Seeing Lin Xiangzhi's serious face, Xiao Jingzhao immediately believed Lin Xiangzhi's words.

He raised his hand to signal Eunuch Ma to take Suisui to wash up.

When there were only two people in the hall, Xiao Jingzhao looked at Lin Xianzhi.

"I don't think it's easy for them to steal seeds. The ingredients used for their banquet today were all sent by Hu Qing. I deliberately let them see the strength of our Wanling."

Lin Xiangzhi leaned forward, "Your Majesty, you mean that after today, you won't feed them these rare things?"

"That's natural. Their daily meals are arranged by the officials of Honglu Temple in the post house. Hu Qing said that there are no excess tomatoes entering the market for the time being. Apart from those sent to the palace, the rest are only sent to the city. It’s for sale at Juxian Pavilion.”

Lin Xiangzhi thought for a while and said: "Those barbarians have been staying in the capital for a long time. They will naturally go to the best restaurant in the capital and go to the Juxian Pavilion, so they will naturally order that dish."

"Xiangzhi has thought it through. I will send someone to Juxian Pavilion immediately to spread the word."

"Your Majesty, it would be inappropriate for Juxian Pavilion to panic and claim that it is out of ingredients. Think of a way to get the best of both worlds."

Xiao Jingzhao remembered the time he talked about scrambled eggs with tomatoes every year, and he said, "I have a way to prevent them from succeeding."

"Your Majesty, I suggest sending someone to visit the post house at night to see if they have any other dirty tricks."

Xiao Jingzhao agreed very much with Lin Xiangzhi's proposal and immediately sent a message to Xiang Song.

"Meet the Emperor!"

"I've met Mr. Lin!"

After seeing the ceremony, Xiang Song went straight to the point: "The emperor sent the minister to you, are you planning to hand over Prince Nangong to the Liang envoy?"

Xiao Jingzhao's eyes moved slightly, "If Nangong Zeyue's matter is slowed down, Mo Ziyan's power is too great. I'm not sure if there are people arranged by him among the envoys."

"Your Majesty is wise, Mr. Nangong is now weak and weak. If we hand him over, it will be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth and losing his life in vain."

The day after the Liang envoys arrived, they asked to see their eldest prince.

Xiao Jingzhao decisively refused, saying that he was still thousands of miles away and a message had been sent out, and it would take some time before he could get back to the capital.

"For Nangong Zeyue's safety, and to prevent those people from running wild in Wanling, tonight you personally lead a team of secret guards to the post house to explore. If there is nothing unusual, withdraw the people and do not let the other party notice."

Xiao Jingzhao felt from the bottom of his heart that his arrangement was not fair enough.

The ancients said: Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters.

For the benefit of Wanling, Xiao Jingzhao did not want to be that sanctimonious hypocrite.

"I obey my orders."

Xiang Song was about to retreat after receiving the order, but Xiao Jingzhao quickly called him to stop him.

"Wait, it's still early, go to Juxian Pavilion to send a message to Hu Qing. No matter who goes to the restaurant these days, the tomatoes will be cooked before being served."

"My subordinate understands."

After Xiang Song left, Lin Xianzhi said with a smile: "Your Majesty, it is you who has the best strategy. Will those barbarians go to the restaurant to make trouble?"

There was a chill in Xiao Jingzhao's eyes, "I have given you the best building in the world. If they dare to cause trouble, I will make them go back crying."

Now that the treasury is full, Xiao Jingzhao has ordered the Minister of War and relevant departments to start recruiting troops to consolidate Wanling's strength.

After the report was finished, Lin Xianzhi stood up and left.

After walking a few steps, he turned back and asked, "The emperor really plans to hand Nangong Zeyue over in a few days?"

"Well, I will test it by luring the snake out of the hole before handing it over."

Lin Xiangzhi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good. He and Su Jin have known each other since they were in Yannan. Su Jin will be sad if there is something wrong with him."

Xiao Jingzhao showed a mysterious smile, "You are unfounded. He is not alone. It is not easy to kill him."

The sun is to the west.

There were faint dark clouds floating over the capital, like a huge net slowly closing in.

After Jiang Shuyue came out of Jinxiu Square, she stopped by Women's Square.

Gao Mu and Cangyun both went on their own missions, while she and Qiu Ju walked on the street.

The streets were crowded and lively, and occasionally foreign faces could be seen in the crowd.

"Miss, look at those foreigners, with their high noses and big, deep eyes. They look really good-looking."

Jiang Shuyue joked: "Can he be as good-looking as your Gao Mu?"

"Miss, I'm serious. I saw two blond women two days ago. I don't know which neighborhood they came from."


Jiang Shuyue was surprised that there were foreigners in the capital with facial features similar to those of modern Uyghurs.

With red hair and blue eyes, he must have traveled across the ocean.

Could it be that Wanling's navigation technology has developed rapidly?

Jiang Shuyue's curiosity was aroused, and she wanted to know what level of civilization had reached on the other side of the sea.

Following Qiu Ju's line of sight, there were indeed several Uyghur-looking men walking among the crowd.

They were tall, a head taller than the people around them, and they were particularly conspicuous.

Jinxiufang is not far from Women's Square. The two of them walked through a bustling main street and arrived.

"Sister Yue'er, Miss Qiu Ju, why are you two free to come here today?"

Du Yutong didn't know the specific date when Jinxiufang opened. After Su Jin left, she felt empty. She often followed her aunt to the Women's Fang to learn how to make incense to distract her from missing Su Jin.

Seeing Jiang Shuyue's arrival, she was in a particularly good mood.

Jiang Shuyue glanced at the dazzling array of items in the shop, "Yes, the variety is richer than before."

Du Yutong stepped forward and took Jiang Shuyue's hand and walked to the backyard, "Sister Yue'er has a good eye. Dean Lin asked someone to help make connections, and some merchants sent many rare items over."

"Are Uncle Lin and Aunt Du so familiar with each other?" Jiang Shuyue blinked at Du Yutong and asked knowingly.

"Shh! Don't say it, Aunt will be embarrassed." Du Yutong made a gesture to silence her and chatted with Jiang Shuyue about other things.

From the chat, Jiang Shuyue learned that the person who helped make connections was actually Nangong Zeyue's senior brother.

He has been doing the medicinal materials business in Beijing for many years and knows many merchants who travel from north to south.

The embroiderer of the cloth that Madam Su sent to the Du Mansion was working intensively. There were not many embroiderers in the Du Mansion, and it was estimated that it would take a few days to finish it.

When Aunt Du learned that Jiang Shuyue had arrived, she quickly put down her work and came to chat with her.

Perhaps because of her good mood, Aunt Du's skin was glowing, and she looked kind and gentle in her beauty.

"Aunt Du looks really good, I guess everything is going well and she is happy." Jiang Shuyue said, raising her eyebrows mischievously and smiling at Du Yutong.

Du Wenru replied with a smile, "Yue'er really guessed it right, the business is booming, Yutong and her brother's marriage are settled, and the stone in my heart has finally fallen to the ground."

Jiang Shuyue and the others knew it tacitly. Aunt Du was an elder, so how dare they make fun of the elder.

After drinking a cup of tea and sitting for a while, Jiang Shuyue got up and said goodbye.

At night, Jiang Shuyue went to the space to take a bath and then flashed out of the space with her hair draped over her.

When she walked out of the bathroom, she smelled a faint cold bamboo fragrance in the air.

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