Even though the right minister was deep in thought, he almost understood after hearing this that his family's affairs had already been thoroughly investigated.

I have been busy with official duties recently and have not been to my mother-in-law's house. The right minister knows about the death of a servant girl.

In a wealthy family, not to mention the death of an old servant, even if a maid or servant did something wrong and was beaten to death, no one would care.

Lu Zhizhou nodded to express his belief in what he said.

"Your Majesty, I understand. Please come back, Prime Minister. The servant girl will not be able to escape if she is killed. The son and daughter-in-law of the Meng Mansion servant must be compensated for what they deserve. The brothel prostitutes were sold to brothels after they were photographed since they were young. I don't know if they have passed." Her family has no way of finding out what happened to her."

Lu Zhizhou's meaning was very clear. If the deceased's family could not be found in the brothel, there would be no need for compensation.

Not openly summoning him and his wife during a life-threatening lawsuit was already considered favoritism.

The Right Prime Minister stood up and bowed his hands, "Thank you, Mr. Lu. I will repay you for what you have done today."

"The right Prime Minister is too polite to repay you. Just take care of the inner house and don't kill anyone again. If I remember correctly, my concubine has not yet left the cabinet. Madam's actions will hinder the marriage affairs of the young masters and ladies."

Lu Zhizhou said and returned the greeting, "Your Majesty, please go slowly. I have to go into the palace."

"Enter the palace!"

"Yes, go into the palace and report to the emperor. Foreign envoys have come to the capital recently. Any murder case must be reported to the emperor."

"How come I don't know about this?" the right minister gasped.

As for Mrs. Huang, if the emperor finds out about it, he will definitely think that the daughter of the Cui family has no virtue, and it will be impossible for his daughter to enter the palace.

The right minister wanted to ask Lu Zhizhou to conceal the murder, but in the end he opened his mouth and said nothing.

In today's case, Lu Zhizhou was already showing his superiority. He was asking someone to bend the law for personal gain, and it would be too shameless to ask someone to bully the emperor again.

Lu Zhizhou looked at the right minister meaningfully, "There is no airtight wall in the world. There is a young lady in the house who has not left the cabinet. It is better for the right minister to discuss the marriage as soon as possible. I will say this."

"Unfortunate family background, thank you very much."

Right Prime Minister Hei returned to the palace with a sullen face, and directly showed off his cards with his wife, "The emperor will soon know that you are a good teacher of your daughter. Forget about entering the palace. Quickly find a matchmaker to arrange a marriage for your daughter. We will get married as soon as possible, the sooner. The better.”

Mrs. Cui's throat has recovered. She can't eat or sleep well these days. Although she expected this result, she is still unwilling to accept it.

Listening to her husband's sarcastic words, tears flowed down her cheeks, "Husband, Die'er has a soft spot for the emperor. How do you want me to say this to her?"

"Why didn't you discuss this with me when you first did this? Do you think your husband is a first-class minister and you can do whatever you want?!"

"Stupid! If Mr. Lu hadn't saved my face today, you and your family would have been reunited in the Yamen."

The Right Prime Minister became more and more angry as he spoke and couldn't help but raise his voice.

"Is that all for myself? Don't even think about it. The emperor has announced that Enke will be opened this autumn. From now on, the court will be full of talents. The emperor is still so young. It's hard to say how long you can sit in the position of right minister."

"Our daughter is both talented and beautiful. If she enters the palace and wins the emperor's favor, why should you fear that a young talent will soon take your place."

"But that shouldn't make people..."

Listening to what the lady said that spoke to his heart, the tone of the right minister's words softened obviously.

The maids outside the door peeked into the room one after another. When the housekeeper in the courtyard heard the quarrel between the master and his wife, she quickly sent all the maids out.

Mrs. Cui had never been reprimanded by her husband in this way before, and she was so aggrieved that tears fell down her eyes.

The right minister sat down dejectedly, his whole body slumped in the armchair.

Mrs. Cui cried for a while and saw that her husband did not comfort her as warmly as usual. She raised her hand to wipe away her tears and looked at the right minister who was expressionless.

"Now that the matter has come to this, you can't blame me. As the wife of the Cui family, I think I am worthy of my children, including your children who were born as concubines. Ask yourself, have I ever treated them harshly?"

"Madam, it is meaningless to talk about this at this time. If the incident about Mrs. Huang spreads, it will be difficult to negotiate a good marriage for my daughter."

Mrs. Cui usually does things according to rules, but today she was so confused that she lost her sense of proportion.

Being reminded again by her husband, her eyes that were still tear-stained showed a glint of light.

"My husband has come into contact with many upstarts, but do you know whose son has a good character and a bright future?"

"What do you mean, madam, for your husband to be chosen from among the sons who have just joined the court as officials?"

Mrs. Cui nodded, "Of course, is it possible that we still keep an eye on those poor scholars in the academy who have an uncertain future?"


The right prime minister rarely meets young people who have just entered the officialdom. The only person who often meets him in the court is Lin Xianzhi.

He thought for a moment and said, "Madam, do you still remember the Minister of the Ministry of Finance that I mentioned to you?"

Mrs. Cui nodded, "I know. The great meritorious minister who was removed from acting as head and became a full-time official in Jiangzhou is also a close minister of the emperor. I also heard them mention it when I was with other officials and family members."

"How about his character? He became the Minister of the Ministry of Finance at a young age, and his future is bound to be limitless. Die'er likes a husband who is handsome and talented. If he is too ugly, Die'er won't do it. willing.”

Mrs. Cui understands her daughter's thoughts best. The emperor she saw at the gate of the city was an ordinary-looking man.

She would not quietly draw his portrait again and again after returning home.

The Right Prime Minister said thoughtfully: "Mr. Lin's appearance is impeccable, not much inferior to the emperor, and he is also a handsome young man, but he is not easy to get close to. He also came to the capital from Yannan.

All the ministers guessed that he had a close relationship with the emperor, but the emperor did not take any special care of him. This man is a good candidate, but I don't know if Mr. Lin is planning to marry."

Mrs. Cui became interested when she heard that he was handsome, "My husband, since Die'er has no orders to serve the emperor, you should find a way to invite Mr. Lin to have a cup of tea tomorrow and find out if he is planning to marry."

The daughter of the Prime Minister's mansion must be the legal wife.

Looking around the capital, the Right Prime Minister could not think of any other young man who could catch his daughter's eye.

The child of the Zhendaxueshi family is not bad, with a clear wind and bright moon, and a noble family. If he hears rumors in the future, he will definitely not tolerate his daughter.

The right minister agreed immediately, "I will go to find out Mr. Lin's mood tomorrow. Please take care of Die'er. I'm afraid she will find it difficult to accept this result."

The right minister actually thought too much. From the moment Huang Pozi was taken away by the yamen runners, she knew that she should wake up from her dream of becoming a concubine.

In the study, Cui Yudie finished painting a profile and threw the brush aside. Her eyes were red when she saw the person in the painting.

Liu Xu felt sorry for the young lady who was depressed all day long, and comforted her: "Young lady, don't look at it. Put it all away. I will accompany you to the City God Temple to burn a stick of incense and ask the Bodhisattva to bless the young lady to make her wish come true."

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