into the water."

Song Yunzhi didn't listen to the guard's explanation. She rushed out of the cabin and saw a bright light approaching quickly in the distance.

"Madam, what should we do? The people are coming in a semi-encirclement. The emperor has mobilized tens of thousands of people. We can't escape even if we have wings." The maid was trembling with fear at the scene in front of her.

The lights on the boats that were getting closer and closer were bright, almost illuminating half of the lake, and the guards were also shocked by the scene.

No one noticed that a small boat was approaching quietly from the side behind them.

On the boat, Jiang Shuyue saw that everyone on the pleasure boat was looking ahead.

She moved her mind, and a bag of cartilage powder appeared in her hand.

Without time to measure the wind direction, she held her breath, raised her arm, and threw the medicine bag towards the pleasure boat.

"Madam, be careful!"

A guard reacted quickly and swung his sword to chop at the medicine bag.

The medicine bag was split by the sharp sword, and the cartilage powder scattered in the air like flour.

A faint strange fragrance filled the air.

"It's poisonous!"

The guard shouted and quickly raised his sleeves to cover his mouth and nose and held his breath. The maid supported Song Yunzhi and hurriedly hid in the cabin.

The rest of the guards hid towards the upwind vent.

What they didn't know was that after inhaling the cartilage powder, the internal force would be dispersed. If you don't use your internal force, you won't notice it. The deeper the internal force, the better the effect. If it is inhaled by ordinary people, the impact will not be great.

In the chaos, Jiang Shuyue took the opportunity to dodge into the space.

She estimated the time in her mind and listened attentively to the movement outside.

What she was most worried about was that the pleasure boat would overturn the boat when it moved. If that happened, she would be in the water when she left the space again.

She could do butterfly stroke and breaststroke, but the lake was so big that it was difficult for her to swim to the shore in one breath. If she wanted to swim back, she would probably have to go back to the space to rest several times.

"No one is seen, get out of the boat quickly."

A woman's urging voice came to her ears in a moment.

Then a light "bang" sound was heard.

Jiang Shuyue's heart "stomped". It was really that good things didn't work, but bad things came to her. What you feared will come true.

The boat was hit? !

Jiang Shuyue dodged out of the space without hesitation, and stumbled and almost fell into the lake.

The boat was hit and tilted, and she instinctively grabbed the edge of the pleasure boat.

The pleasure boat was moving, and Jiang Shuyue looked down and saw that the lake water was pouring into the tilted boat.

Her shoes were soaked, so Jiang Shuyue simply pushed hard and jumped onto the pleasure boat.

However, she had no kung fu skills, so this jump only made her hands more firmly pulled.

She pushed hard on the edge of the pleasure boat with her feet, trying to climb onto it.

The hull was smooth behind her, and her wet embroidered shoes were slippery and there was no foothold.

Her hands holding the edge began to lose strength.

At this time, a rope fell from the top of her head, with a knot and a ring at the end.

"Mother, put it on your waist quickly."

The voice was not loud in the night wind, but Jiang Shuyue heard it very clearly.

It was Sui Sui!

Jiang Shuyue looked up and saw two little heads sticking out of the high window.

It turned out that Changle and Sui Sui saw the lights in the distance, and a long team across the lake, like a fire dragon surrounding here.

The two of them lay at the door excitedly, listening to the noise outside. When they heard someone say that there was poison, Sui Sui knew that it was his mother who came.

Sui Sui looked out a moment ago and saw that there was no one on the boat. He was so anxious that tears flowed.

He didn't know whether his mother got on the pleasure boat or fell into the lake.

Thinking of what his mother said, crying can't solve the problem. Don't panic when encountering things, be calm and think of countermeasures.

He quickly picked up the rope and made a life rope with Changle.

Considering that he and his aunt were not strong enough, he tied one end of the rope to the foot of the bed.

When he looked out again, he saw his mother's familiar figure.

In order not to alarm the guards in front, Sui Sui didn't dare to shout.

The pleasure boat was moving, and Jiang Shuyue almost slipped down. She gritted her teeth and clung to it tightly.

Looking at the rope swaying in front of her, she didn't dare to pull it. Once she let go of one hand, her whole body would inevitably fall into the lake.

Suisui saw it all and was anxious, "Aunt, mother has no strength left, I'll lead the bad guys away, you go save mother."

"Wait, watch me, if we go down, we'll be caught by the bad guys, and it will also expose your mother's presence." Changle grabbed the rope and swung it over Jiang Shuyue's head.

She wanted to find the right moment to lower it down.

Jiang Shuyue also cooperated very well, stretching her neck and wrapping the rope around her head several times without success.

As long as her neck entered the loop of the life-saving knot, she would use the back of her neck to exert force, then release one hand and put it under her armpit.

Just when she was exhausted, there was an exclamation from in front of the boat.

Jiang Shuyue only felt her waist tighten, and there was the sound of whistling wind in her ears, as well as the ecstatic exclamations of every year.


The body was led to the top of the boat. Before he could stand still, the familiar cold bamboo fragrance lingered on the tip of his nose.

"Yue Niang!" Xiao Jingzhao's voice was a little hoarse.

That sound of Yueniang brought with it worry, fear, and a bit of joy as if she had found a treasure.

Jiang Shuyue's arms had lost strength, and her whole body was limp in Xiao Jingzhao's broad arms.

I'm so nervous that my legs don't work.

"Hurry, Suisui and Changle are inside."

"Don't worry, they'll be fine."

Their bodies were so close to each other that Jiang Shuyue could feel his chest vibrating when he spoke.

Before she finished speaking, Jiang Shuyue felt her big hands tighten around her waist and her body rose into the air again.

She quickly closed her eyes and instinctively put her hands around Xiao Jingzhao's neck.

On the boat, Song Yunzhi watched helplessly as Jin Yiwei flew over like a roc before the opponent's ship got closer.

In the night sky, the bright yellow shadow flashed past.

The guards looked at the man falling from the sky, raised their swords and prepared to fight to the death.

As soon as he raised the sword, he realized that his inner strength was gone and the sword in his hand fell with a clang.

"Madam, please go and pull Princess Changle over to protect yourself." As soon as the maid turned around, someone slapped her on the back of her head, and she fell down softly.

"I am the eldest princess, please stop being rude!"

Seeing that all the guards were captured alive, Song Yunzhi stepped back.

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