Jiang Shuyue got off the carriage, and Su Nan also came up to meet her. Seeing that Jiang Shuyue was safe and sound, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Miaoshou led the official to quickly walk into the clinic to get medicine.

Nangong Zeyue pulled Jiang Shuyue aside and asked, "Did the official make things difficult for you?"

"Food poisoning occurred in the academy, but fortunately the scholars are all safe and sound."

Seeing Nangong Zeyue's nervous look for them, Jiang Shu felt grateful.

Su Jin winked at Su Nan, and Su Nan quickly brought a cup of tea over: "Sister, you are tired, drink some tea to moisten your throat."

As soon as Jiang Shuyue took the teacup, her mind was full of the horrible scenes in the academy.

She didn't drink a single sip, turned around and put down the teacup: "Nannan, I'm not thirsty, Master Nangong and I have something to go out for."

Jiang Shuyue went back to the yard and harnessed the carriage. Nangong Zeyue jumped on the shaft of the carriage in a chic manner: "Miss Jiang, please sit in the carriage. How can you drive the carriage?"

Along the way, Jiang Shuyue talked about her plan.

Nangong Zeyue drove the carriage straight to the East Market.

The people who bought and sold in the East Market had dispersed, and only the grocery store outside the market was still open.

Nangong Zeyue suggested: "It doesn't matter if we are one day late. I will come to the market to collect potatoes tomorrow morning."

Jiang Shuyue's eyes sparkled, and she looked at the grocery store: "Those who sell potatoes are not necessarily farmers, but perhaps small vendors."

If it is a farmer, it is not cost-effective to go to the city to sell a little bit of vegetables every day.

Jiang Shuyue got off the carriage and walked to the grocery store. After asking around, she really got some useful information.

The grocery store owner said that there were many vendors living in the alley behind the market, and some of them were reselling vegetables.

Jiang Shuyue decided to try her luck.

The alley was too narrow for the carriage to enter.

Nangong Zeyue handed the reins to Jiang Shuyue: "Just wait here, I'll go in and take a look."

"If there are goods, take as many as you can and ask them to send them to the clinic as soon as possible."

After a while, Nangong Ze came back with a brisk pace.

He lifted his robe and sat on the shaft of the cart: "Guess what?"

Jiang Shuyue: "..."

His face was as smiling as a flower, and he asked her to guess.

"You tell me! How many are there?"

Nangong Zeyue held up two fingers: "Not many, at least twenty carts."

"I have just checked the goods, they are starting to sprout, just right for planting."

Nangong Zeyue and his master live in Black Pool Valley. The disciples in Black Pool Valley also grow vegetables in addition to practicing.

The two bought another cart sack at the grocery store. Not long after returning to the clinic, vendors delivered goods.

Seeing the potatoes piled up like a hill in the backyard, Jiang Shuyue paid the money and asked the vendor to deliver them the next day.

That night, the wind blew the leaves outside the house and rustled.

Before midnight, there was a muffled thunder, and the night rain came. The drizzle beat the leaves like a lullaby.

Suisui followed Shuisheng for a run during the day, and a few muffled thunders did not wake him up.

Jiang Shuyue, who had a good sleep, handed the sleeping Suisui to Qiuju, and she came to the clinic alone.

She took out the sack from the warehouse, and the sack quickly swelled up with a thought.

After a while, there were twice as many sacks in the yard.

The gray sky was still drizzling, and she flashed into the space.

The sweet potato vines were already several feet long, and she picked up a sickle to cut a handful of sweet potato vines.

After leaving the space, she moved her mind, and the sweet potato vines were like crazy growing vines, and soon covered the sacks on the ground.

It turns out that as long as you move a little, you can harvest with your mind.

After doing all this, Jiang Shuyue was about to sit in front and take a nap.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

There was a knock on the door.

Seeing that it was still dark and the drizzle was continuing, Jiang Shuyue walked quickly to the back door.

"Mr. Nangong, is that you?"

"Miss Jiang, you're really early."

Hearing the familiar voice, Jiang Shuyue opened the back door.

"Mr. Nangong is really undeterred by wind and rain. You came just as the man who delivered the sweet potato vines left."

Nangong Ze used his sleeves to cover Jiang Shuyue's head: "Go to the house quickly, just leave it to them."

As soon as the two took a step back, more than a dozen strong men walked in.

"Boss, have all the goods in this yard been moved out?" asked the man walking in front.

Back under the eaves, Jiang Shuyue retreated to a distance of two steps away from Nangong Zeyue without leaving a trace. The customs here are more open than those in the capital, so she'd better pay attention to it.

"Put the potatoes at the bottom. There are sweet potato vines on top. They can't be pressed."

After saying that, she smiled at Nangong Zeyue: "I happened to meet a vendor selling seedlings yesterday, so I bought some. The weather was good last night. This rain came at the right time."

Half an hour later, Jiang Shuyue watched Nangong Zeyue leave with more than ten carts carrying goods.

For two consecutive days, Nangong Zeyue delivered seedlings and potatoes to the refugee resettlement village.

In order to avoid the occurrence of potato poisoning, he specifically told the villagers that potatoes that sprouted and turned green should not be eaten.

The news of Linjiang Academy has been widely spread, and the villagers all know it.

With the rice and flour sent by Nangong Zeyue, the villagers also solved their urgent needs.

The local head of the village also obeyed the order issued by King Yannan, divided the land for the villagers, and allowed the villagers to reclaim wasteland freely.

With seedlings, the refugees can also cultivate in time and live and work in peace and contentment. They are grateful to Nangong Zeyue.

Nangong Zeyue originally wanted to tell everyone that these potatoes and seedlings were all donated by Jishidiang.

Thinking of Jiang Shuyue's repeated admonition that a big tree attracts wind, and too much attention will attract jealousy, he really didn't dare to mention that Jishitang also donated.

In the past two days, the newly opened Jishitang has become the focus of everyone's discussion, and it has almost become a hot headline in Laiyang City.

Everyone is talking about the rescue incident of Jishitang turning the tide at Linjiang Academy.

Many parents of scholars came to Jishitang to express their gratitude.

"Shengsheng, you have to eat more meat and less cakes." Suisui looked at the piles of cakes on the table and was so worried that her face was almost wrinkled into a bun.

Shuisheng smiled and said, "It's a waste if you don't eat. Aunt Yue eats so little, and Master doesn't eat sweets."

Some of the parents of those scholars sent banners, and some sent cakes. None of them came empty-handed.

"Shengsheng, don't leave, okay? If you stay, I will let you have cakes every day." Suisui pulled the corner of Shuisheng's clothes and shook it.

Shuisheng squatted down and hugged Suisui: "Suisui, I don't want to leave you and Aunt Yue, but I have to listen to Master's arrangements. Once a teacher, a father for life. You will understand when you grow up."

Shuisheng's heart actually wants a mother like Aunt Yue.


"What? The doctor of Jishitang is a woman?" Xiao Jingzhao's cold phoenix eyes suddenly widened, revealing an expression of disbelief.

There are also female doctors in the backyards of the wealthy families in Laiyang City, and there are also women who know some medical skills in the homes of ordinary people. Most of those women are midwives.

In Xiao Jingzhao's impression, this is the first woman to open a shop on the street.

"Master, the doctor went to the academy for follow-up today. The scholars are basically all well. I will send the banner over now."

Xiang Song looked at Xiao Jingzhao with an inquiring look: "The bounty for Jishitang..."

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