At this moment, Cangyun's words gave everyone a creepy feeling.

Jiang Shuyue is the only one who has doubts. It's not that she doesn't believe in evil spirits. Her own appearance in this time and space out of thin air is enough to explain everything. There are some things in this world that cannot be explained by science.

In all the years she has been here, she has never seen anything outrageous.

Most of the rumors about evil spirits are meant to deceive people out of money.

Jiang Shuyue wanted to find out.

Erniu stood aside holding a lantern, feeling frightened but pretending to be calm on her face.

"Er Niu and Aunt Cao go back to the house, let's go over and take a look."

Qiu Ju took the lantern from Erniu's hand and said, "Young lady knows medical skills, let's go take a look and help if we can."

Qiu Ju heard from the young lady that many doctors prescribed soothing prescriptions to treat madness.

As long as the patient sleeps quietly most of the time and doesn't make a fuss, the family is relieved.

Erniu was about to go back to the house to pack the change of clothes she had brought into the capital. Seeing her mother-in-law step aside, she also stepped back.

Accompanied by Gao Mu, Cangyun and Qiu Ju, Jiang Shuyue walked towards the small bridge across the river.

Zhang Qiu seemed to have guessed that Jiang Shuyue would pass by, and was already waiting at the intersection into the village.

Seeing Jiang Shuyue coming, Zhang Qiu stepped forward and said:

"Miss, Brother Qingsheng may be really crazy. He is working in the main room right now."

"Threading the needle and thread! Does that person know how to embroider?"

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, Qiu Ju would have laughed out loud.

It's really strange for a man to be able to thread a needle and thread like a girl.

Zhang Qiu shook his head violently, "No, a big old man doesn't know how to pick up an embroidery needle. He is still helping us at the village today. He will feel better after dinner."

Jiang Shuyue suddenly remembered that the fungi on the mountain began to become more abundant this season.

Eating poisonous mushrooms can cause hallucinations. The Qingsheng brother Zhang Qiu said must be poisoned?

Jiang Shuyue quickened her pace and said to Zhang Qiu: "Hurry up and lead the way. That man is not crazy, he is more like poisoned."

"We're almost here. His family lives at the entrance of the village."

Several people walked quickly through a bamboo forest and saw several tile-roofed houses appearing in everyone's sight.

The lights were brightly lit outside the house, and the villagers came to help with lanterns.

"What should we do? How about we invite the doctor from the next village to come and have a look?"

"Don't mention the doctor in the next village. He is very old. Who can bear a fall on the road? Besides, the doctor doesn't have any real skills. In winter, my grandson had a cough and asked him to see a doctor. He took medicine twice. None of them were cured.”

The speakers were two women standing under the eaves.

At this time, an old man came out of the room. He raised his hand to stop everyone from talking.

"Everyone, please be quiet. I am possessed by an evil spirit when I look at the birthday statue. Come quickly and invite the goddess from Taohua Village. If you don't expel the evil spirit quickly, Qingsheng may be in danger of his life."

Someone in the crowd immediately responded, "My natal family is from Taohua Village. I will let my eldest son go immediately."

"The child's father just had dinner, so let him come too."

"Whoever has a horse-head lamp, please borrow it and use it."

A few enthusiastic women quickly arranged the arrangements.

"Don't be in a hurry to invite the goddess. I suspect Brother Qingsheng has a bad stomach. Our boss knows medical skills, and the third child has already gone out to pick up people." It was Zhang Man who spoke.

"You should be vomiting and having diarrhea after eating a bad meal. People celebrating birthdays are confused. They must be possessed by evil spirits."

The woman said and looked at the old man, "Uncle Li Zheng, make up your mind quickly whether you should invite the goddess or not."

The old man was so anxious that he had no idea. He turned around and asked Zhang Man in the room: "Your boss is really good at treating diseases? How come I heard that she is a wealthy lady."

"Who said Miss Qianjin can't treat diseases! Go to the capital and ask around. My miss has opened a big medical clinic."

Li Zheng was also stunned by Zhang Man's words.

When they go to the market, they always go to the nearest town. Although the capital is not too far away, people in the village rarely go there once every few years.

Many people have never been.

It takes a day to go to the capital by bullock cart. If you don’t have any relatives in the capital, you have to stay in an inn for one night. Everything is expensive there.

I've never been there, so I don't know where there is any major medical center in the capital.

Everyone in the Zhang family is honest and never tells lies, but Li Zheng still chooses to believe Zhang Man's words.

Seeing Li Zheng's hesitation, Zhang Man added, "If you don't believe me, ask my dad."

"The daughter of an official family knows a little bit about medicine. I've heard of this, but she just learned a little bit about medicine to prevent someone from plotting against her in the back house. She even talks nonsense when celebrating her birthday. I'm afraid that won't work."

"No, it doesn't matter if her family has a medical clinic. If you have money, you can hire a doctor. It has nothing to do with her."

In the crowd, the words of the two women confused Li Zheng again.

He turned around to find Zhang Man's father.

Zhang Qiu couldn't listen anymore. People under the eaves blocked the way. He stepped forward and shouted: "Make way quickly, our boss lady is here. If you don't want anything to happen to Qingsheng, just get out of the way."

Everyone turned around.

I saw two tall men protecting the two women in front of them.

But I saw a woman who was extremely delicate, with extraordinary temperament and radiant appearance. She was as beautiful as a fairy.

The outfit seemed elegant, and every gesture showed nobility.

Even the woman holding the lantern next to her is more beautiful than the ladies of ordinary families, and her silk and satin dress is worth a lot of money.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Is there really such a beautiful girl in the world who can also have medical skills? Could it be that a fairy has descended to earth?

Some women stared straight at him and forgot to move out of the way.

"Qiu, is this really the lady of your house? She, can she really cure diseases and exorcise evil spirits?"

"Who said it's time to exorcise evil spirits? My young lady knows how to treat illnesses. Please step aside. We'll find out soon whether she knows how to treat illnesses."

"Miss, here you go, look, there's half a pot of soup left in the pot, and there are mushrooms in it."

Zhuangtou walked out of the thatched house on the side with a half-pot of soup.

Jiang Shuyue nodded slightly: "I understand."

"Miss, you are so amazing. You guessed that the person was poisoned before you even saw him." Seeing someone stunned, Qiu Ju raised her hand and patted the person's shoulder gently.

"Uncle Zhang, I understand. Bring a bowl of water quickly and put a little salt in it."

As Jiang Shuyue spoke, a white porcelain bottle appeared in the palm of her hand with her wide sleeves folded.

"Can boiled salt detoxify? Why didn't we know?"

Jiang Shuyue strode into the main room regardless of others' doubts.

In the main room, the man was dancing and his hands were busy in the air, as if there was a large invisible net in the air, and he was threading the needle.

The man waved his hands and said, "The fishing net is broken. It will be repaired immediately. I am going to fish in the river."

Zhang Manzheng hugged the man's waist tightly, preventing him from moving even half a step outside the house.

A young woman was sobbing while holding a child under one year old, her eyes red and swollen.

Seeing Jiang Shuyue come in, the woman shed even more tears.

When Zhang Man saw Jiang Shuyue appearing in front of him, he felt as if he had seen a savior. He said hurriedly: "Miss, give him an injection quickly. He can't hold him anymore."

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